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[MOVIE] New JJ Abrams promo... genius!


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Guest Emperor

For those of you that saw this new trailer and are confused and trying to figure out what it is... Let's catch you up.


That BAD ROBOT produced trailer that touts J.J. Abrams name and has a cute moment with the Statue of Liberty... well, that's the start of what promises to be a very unique marketing campaign. What's the title of the film? Well, the cover name is CLOVERFIELD, but that is not the title of the film. In fact there is no title for the film - and I wouldn't put it past JJ to release a film with no title.


Now What Is The Film About?


That's been tightly underwraps too. 


There are two new viral sites for the new JJ Abrams project, and some of the names thrown around on the sites, including Mezin, Alhazred, and references to a "Mad" prophet lead me (and several bloggers) to believe this project has something to do with Lovecraft's Old Ones.


So it looks like it is going to be about ancients rising up and it might be filmed entirely by handheld cameras.  Paramount is being extremely protective of this project. 


From Variety:


While unleashing "Transformers" onscreen this week, Paramount also lifted the lid on a top-secret project in the form of a teaser trailer for a new film, "Cloverfield."


"Cloverfield," which revolves around a monster attack in New York as told from the point of view of a small group of people, is being produced by J.J. Abrams. It is being directed by Matt Reeves, who co-created "Felicity" with Abrams, and is written by Drew Goddard, who has worked with Abrams on "Lost" and "Alias."


Paramount greenlighted the project under a veil of heavy secrecy in February, about the same time that Abrams agreed to the take over the directing reins of the new "Star Trek" film.


The casting process was just as mysterious. No scripts or even scene pages were sent out; agents who were contacted were simply asked if their client wanted to be in the movie or not. Eventually a cast, made up mostly of relative unknowns, was put together; it includes Michael Stahl-David ("The Black Donnellys"), Odet Jasmin, Mike Vogel ("Supercross") and Lizzy Kaplan ("The Class").


The movie, which is believed to have a relatively modest budget of about $30 million, began shooting in mid-June in New York. With "Transformers" generating huge tracking numbers in the weeks before its release, the studio decided to put footage from "Cloverfield" in a teaser in front of "Transformers" to build buzz.


After first presenting the Paramount and Bad Robot logos -- Bad Robot being Abrams' shingle -- the trailer opens with scenes from a surprise going-away party in a New York bar with a view of the city. Before long, a thundering roar is heard, and by the time guests run downstairs, pandemonium and flaming debris are hitting the streets. After a huge explosion at the lower end of Manhattan, what appears to be the head of the Statue of Liberty comes hurtling up the street like a giant projectile.


The trailer's footage is shot by a hand-held camera, home-movie style, giving it a sort of "Armageddon" meets " The Blair Witch Project" feel, though it is not clear if the entire movie follows that style. While the trailer does not reveal the name of the movie, it does announce a release date of Jan. 18.


Several copies of the trailer, seemingly shot in theaters with a camcorder, were posted on YouTube by Thursday morning. But by Thursday afternoon, some links had been taken down, replaced by an advisory saying, "This video is no longer available due to a copyright claim by Paramount Pictures Corp."


Producing the movie along with Abrams is Bryan Burk, who has worked on such Abrams shows as "Lost," "Six Degrees" and "What About Brian." Guy Riedel and Sherryl Clark are executive producing.


"Cloverfield" is shooting in New York.

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Guest Majsju

Interesting indeed, everything mentioned in the article about the film makes me really wanting to find out more about it.

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Guest Emperor

I just hope this is not another Godzilla.  It had genius marketing (meaning just enough to tease but not enough to give anything away).  I really hope they show us little of the movie and just keep teasing us. 


Also search Youtube for the viral marketing campaign concerning.. err... what is his name..... EthanHaasWasRight.Com  Indications are the this has something to do with the marketing...

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • Moderator

Here's another version of the poster, without the text.




I've heard that there are several versions of the poster with "monstrous", "ferocious" and "barbarous". Harry Knowles has dropped hints that the actual title will be "Colossus".


The Cthulhu rumors seem to come from the roaring sound heard in the trailer. Apparently, its a real sound, just blown up big. It's called "The Bloop" and its famous in monster hunting circles.




The sound, traced to somewhere around 50° S 100° W (South American southwest coast), was detected repeatedly by the Equatorial Pacific Ocean autonomous hydrophone array, which uses U.S. Navy equipment originally designed to detect Soviet submarines. According to the NOAA description, it "rises rapidly in frequency over about one minute and was of sufficient amplitude to be heard on multiple sensors, at a range of over 5,000 km." Though it matches the audio profile of a living creature, there is no known animal that could have produced the sound. If it is an animal, it would have to be, reportedly, much larger than even a Blue Whale, according to scientists who have studied the phenomenon.


The site of the Bloop is remarkably close to the site of the fictional city of R'lyeh from H. P. Lovecraft's short story "The Call of Cthulhu", where an ancient undersea monster (Cthulhu) lies sleeping. Lovecraft said that R'lyeh is located at 47°9′S, 123°43′W in the southern Pacific Ocean, with the bloop also being targeted somewhere in that range [1].
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  • 4 weeks later...

Dread Central claim to have an inside source on the "Cloverfield/1-18-08" project who has talked a bit about the monster we can expect to see:


"It's not Godzilla or Voltron (duh) or even Cthulu; anyone expecting there to be some sort of elaborately detailed backstory may be in for a disappointment.


Expect an old-fashioned monster movie retold in a very modern Blair Witch sort of way - but with a twist. You see that giant monster that emerges from the ocean to begin laying waste to New York City ... it didn't come alone.


Much of the movie will revolve around the characters fleeing for their lives, not from the big one stomping the city, but from the "raptor-like" smaller versions hunting them down.


Word from the start has been that this would not be a mega-budget movie and the digital effects work needed for a giant monster trashing New York City would no doubt cost a heck of a lot more than street level action of people being chased by smaller monsters."

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