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The Gwampy Thread

loki redfern

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There's a promotional cast photo that was released a couple months ago floating around out there somewhere, but I'm at work and not very inclined to hunt. Has the usual Tim Burton suspects, with Johnny Depp front and center. You might try Dark Horizons.

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If you say so. Looks kinda like someone Photoshopped a recolored Johnny Depp face onto Brad Pitt from Interview with a Vampire. The shots I've seen all put him in fairly ordinary period-relevant suiting. Plus they misspelled the character's name.


Couldn't find that cast picture on Dark Horizons, but I did run across a reminder that Michelle Pfeiffer is in it. Only been like twenty years since the last time she was in a Burton film.

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I remember being scared by Dark Shadows. It was on in the afternoon after I got home from school. As I remember it was just another boring soap opera before the vampire thing. Took it to overnight fame. Of course, back then we only had CBS, NBC and ABC to choose from unless you lived in a major city that might have PBS. Where I lived it was mainly CBS. My grandparents had no electricity and used an out house until I was probably ten. Pitcher pump for kitchen water. Wood stove in the living room for heat. Yes. I remember Dark Shadows. My mom and dad had electricity AND a television. And a phone (on a party line, of course). We had it good. But, visiting grandpa and grandma was still always a special treat. They both loved me.

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i remember it very much the same way.


except mom and me lived with grandma, and we had indoor plumbing, though the remains of the outhouse were still out back. and we had a gas boiler, and radiators, though we were often out of gas.


i bet you're not very much older than me at all, if you were scared of dark shadows after school.


were you as annoyed by the watergate hearings as i was?

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i remember it very much the same way.


except mom and me lived with grandma, and we had indoor plumbing, though the remains of the outhouse were still out back. and we had a gas boiler, and radiators, though we were often out of gas.


i bet you're not very much older than me at all, if you were scared of dark shadows after school.


were you as annoyed by the watergate hearings as i was?




I'll be 58 this April Fool's Day (thus First Fool of Fiddlesticks).


I wasn't much into politics when Watergate took place. Come to think of it, I still don't take the whole political scene very seriously. Tremendous over use of taxpayer's money IMO. A good dictator could probably do as good much cheaper. Until he got his butt blown away by some goody two shoes democratic country that is. (just realized that some people might disagree with those thoughts).


Wifey needs the phone. See everybody next week (good lord willing and the creek don't rise).

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