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The Gwampy Thread

loki redfern

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it was a very new idea, that the president could be like any common criminal. it was the thing that made everyone so jaded that we all think everyone does it now.


maybe they did then. but we didn't all know it.


it was a crime. it murdered our innocence and our ability to believe in things better than ourselves.


hard to see it that way from this side, but i do remember looking up to people. stupid as that was looking back on it i guess. but... it was a good thing also.

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I suppose that makes sense. Hereditary monarchy had been known for a thousand years at least to be capable of scumminess, but they weren't freely elected by their constituents.


It is difficult to understand, though, the mindset that says that a person who has in whatever way obtained a position of power and authority must of a certainty be deserving of it.

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It doesn't help that part of the Amerikan character has always involved a bit of a pushback against authority, though the nature of that pushback has varied wildly over the years. I don't think the immediate and unqualifying distrust people have when anyone in authority speaks these days is any healthier than blind obedience, though.

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That's the sort of thing I'm talking about. My boss seems to have this outlook where he believes everyone in the world is out to take advantage of and cheat someone else. I can't think that way - I mean, what would the point be in engaging in society at that point?

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Stable bills.






Vet bills.








Cleaning up pooh and pee.


Getting kicked.


Saddle sores.


Getting bucked off.


Sugar cubes.


Dental bills.






Used car salesmen transitioned from being horse traders.


Try as they may, few of them ever get stinking rich and they live with tarnish on their reputations every day.


I'd like to be a professional gambler but they get the same bad rap as used car salesmen... not a trade that your grandma would approve of... but still a step above dealing Mary Jane.


How did I get started on all of this?


Oh, yeah... HORSES!!! :biggrin:

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Err, Gwen is the one that got chucked off a bridge. MJ just gets chucked off bridges in various adaptational media that want to reference the Death of Gwen Stacy story without fridging MJ or using a character that's been dead for forty years.

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* hasn't the foggiest *





Wifey is watching the Disney version of Scrooge...AGAIN!!!


Oh, well.


That's her thing.


I shouldn't talk... I just spent an hour writing stuff that only twenty people in the whole world will ever see.


A person must enjoy something.

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Some days I'm younger than other days. Most days I'm 57. Until April Fool's Day.






I've reconsidered last week's comment. Who cares if only 2 people read my writing as long as I enjoy it. And what's an hour or two here or there? How many people in this country go MONTHS without actually enjoying ANYTHING!!! I like to RP (or anyway that's what I call it). It's free. It gives me pleasure. If somebody doesn't like it, they don't have to read it. No harm done. A few hundred bytes that could have been wasted elsewhere. And, after I'm dead and gone who knows...maybe I'll get famous posthumously!!! :biggrin:

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