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(RR here) Come into my Tent o' Fourtune


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*As you open the tent flap a cloud of insence smoke billows out.  You have to crouch down to enter and find yourself in a dark, cramped tent.  There is no furniture, but pillows  of varying degrees of fluffiness crowding the space.  There, lounging on one of the pillows, awaits a Faelene your scrawny raw recruit fortune teller, ready to tell your fortune.*


****Disclaimer. . . . All fortunes are told under the influence of strong drink (thanks to all of you and your welcoming)****


Please tell me what aspect of your life you would like to know about.

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Oooh, a fourtune teller! I wanna hear some four-beat tunes!!


*walks into the tent*


Ah, I see... you are a drunk person who only wants to read my hand or some such nonsense... you aren't here to sing me a song at all! Hmph. ;D


Very well... tell me how I am going to die.


*nods and drops down onto one of the pillows* ;)

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*pokes wooly*




I think our RLO wasnt being clear enough...*shakes head*


Sorry hun but you are suppose to start this thread in the archery range at the off site boards :P




So if you would please re-start this thread over there! ;D


Thanx ever so much hun :D


Ow my I totally forgot to introduce myself properly :o, I am Amavia the Archers CG!

Welcome to the band I hope you time with all regiments will be fun!

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*catches the rock pebbles and starts juggling*



If you want your fortune to be told youll just have to come back to us Wooly!!


Then youll be able to have your fortune told at you old home...te range ;D



*throws rocks back at wooly*

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