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Twyla Santagar

Nickname: Wylie

Age: 25

Weapon Score: 0

Home City: ?

Personality: Wylie is very stubborn and has the temper

of a young child. She’ll pick a fight with anyone and

has no trouble standing up for herself. She is

ignorant and bull headed, always right even if it

kills her –which it nearly has a few times. They say

every woman has a softer side, well not Wylie. If

things don’t go her way, she’ll kill you, or at least

try. She can curse, spit, steal and fight like any man

and doesn’t hide it.


Physical: Wylie’s blonde, almost white hair is cut

short, mimicking a boy’s cut. Her longer stands in the

front are swept to the side to keep out of her eyes,

but in the back it is short and spiky. Her sky blue

eyes are harsh and narrow. She is tall and slim,

standing nearly 6 feet tall. Being a vagabond, Wylie

doesn’t get to eat the richest of foods, and is bone

thin, almost sickly. Her clothing normally consists of

dark colors as to not attract attention, and her long

cloak hides any weapon she managed to steal from her

latest prey.


Background: Wylie was born the youngest of seven

children and six years younger than her youngest

sister. Growing up was harsh, not only was her family

poor, but her siblings picked on her physically and

mentally from the day she was born. Her bed consisted

of a pillow and blanket strewn in the farthest cob

webby corner of the bedroom, farthest from the fire.

She’d often watch grudgingly as her siblings would

sing and dance with her parents and picked fights with

them. She never once listened to her mother or spoke

nicely to her father. Spankings, soap in the mouth and

lectures were daily occurrences for Wylie. But when

she got too old for those and they proved not to work,

her parents merely gave up on discipline and didn’t

pay any attention to her at all. It was as if she

weren’t even born.


When Wylie was 16, one of her siblings took the fresh

hot fire poker and stuck her in the back of the leg.

All wrath and hatred poured out of her as she screamed

with indignation and pain. She shoved her brother

backward into the roaring fire place and with the fury

still consuming her; Wylie kicked ashes on top of him

as he struggled for help. His excruciating screams

alerted the rest of the family. But before they could

arrive, Wylie had fled, leaving her brother smoldering

in the fire place, alive just long enough to tell them

who killed him.


She wanted to go back. Not to apologize, but to kill

them all. Tears streaming down her face; she vowed

never to let anyone pick on her again. But that didn’t

last long. A few days of being on her own, tired and

starving, she was picked up by a jewelry merchant

named Waltar Hibbing. He took her in as a guard,

allowing her to be an apprentice with his best, a

young man named Reed Metlar. Waltar would watch their

training sessions and often stared at Wylie with

wandering eyes. Not long after joining the train,

Waltar announced that Wylie would be his wife –much to

Wylie’s surprise. The man was much bigger in size and

skilled with a weapon for Wylie to protect herself.

She was often raped and abused by her “husband” and

the whole caravan knew about it. For months, Reed

would whisper about finding help for Wylie and had

even gone so far as to hide her from Waltar. The next

morning Reed was found dead. Wylie knew her only hope

was to defend herself or live with the abuse until she

shared Reed’s fate.


A few nights after the death of her only friend,

Waltar came to Wylie looking to be satisfied. Wylie

teased him, made him believe she wanted it, and as the

round man forced himself onto her, she did it. The

knife Reed had given her stabbed Waltar in the inside

of the thigh, just below his groin. The man screamed

violently and Wylie jabbed the blade in farther,

turning it exactly as Reed taught her. Extracting the

knife and replanting it in his back, Wylie watched—raw

emotions burning from her eyes—as the fat monster died

heavily on top of her. After a few silent moments for

Wylie to regain her sanity, she heaved the naked body

over, dressed quickly and left before anyone even

realized their boss was dead. She managed to steal a

few things before disappearing though, a bag of coin

and two small boxes of jewelry.


For years, that has been Wylie’s life. She lives in

solitude at least until the money runs out. She then

finds another merchant, mercenary or rich man to bed

and steal from. Some she kills, others only end up

wounded. Though she’s sure her reputation will catch

up with her one day, her tactics never seem to fail:

there’s one thing all men have in common, the desire

for a pretty girl in their bed.





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