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The Gwampy Thread

loki redfern

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There once was a Gwampy from Mobile


Who's life was as dull as a bull's heel.


He tightened his gut


And opened his butt.


"Guess that just ain't no big deal."



GrandpaG original...brand new today.  :D

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  • 2 months later...

* GrandpaG stands up straight and faces those who remain seated in his circle *

* checks the shine on the top of his shoes *

* it's OK *

* looks back up *

I'm GrandpaG.

And I'm...a...spamaholic.

* eyes drop back to shoes *

* they stay fixed on the reflection *

* he's deep in reflection *

* the others respond in unison *

Welcome, GrandpaG.

* the monotone echo reverberates then fades *

* the old guy's eyes show some moistness *

* head still down *

* courage is coming up, though *

* he slowly raises his head and faces his peers *

I'm getting better.

* a long thoughtful pause *

At the peak of my spaminess, I visited Fiddlesticks every day.

Other parts of Dragonmount, too...but mainly Fiddlesticks.

I...enjoyed...being there.  :-[

* eyes start to sag shoe ward once more *

* but Gramps snaps his head back up defiantly *

* throws his shoulders back *

* puffs out his chest *

* glares proudly at the crowd *

I'll make no excuses for my past.

At that time, I had no idea how things would end.

I had not yet realized the dangers of repeated trips into the amazingly wonderful world of fantasy.

* what he has just admitted sinks in *

* his eyes bulge *


* he covers his eyes with the palms of his hands *

* his knees give out *

* he tumbles backward into his chair *

* his body shudders and he begins to weep...loudly...shamelessly *

* hands appear from both directions to pat his shoulders in knowing sympathy *

It's OK, GrandpaG.

We understand.

* the old dude sobs, then produces a colorful handkerchief from his left sleeve *

* a really long one *

* it's tied to another *

* that one's kinda pink colored and silky to the touch *

* he keeps tugging and more are produced *

* as the last one exits, he gives it a flourish *

* the crowd applauds *

* most of the other spammers are smiling *

* the leader frowns at them *

Don't encourage him!


* abashed looks abound *




* from downstairs the news arrives *

This chili is nice and hot!

Come and get some!



* GrandpaG realizes that he has been spamming the Gwampy thread again *

* feels slightly shamed...yet, somehow...GOOD! *

* showing how much control he has gained over his habit, GrandpaG goes to eat some chili *



Bye for now,



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