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The whole thing was kinda surreal. He was going on a mission -- one that was not sanctioned by his fathers. But the rest of his day had gone as expected, classes and training and then a walk home. Kai made a point of telling everyone he was leaving to go North for a while. Everyone congratulated him and wished him luck. Some even muttered it's about time under their breath when he walked away. He'd been talking about it for so long it was hard to believe it was real.


Walking home, Kai had a certain skip to his step. He was joyous and ready for anything. Probably a good thing to stay upbeat. He Still had to talk to his fathers. Or rather singular father. Merdyn was off doing the diplomat thing when he arrived. It was a last minute, which meant his father, Nox, was the only one home. That made leaving all the harder. Who would take care of him?


His father sat in his room curled up with a good book. Blankets and pillows that had been previously used by his love surrounded his entire body.  Kai always found it sweet the way his fathers doted on one another. It was a love he wished to have one day -- maybe.  He didn't know. Being that close to someone... He still had a long way to go.


His father looked up. "I hear you have some big news for me and your father."


Of course, he knew. There wasn't a single person in who knew Kai, who didn't know his fathers -- and who wouldn't tell him the big news he'd been blabbing about all day. "So you mad?"


His father smirked. "Should I be?"


"No." Kai sat down on the edge of the bed. "But I thought there would be a loud discussion."


"You never needed our permission, Kai. Just your own permission. I'll be fine. I took care of myself before you or your father came along."


Kai laughed. "I even had a good argument."


"I know. Cass is going." The smirk returned. "Go fetch some water and we'll make a fair-the-well soup together." This wasn't one of his specialities, but soup was the best he could do when stress was as high as it was. Some days, you didn't see the taint on his father's face, but today, with his other father gone, it was ever present. And it would make the next few days even harder to leave. But tonight... soup!



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