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The Gwampy Thread

loki redfern

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Hey, Grandpa!!!

What's for supper???


Well we got home made chicken fryin' in the pan.


There lotsa watermelon...man, oh, man.


Some turnip greens...and some black eyed peas.


All smothered in gravy...give me seconds, please!!!








If you don't get this post, you are too young to remember Grandpa Jones doing this bit on the corniest show in Cornfield County...




Starring Buck Owens and Roy Clark.

"I'm a pickin'".

"And I'm a grinnin'".

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I know you're probably tired of hearing it, but I'm gonna say it again anyway...OMG!!!  Please find a way to get rich from your talent!  Imagine doing what you enjoy doing AND getting paid to do it!!!


I also liked your "idiots" observation...uuuhhhhmmm...wait a minute...that could include....







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Very profound.

And deep.

Sad, but true.


It's usually harder to find real thinkers than it is to find an idiot.

Or a First Fool.


* merrily juggles his balls as if he were in his "right" mind *

* that disappeared when he returned to the world of fantasy *

* he has no regrets *

* sanity is highly over-rated *


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* extends a deep, sweeping, respectful bow to her majesty *

* jingle bells on his First Fool's hat make a tinkling sound *

* hides balls back up his sleeve in a graceful motion giving the illusion of real magic *

As you desire, my queen.


It has once again been a pleasure spamming these threads with you all, but, sadly I must go spend some time with the grand-dog who is spending the night.  Have a good one!  :)

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