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The Gwampy Thread

loki redfern

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well it's about time!!!


I thought that I was going to have to use the reply box at the top of the page...AGAIN !!!


I know... I know... if I would just give in and join the rest of the world in the fast lane.


It reminds me of being a little old lady trying to cross the street at a busy intersection with no traffic light. Everyone else is shooting through the intersection at high speed. Even if she was in a car she wouldn't stand a chance. On foot, all she can do is wait until the traffic cop finally shows up from his break and motions for her to cross. She can either buy a fast car or wait. I choose to wait. And yes, complain. That's what old people do isn't it? My back hurts. I can't afford to fly to Jamaica for a winter vacation. My grandkids don't want to be around me any more. All of my friends are dead.


Speaking of dead, no I am not... I've just been very very busy. The weather here has been absolutely delightful with the exception of a few days a week or so ago when it was so hot you could fry eggs on rocks. Putting new siding on my house is taking all summer as expected. The roof will have to wait for fall. Unless I fall off the ladder and break some bones or puncture some organs or something. I'm off work tonight because the doctor told me I had to. Otherwise I wouldn't have had time to check in. Nothing serious I hope. Already ruled out a blood clot in a vein. Might be retaining water. Don't know. That's the other thing about old people besides complaining. Talking about deterioration of body parts and/or functions. We do it to try to get sympathy but it seldom does more than turn off the listener. See what I mean?


Anyway... Hi and bye until the next time I can spare a few moments.




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