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Staff Reshuffle


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Due to a lot of stuff going on in her life, and because I'd rather she has fun here rather than having to stress while she has genuinely important stuff to deal with, I've accepted Claire's resignation as the Freelander second.


As things currently stand, the staff are myself at the top of the food chain.  Then underneath we have Arie as the biochecker, score manager and site maintainer and we have Telcia and Arette dual handling the Kin.  Anything those three don't cover, I do.


And don't worry, Claire is still around as much as she can be so its definitely not goodbye, otherwise I'd break her ankles so she couldn't walk away.  ;D  But, just so you all know.

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Guest Arie Ronshor

:( I'm sorry to see Claire step down, but I saw it coming..  *snuggles* Please take care!






Wait... that puts me as Second..... ?!?!?! 



[insert maniacal cackle here]

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