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SG Division 'Declare Your Love to Dias Week' :D

Ranulf Ryan

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And on that beautiful note, I must call this week of celebration of me to an end. It was, as our glorious Rahvin declared it, Declare Your Love To Dias WEEK, and that week is now expired.


Ell, you get extra points for bringing people back on topic. *nod nod* Well done.

James... Well... nah, I'll save it for later.


I will return soon with my judgement, who wins what awards! Until then, farewell!

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Hehe, ok, the votes are in, and now I must declare the winners of the 7 Awards of Dias. I was really surprised at the level of response to this thread, surprised that one of Rand's mad ideas actually worked. Just kidding, boss! It was also quite difficult to decide who should win what in a few cases. So, without much further ado, THE WINNERS ARE:


1. Most Mushy -

This one wasn't too hard. Actually, I considered giving it to Roka for his humourously hidden insult, but it just has to be James! No one else sang and played the violin in an Italian serenade for me! Well done James!



2. Most Corny -

This one had a few people I could've awarded it to. Jasonr, Marak, and Quibby in particular spring to mind. All three made me laugh, but I think in this instance Marak takes the cake. Go Marak, the Most Corny winner!


3. Most Likely A Schizo

Devon. (Did any of you read what he wrote?! Keep him away from me... :wink: )


4. Probably Serious

Roka was brutally honest and brilliantly clever in his feigned dislike of me and the way he showed it, and for this I award him the Probably Serious Award!


5. Most Unique

James wins again! Need I say anything? An Italian Aria, dammit! ITALIAN ARIA!


6. Most Likely to Become a Stalker

Ellorian. 'nuff said. :wink:


7. Dias' Love of His Life Award

The one, the only, Ranulf Ryan Rahvin Rand, fresh back from his sun holiday in the Bahamas! You rock, Rand! YOU FREAKIN' ROCK!

........ plus he slipped me a twenty.... *ahem*


There it is, folks, this concludes this week/month/year's 7 Awards of Dias! I hope you all had fun, I know I did! Thank you, and goodnight!


Dias Flac

Exploder of Stuff

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darn it, that two minutes of thinking to make that poem all went to waste...


Ok, you forgot to say who the next "declare you love" person would be, I think that you are now supposed to say another person for us to declare our love to.

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