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Each listed place is described in a post below with details on that area and its people. For the towns, more information can be found by looking it up, but beware of possible spoilers. Not all cities/towns will be listed for each country.



  • Altara
    • Capital: Ebou Dar
    • Other Cities/Towns/Villages:
      • Malden
      • Coramen
      • Jurador
      • Mosra
      • Salidar
      • Runnien Crossing


  • Amadicia
    • Capital: Amador
    • Other Cities/Towns/Villages:
      • Abila
      • Almizar
      • Bellon,
      • Jeramel
      • Mardecin
      • Sienda


  • Andor
    • Capital: Caemlyn
    • Other Cities/Towns/Villages:
      • Aringill
      • Baerlon
      • Breen's Spring
      • The Two Rivers; it consists of the villages of Emond's Field, Deven Ride, Taren Ferry and Watch Hill.
      • Whitebridge


  • Arad Doman
    • Capital: Bandar Eban
    • Other Cities/Towns/Villages:
      • Darluna
      • Katar


  • Arafel
    • Capital: Shol Arbela
    • Other Cities/Towns/Villages:
      • Jakanda
      • Silverwall Keeps
      • Tifan's Well


  • Cairhien
    • Capital: Cairhein
    • Other Cities/Towns/Villages:
      • Eianrod

      • Jurene

      • Maerone

      • Morelle

      • Selean

      • Taien

      • Tremonsien


  • Ghealdan
    • Capital: Jehannah
    • Other Cities/Towns/Villages:
      • Bethal

      • Boannda

      • Cosamelle

      • Fyall

      • Jarra

      • Samara

      • Sidon

      • Tallan

      • Willar

  • Illian
    • Capital: Illian
    • Other Cities/Towns/Villages: Unknown


  • Kandor
    • Capital: Chachin
    • Other Cities/Towns/Villages:
      • Canluum
      • Manaka
      • Ravinda
      • South Mettler


  • Murandy
    • Capital: Lugard
    • Other Cities/Towns/Villages:
      • Hinderstap

      • Inishlinn

      • Mindea

      • Trustair

  • Saldaea
    • Capital: Maradon
    • Other Cities/Towns/Villages:
      • Irinjavar

      • Kayacun

      • Mehar

  • Shienar
    • Capital: Fal Moran
    • Other Cities/Towns/Villages:
      • Ankor Dail

      • Camron Caan

      • Fal Eisen

      • Fal Sion

      • Medo

      • Mos Shirare

  • Tarabon
    • Capital: Tanchico
    • Other Cities/Towns/Villages:
      • Alcruna

      • Elmora

      • Maracru

      • Nassad

      • Serana

  • Tear
    • Capital: Tear
    • Other Cities/Towns/Villages:
      • Godan


Independent City States:

  • Far Madding
  • Mayene
  • Tar Valon



  • Aiel (Three-Fold Land, "The Waste")
  • Atha'an Miere (Sea Folk Isles, the Oceans)
  • Seanchan





Edited by Jagen Sedai
Posted (edited)

Under each section will be some information about that area and a bit on culture and appearance. This is just an introduction to the cultures of the Westlands.


A Note About Race


The text here mostly comes from the Wheel of Time RPG book. It is meant to be a guideline and short introduction to each culture in WoT. That said, the Westlands is fairly diverse in terms of race, and while many of the countries' descriptions might contain words like "pale skinned" or "light", this doesn't mean you have to have your character exactly look that way if you want to come from a particular setting. For example, Andor is listed as having mostly "light" skinned people, but the first ever queen of Andor was "as dark as one of the Sea Folk."

Considering how the world changed during the Breaking, it's reasonable to believe many countries are, in fact, quite diverse even as certain traits show up primarily in one place. For example, a Saldaean woman who is described as having a copper skin tone, like those from Arad Doman, could be showing some mixed heritage between the two countries (and they are right next to each other).

Other general "rules" about appearance, for example red hair being very rare outside of the Aiel, some Saldaeans and the current royal family in Andor, might be adhered to--you're unlikely to find someone from Tear or any of the south coastal countries with red hair. Cairhein folk are short and often described as the palest in the Westlands, while Sea Folk are the darkest, so it stands to reason any number of skin tones can be found throughout the other countries.

Finally, people from the continent of Seanchan seem to be the most diverse at all and can take any skin/hair/eye color combination you can think of.



Much of Altaran culture and fame lies in its main city, the large port of Ebou Dar. While many call the residents of this city the Ebou Dari, the rest of Altara also has a vibrant and colorful presence in the Westlands. Renowned for their festivals as much for their dagger-dueling, Altarans tend to think of themselves as belonging to their region or city, not generally their kingdom.

  • Culture: Altarans are justly famous for the significance of daggers in their culture. Duels are commonplace, even to the death. A woman will even wear a necklace around her neck, with stones on the hilt to represent her children, and the color of the wrap indicates her marriage status. Different colors tell of the state of the child, whether they are alive or not, if they died in a duel, and other things. She is to stab the husband with it if he ever displeases her. Altarans have many festivals, including the Festival of the Birds, during which Ebou Dari natives will dress in feathered costumes and masks, and the Festival of Lanterns (which is not unique to them), during which fancy colorful paper lanterns are hung from windows, tree branches, and anything else that can hold lanterns. Indeed, Altarans know how to celebrate their holidays.
  • Appearance: Altarans have olive skin and dark hair and eyes. They are shorter in general than other Westlanders. Scars are considered beauty marks. To complement their olive skin, Altarans tend to favor light shades of clothes. The men often wear vests, and frequently without shirts, while the women wear snug dresses that show a lot of cleavage (and their marriage knives). Both men and women like jewelry, including rings and earrings.
  • Psychology: Though many consider them violent in their customs, Altarans, and specifically Ebou Dari people, are generally easy-going and friendly. They settle duels, but are generally respectful to each other and those from beyond their borders.



Wedged between Altara and Tanchico, Amadicia is a kingdom with a relatively weak government that rules beside the influential Fortress of the Light, the headquarters of the Children of the Light. Despite their neighbors, they are a conservative people, with a love of simplicity and tradition. Amadicians do not trust channelers, and no channelers are allowed within their borders. This is most likely due to the influence of the Children of the Light.

  • Culture: Life is peaceful in Amadicia, despite the unmistakable presence of one of the most powerful independent military organizations in the Westlands. Their orderly lifestyle and strict laws make life safe for the common man, perhaps safer than anywhere else in the known world. Amadicians are proud of their traditions, and do everything they can to cling to them and keep them unchanged except when they are obviously beneficial. They have a tendency to distrust change done in the name of progress unless they can see plainly how it will improve their way of life. This is not to say that things never change, but rather that changes are done conservatively.
  • Appearance: Amadicians are of the typical Midlander build, which is what is considered average for the rest of the Westlands. Amadicians, however, have a tendency for stockiness among both men and women. They have light skin with dark, curly hair and eyes. Women and men both dress modestly. The women wear body-covering, long-sleeved dresses that extend to the ankles at the bottom and the neck at the top, and bonnets. The dresses and bonnets are decorated with velvet bows. The men wear knee-length coats and otherwise plain shirts and trousers. Colors are generally earth-tones, except in the case of the coats, which have a tendency to be somewhat more colorful.
  • Psychology: Amadicians strive to be in control of every aspect of their lives. They seek order and justice in all things, and can be content with simplicity and mediocrity as long as they can live comfortably and contribute to their community.



The largest kingdom in the midlands is among the most powerful in all the Westlands in virtually every way. Andor has a strong military, nobles who rule well, commoners who are proud of their nation, economic stability, and a culture rich with tradition and vibrancy. Generally considered the “average” that many others are compared to, Andorans are very versatile and reliable.

  • Culture: Andor is a secure nation, and this security grants Andorans the ability to pursue the trades and skills they want. The Queen’s Guard is among the best national militaries south of the Borderlands, and the people are generally happy and friendly. With its diverse land and people, individuals of nearly any specialty can be found somewhere within the borders of Andor. Andoran life is relatively simple and peaceful. Though there are many who may consider Andor less than friendly allies, their strong military presence and economic and cultural importance keeps would-be enemies at home. Andor is often considered to be the nation that is good at everything, best at nothing. While this is debatable in a general sense, individuals from Andor are just as likely to be significant people, or even heroes.
  • Appearance: Andorans tend to be light-to-medium toned in skin, with dark hair and dark eyes, though since they are in the midst of so many crossing routes and cultures, traits from many other lands can be found frequently. Most Andorans are of average height and weight. General appearances can vary from region to region, though in general, Andorans look similar to each other wherever in the country they are. Andorans dress moderately. While the nobles prefer silken clothes, commoners wear hardy, practical clothes made from wool, cotton, or other durable, reliable fabrics. Simply put, nobles and commoners alike dress for their lifestyles.
  • Psychology: Perhaps no single other kingdom in the Westlands has a more diverse people than Andor. Their unifying traits are their general patriotism, their sense of security, and their sense of significance, almost as though they are a part of something greater than themselves.



Arad Doman is a nation full of political and social strength. The Domani are outdone by no one when it comes to getting what they want or need, especially when they are trying to get what they want from a member of the opposite sex. Domani men and women--especially the women—are famous throughout the Westlands for their ability to seduce. Despite being an isolated nation, Arad Doman is a powerful land, with a strong military and a rich culture.

  • Culture: Domani women are raised to be seductive and attractive. They are taught from childhood by their mothers everything from attire to kissing techniques, all to men. Indeed, no women are considered more alluring than Domani women. Men are good at attraction as well, but they don’t have the same amount of fame that the women have. Luxuries and hedonistic endeavors are enjoyed to the fullest, perhaps more by Domani than by anyone else. Falconry, fine food and drink, gambling, plays and live music, sports, and many other things are enjoyed to the fullest by the Domani. They are good at what they do, and have a progressive, industrious culture, but they al fun.
  • Appearance: Domani skin tones tend to be coppery. They usually have dark hair and eyes, and are of average height. Most Domani are thin, but their lifestyles can bring some to portliness. Male Domani dress in shirts and trousers, made from fine material whenever possible. They often grow mustaches that are trimmed thin. Women often wear body-hugging dresses that cling to every curve and are often made from sheer material. This gives the impression of nudity while actually exposing very little.
  • Psychology: Domani live frivolous lives, and they are natural pleasure they are generally easy-going, enraged frenzies can happen at the slightest provocation, especially among the men. Domani are unpredictable, fiery, and seductive.


Arafellins are a staunch, proud people, and protect the Westlands from the Blight just as much as their Borderlander neighbors. Though their pride is abundant, Arafellins are a humble nation, willing to do whatever it takes to do their duty, even if it means expending their lives for the cause.

  • Culture: Arafellins, perhaps more than any of the Borderlanders, love artistic endeavors as well as ones of battle. Though seen as rough and unsophisticated by some other cultures in the Westlands, Arafellin art is an expression of the souls of battle hardened warriors and gritty survivors. As Borderlanders, certainly their culture is in a state of constant readiness against raids from the Blight, and Arafellins are not outdone by their neighbors along the Blight’s borders. Their warriors prefer to wield two swords, both sheathed on their backs, and they fight with a mixture of grace, fortitude, and soulful passion as though each battle is a blessing, whether they die or not.
  • Appearance: Arafellins are fair-skinned and light-haired, and tall, typically with  broad shoulders and large muscles. They dress conservatively and practically, and both men and women wear their hair long. The distinguishing feature of Arafellin fashion is a fondness for bells, which may be worn by both men and women in their hair, on clothing or on boot cuffs and onto their horse’s mane or harness. The bells may be silver, brass or even gold. Men’s boots have turned down tops and may reach the thigh. Men will often braid their hair into two thick braids and wear silver bells on the ends. Women may wear bells in their hair whether it is braided or not. Occasionally they wear face veils of lace or of very sheer cloth.  (It is forbidden to hide your face inside any village, town or city in the Borderlands, as a protection against Fades. In Arafel and Kandor, unlike Shienar or Saldaea, these laws came to be modified to allow women to wear veils, though the veils were to be of lace or else transparent, making it clear that they did have eyes.)
  • Psychology: Arafellins love art and dutifully fight the Blight, but their vigilance and alertness is also legendary. Part of their success is seeing the danger coming before it arrives at their walls. Arafellin will go to extremes to meet what they consider a debt of honor; by and large, shame is worse than guilt, and is taken more seriously in the Borderlands than in the south.


A vast kingdom that shares its name with its capital city, Cairhien is a kingdom rich with political maneuvering and national pride. Cairhienins from the nobility to the lowest commoners are masters of the Great Game, a system in which even the slightest gaffe can earn you a lifelong enemy. Though seen as unnecessarily frivolous by many, Cairhienins stand their own in military and intellectual endeavors as well. Cairhien even enjoyed a very good relationship with the Aiel before King Laman’s disastrous mistake of cutting their gift of an avendoraldera tree. Before that error, they were among the only people allowed to travel through the Aiel Waste. Since then, they are the most reviled people by the Aiel.

  • Culture: Daes Dae’mar is at the heart of everything Cairhienins do. Even among the commoners, the Great Game is essential to a person’s social, and sometimes their physical, standing. A person can rise and fall in their social ranking with the slightest maneuvers or mistakes. Despite their love of pomp, Cairhienins are typically very reserved and orderly. They will do virtually nothing without careful planning, partially as a result of their adherence to the Great Game. This makes Cairhienins very good at battle strategy, governance, city planning and creative learning.
  • Appearance: Cairhienins are, on average, the shortest people in the Westlands. They tend to have dark hair and eyes, and very pale skin. Among the nobility, features are graceful and soft, and are even so among the commoners when compared with commoners from other nations. Cairhienin attire among nobles includes dark clothes and lace with narrow, brightly colored horizontal sashes or bars of gold, silver, and scarlet, the number of which announces their rank in society. Their hair is dressed as elaborately as their lifestyles. Men and women wear it long, and the women curl it into a tower of beautiful locks.
  • Psychology: Cairhienins are master planners, and they demand to be in control of their own lives, which they desire to be orderly and full of comforts. Their accent is said to be "clipped".



The hilly, forested kingdom of Ghealdan lies between the easternmost parts of Andor and the kingdom of Amadicia. To the east are the Mountains of Mist. The Forest of Shadows can be found along the northern border, where nobody travels, and the Rivers Eldar, Boern, and Manatherendrelle run through it as well. Ghealdan is a land of mysteries and intrigue, and its people are diverse and hardy.

  • Culture: Ghealdan has a history of trouble with neighboring countries, and while they are not completely xenophobic, they do take steps to ensure they are well-defended if anyone does try to attack them. Their cities are walled, and they have a stout military renowned for its toughness and keen knowledge of the land. Communities in Ghealdan are centered around individual families, with men and women generally responsible as parents and raising their children well. Marriages are very happy occasions, as are other events throughout a child’s life, such as their completion of apprenticeship. The birth of a child is also an occasion celebrated throughout the community.
  • Appearance: Ghealdani men and women have a tendency for stockiness. They are generally of average height, though above-average weight. Skin tones range from slightly tanned to light, and hair and eyes are usually dark tones, typically brown. Hairstyles among men are diverse, but among women the popular style is pigtails held by curled ribbons. Ghealdani males favor dark coats with double rows of wooden buttons, and short, baggy trousers that extend to the knee-high, thick boots they wear. The women prefer practical dresses that are modest, with a lot of knit clothing and thick aprons.
  • Psychology: There is very little fear among the Ghealdani, though they do love their lifestyle and take many steps to protect themselves. They are passionate about their families and communities. A Ghealdani militia is a force to be reckoned with simply because they are tough and passionate, a difficult combination to overcome.



Illian is a nation of freedom-loving people with a certain sense of adventure that permeates from them. There are perhaps no better seamen in the Westlands than the men from Illian. Meanwhile, on the land they will stand up to any threat, and with their balanced governance, they have very few enemies.

  • Culture: Illianers abhor tyranny, despite the fact that they are ruled by a king (though they do have other ruling bodies as well). To them, tyranny represents, among other things, an opposition of freedom, and few things are more important to Illianers than their freedoms. Illian is also the traditional starting place of the Great Hunt, which sees thousands of people from across the Westlands gather at the Square of Tammaz to begin their search for the Horn of Valere. It is a major port, and Illianers frequently see people from many different lands and nations in their communities.
  • Appearance: Illianers are slightly above typical average height and build, and they tend to be light-to-medium complexion and have dark hair and eyes. Both men and women are sturdily built, with a tendency for stockiness. Among both nobility and the common folk, men favor beards that leave their upper lip bare. Clothing for men is typically simply shirt and trousers, whereas for women it is dresses with low-cut necklines.
  • Psychology: From the founder of their kingdom, Illianers revere adventure and freedom to be among the loftiest of virtues and ideals. Their sense of adventure is unrivaled, while their love of freedom drives them. Illianers are a versatile people, and can be found in virtually any role


The Kandori are tough, strong, and earnest, and the minions of the Blight have extraordinary difficulty getting past their stalwart and often brutal guardians. Above the other Borderlander nations, Kandori love combat and beating up on  Shadowspawn creatures the most, though rarely to the point of doing it just for savagery sake.

  • Culture: The merchants of Kandor are among the best in the Westlands, especially considering their limitations in their tradable goods. With few marketable items, Kandori still manage to have a hefty presence in marketplaces all the way south even to the coastal towns, where they trade with merchants and even Sea Folk. Kandori seem to live in the moment, and can be raucous and loud when the time doesn’t warrant better behavior. Though their vigilance is high, they know how to rest when the time comes for resting, and be frivolous when times aren’t as gray as they sometimes are along the Blight.
  • Appearance: Kandori are light-skinned and of average height. Both men and women wear jewelry, especially earrings, and embroidered clothes that seem elegant for Borderland cultures. The men usually wear long, forked beard, though they are neat and well-groomed.
  • Psychology: Natives of Kandor know they will likely die in battle, so they try to live life to the fullest every day. They are also cunning, able to see strengths and, perhaps more importantly, weaknesses. Kandori don’t appreciate unearned frivolity, and can seem quite gruff in most scenarios, despite their sociability.



With a history of weak nobles and near-total xenophobia, Murandy is a kingdom renowned for its instability. The governing nobles are ever-changing, trade is nearly nonexistent, and people live in a state of virtually no confidence in those above them. Still, their self-reliance makes them stronger in many ways.

  • Culture: Murandians have more admiration for their local rulers than their national ones, and as such, local laws are generally enforced over those set forth by the national rulers. This makes it much more possible for the commoners to have a more say in what happens in their local area, but it creates a dangerously fragmented kingdom and makes it vulnerable to outside threats. It also creates very little national pride and the large cities, such as the capital city of Lugard, are run-down and dilapidated from lack of attention. Murandians are very aware of their political situation, and it can make many of them quite self-minded. To them, it is a matter of survival, and if survival means taking more than is owed to you, or disregarding rules entirely, then that is what they will do. With the country itself in constant jeopardy, stability must begin with oneself, according to many Murandians.
  • Appearance: Murandians are of average height and weight. They have light-colored skin and dark hair and eyes, like nearly all Westlanders. Male Murandians often grow mustaches and goatees, which they painstakingly curl and fashion. Men wear knee-length coats and high-crowned hats, and typical trousers and shirts that are common in the Midlands. Women wear modest dresses that are also typical, though they tend to be slightly higher up on the ankle. They wear colorful and often striped aprons. Bright scarves often adorn their heads.
  • Psychology: Murandians are not fatalist, but they have next to no confidence in the future of their nation. Most of them yearn for a strong government, but at the same time they do not respect it and admire the strong local governments that oversee them. Murandians have a tendency to be stubborn and licentious.


Saldaeans are swift riders and swift killers of Blight creatures. Their range of the Blight is vast, so their coverage must equal the challenge. Among the Saldaeans, women fight alongside their men, and are equally capable in combat. Though they generally prefer light weapons such as short swords and daggers, they manage to inflict damage swiftly and beat the threats that come into their lands back.

  • Culture: The people of Saldaea enjoy feats of physical dexterity and balance. Men and women train themselves to be master horse riders and acrobats, not only for the benefits on the battlefield, but also to display and put on a show for those around them. Horsemanship is an important part of Saldaean culture. Above all else, however, Saldaeans take very seriously their responsibility to protect their portion of the border from the constant raids of the Shadowspawn abominations. Their duty is to keep the Blight back along mostly flat lands, except the lands to the far west along the coast, where they become treacherously rocky and mountainous. Still, the Saldaeans rise to the challenge with their ingenuity and bold fearlessness.
  • Appearance: Saldaeans have light to tanned skin and dark hair is generally worn at medium length, though combinations of green eyes and red hair seems to crop up often enough as well. All have almond-shaped eyes that are generally found to be exotic and even alluring, and Saldaean women particularly are found to be extremely attractive not only for their toughness, but also their ironic wiles. Women wear a very high-necked dress with long or wide sleeves and narrow skirts. Skirts reach just above the floor. Highborn women usually wear fine embroidery on their dress. They also carry feathered or lace fans since there is a language of fans in Saldaea. Soft boots are worn with riding dresses.
  • Psychology: Saldaeans are bold, willing to do daring things most wouldn’t even imagine to attempt. To them, risks are worth taking if the reward is great, and bravery is its own reward.




The Shienarans are an extraordinarily proud warrior culture in the far eastern reach of the Borderlands. Every bit as vigilant and sturdy as the other Borderland kingdoms, these warriors do not fear the Shadowspawn they must fight so often along the Blight’s borders. Shienarans yearn for peace, though they know it won’t likely happen for a very long time.

  • Culture: Shienarans revere life and honor death. They admire peace, but master combat. A great deal of their cultural and general outlooks seem like an oxymoron to most other cultures, but Shienarans recognize the virtues of these things, and it causes their admiration of them to increase. Nobody, not visitors or natives, is allowed to wear a mask or hood within the walls of a city. Baths are taken publicly, which can be something of a shock to conservative and modest visitors. Above all else, Shienaran culture is a warrior one, and nobody is more important than the brave individuals that fight and die to protect all decent life from the ravaging forces of the Blight.
  • Appearance: Shienarans are tall, slightly shorter than Atha’an Miere, but taller than other Westlanders. They have light tan skin and dark eyes. Their dark hair is worn long, though the men often shave all parts of their head except the topmost part, which is tied into a topknot. Shienaran warriors wear breastplates and often wear two swords in battle. Men wear a high collared coat that reaches about mid-thigh, tight breeches, a shirt with wide sleeves and tight cuffs and knee high boots. Noblemen’s coats are of velvet or embroidered silk. The cloak may have a stiff standing collar. Lounging robes are worn when relaxing indoors. Women wear fairly modest belted dresses with medium to high necklines. Those of the wealthy are embroidered in flowers on the bodice or sleeves and perhaps also on the shoulders, but rarely on the skirts. The skirts may be slashed with a contrasting colour (a fashion popular among Aes Sedai). Noblewomen may have metal thread embroidery or pearls in the embroidery.
    • Note: RJ is on record as saying Shienarans appear ethnically Japanese but their culture is medieval European in nature. [Quoted on Theoryland]
  • Psychology: Shienarans are generally fearless, though they are considerably more careful and calculating in their ventures. They have a sense of duty that prevails most other things, and Shienarans who give their word will do everything in their power to fulfill it.



In the southwestern corner of the Westlands lies the cultural and artistic kingdom of Tarabon, as well as its major port city Tanchico. Tarabon is a progressive kingdom with a great respect for historical artifacts and art in its many forms. Even though their location makes them the first nation to be conquered by the Seanchan invaders, their sense of culture helps them keep many of their traditions alive. Tanchico is one of the most important port cities in the Westlands, as it joins the west with the south in both culture and trade.

  • Culture: Taraboners have a very old culture, with a great deal of history. It is a society that spawns a high percentage of unique thinkers and great artists, from sculptors and painters to minstrels and actors. Many gleemen come from Tarabon, and the Illuminator’s Guild was started there. Taraboners seem to have an optimistic outlook on the world more frequently than other nations. These Taraboners see life as an opportunity to explore possibilities and pursue dreams, and their society certainly doesn’t discourage them.
  • Appearance: Taraboners have light to tan skin, and are of average height and build. They have hair ranging from light blonde to black, which the women wear in multitudes of small braids, and generally dark eyes. Male Taraboners often wear bushy mustaches and cylindrical hats, and prefer baggy shirts and pants. The women wear dresses similar in style to Domani dresses, which cling to the body, though they are certainly less showy than the ones worn by their Domani counterparts. Men and women alike wear semi-transparent veils that partially conceal their faces, leaving only their eyes in full view.
  • Psychology: Taraboners are generally optimistic and hopeful in their endeavors. They tend to aim high in their goals and don’t quit on their dreams easily



Other than the White Tower, perhaps no other place is more well known and magnificent than the Stone of Tear. From nobles to commoners, Tairens strive for greatness in any endeavor that they do, and their beliefs are that there is nobody out there who has more potential than they do. Though many see them as arrogant, often it is simply confidence in themselves.

  • Culture: Tairens do not like channelers, yet ironically they have a constant reminder of the power of the One Power in the form of the Stone of Tear, which itself was created using the One Power, and the Prophecies of the Dragon include the Stone. Even though they do not like channelers, many Aes Sedai come from Tear. All throughout the Westlands, there is a notable difference between commoner and noble. Yet, in Tear this is particularly noticeable. Nobles elevate themselves to extraordinary heights while the commoners toil in astounding poverty in some parts of the kingdom. The nobles consider it their responsibility to use whatever means necessary to fulfill their demands, which, to many, includes protecting their people and even the entire world, starting at the Stone of Tear.
  • Appearance: Tairens are generally of average height and weight, and they have light to dark complexions among them. They have dark hair and eyes. Tairen noblemen wear elaborate clothes, including colorful coats with puffy, padded sleeves and embroidered sashes. The noblewomen wear long silk gowns that leave the shoulders and a fair amount of the chest bare. Commoners wear much more drab attire, with the men wearing snug-fitting coats, and the women often wearing aprons over plain-colored dresses. Commoners also often wear wide-brimmed, conical straw hats.
  • Psychology: With very rare exceptions, Tairens are, as a whole, very confident, sometimes even to the point of arrogance. Yet, Tairens see themselves as vessels of greatness, and they do what they can to fulfill what they believe their potential is.
Edited by Jagen Sedai
Posted (edited)

Naming Conventions of the Various Countries and Cultures


*** WIP ***


Players are asked to keep in mind naming conventions if their characters come from certain cultures in the books. Please keep these points in mind.

A personal/first name will be identified as "first name" from here on. A last name is referred to as one's "family name."

  • Murandy: [First Name] do [Family Name] a'[Second Family Name OR Location Name].
    • Several but not all Murandian characters follow this naming style, so the choice is yours.
    • The a' indicates nobility, and for character naming purposes you can treat it as a second last name on the end. In the Old Tongue, "a" by itself can mean "of" so it might be a place. In any case you can make the name up.
  • Atha'an Miere (Sea Folk): All Atha'an Miere have a naming format with "[First Name] din [Family Name]"
    • Women have their mother's family name while men have their father's family name.
    • Salt names, such as "Wild Winds", "Rising Wave" and "Nine Gulls" are only given to those who have earned certain ranks, whether male or female. Only Sailmistresses, their Windfinders, and Cargomasters and above ranks will have salt names. Usually composed of two words, such as South Star, Running Wave, or White Wing, and given when an apprentice reached a certain age or level of experience.
    • Your character will only have a salt name if they stay within Sea Folk culture.
  • Aiel: Aiel only have a first name, and identify themselves as "[Name] of the [sept name] sept of the [Clan Name] Aiel."


Edited by Jagen Sedai
Posted (edited)






Seanchan is an empire located on the continent of the same name west across the Aryth Ocean. Its nearest shores are over 5,000 miles to the west of the Westlands. It is divided into two landmasses separated by a wide dividing channel, and is longer north-to-south than east-to-west. It is split by many fissures and fjords. The Morenal Ocean separates Seanchan from Shara to the west.


  • History: A thousand years after the Trolloc Wars, after unifying the Westlands, Artur Hawkwing sent a vast fleet led by his son, Luthair Paendrag Mondwin, across the Aryth Ocean. Luthair's fleet never returned to the continent from which they came, and was presumed lost. The fleet had actually made it across the ocean to arrive in Seanchan. By pitting the native nations against each other, Luthair and his descendants eventually subjugated and unified the continent into the Seanchan Empire, a process called the Consolidation. The Consolidation is revealed to have taken nearly eight hundred years. During this time the Seanchan began to use unique animals from this continent in their army, and with them they killed all of the Shadowspawn on the continent. Because there are no Shadowspawn anymore and the worst part of the Blight exists in the Westlands, modern Seanchan people believe they are simply a myth.
  • Geography: The continent of Seanchan spans much further south than the Westlands does and crosses the world's equator. It also has much more geographical diversity than the Westlands. It has jungles, 
    • Its capital is Seandar.
    • Cities in rank from largest to smallest: Seandar, Kirendad, M'Shar, Asinbayar, Qirat, Imfaral, Sohima, T'Zura, Anangore, Shon Kifar, and Rampore.
    • Some other cities and/or regions include: Barsabba, Mechoacan, Merinloe, N'Kon, Pujili, Salaking, and Semalaren.
    • The Sa’las Plains are flatlands located in Seanchan.

    • Sleeping Bay - a bay with a port called Takisrom.

    • Imfaral is the home of the Towers of Midnight.

    • The Tower of Ravens (the Imperial prison) is in Seandar and also serves as HQ for the Seekers for Truth.

  • Appearance: The Seanchan are the most ethnically diverse group in the world, and have skin tones ranging from extremely dark to very pale; "honey colored" is one tone described as being a skin tone not found in the Westlands. Almost any hair and eye color combination can be found.
    • Mechoacan is a region in Seanchan having fair-haired inhabitants.

    • N’Kon. A city or region in Seanchan with honey-brown denizens.

  • Culture of Slavery: Seanchan is an empire built on slavery. When Luthair arrived in Seanchan, he found a culture that bought and sold people as property. If he or his descendants ever tried to wipe out the practice, they did not succeed. The slaves were known as da’covale, Old Tongue for “those who are property,” or covale, “property.” A particular class of da’covale, so’jhin, were hereditary upper servants of the Blood (royals). So’jhin have considerable status and in some positions could give orders to and have authority over free people.

    • Women who can channel have also been completely subjugated by use of a bracelet-leash-collar ter'angreal called an a'dam that binds them so completely they cannot even channel on their own. These women are called damane and are usually treated like dogs, or worse. Sul'dam are their "trainers" and those in direct control of damane.



Edited by Jagen Sedai
Posted (edited)

Atha’an Miere




Translated from the Old Tongue, “People of the Sea” or “Sea Folk.” They are a seafaring people who live on ships and the islands in the Aryth Ocean and Sea of Storms . They spend little time on those islands, living most of their lives on their ships--in fact, they take every effort to be born, give birth, marry, and die on board their ships.

Ocean-borne commerce is dominated by Sea Folk ships, which are faster than any others. The Sea Folk are considered by the inhabitants of port cities to be bargainers who outstrip the more widely known Domani. They are considered a secretive people, and relatively little is known of their customs, giving rise to an air of exotic mystery and often to fanciful tales.


  • History: Legend holds that at the Breaking of the World the ancestors of the Atha’an Miere fled to the safety of the sea while the land heaved and broke. They knew nothing of the ships they took to flee, but they managed to survive. They did not return to land until the upheaval had ended; they found that much had changed.


  • Rank Culture: Their culture is heavy on hierarchy where instant obedience or lack of it can mean life or death on the sea. The Atha'an Miere have clans of varying sizes, each of which is lead by a Wavemistress.
    • A Sailmistress is the captain of a Sea Folk ship and invariably a female. She is assisted by, and often married to her Cargomaster, who is always male. The Sailmistress controls when and where the ship sails, her word unquestioned. As well as being the head of the ship, she is also regarded as the head of the crew's families, whether or not there is any actual kinship. The twelve most senior Sailmistresses of a clan are called the First Twelve of that clan.
    • Every ship also has a Windfinder, who often but not always can channel. She is the chief navigator of a ship. Using the Power to aid manipulate the weather to their favor is called Weaving the Winds.
    • The Cargomaster is in charge of the defense of the ship, as well as all trade. His word in matters of negotiations and combat are first and foremost. While the Cargomaster technically stands below the Sailmistress, she cannot command him when it comes to these matters of his position any more than he can command her where to sail.

    • A Wavemistress is in charge of her clan Sailmistresses. She can direct them where and when to sail. Her Windfinder, in turn, has authority over all the Windfinders of the Sailmistresses. The twelve most senior Wavemistresses among the Sea Folk are called the First Twelve of the Atha'an Miere. They elect their leader, the Mistress of Ships.

    • The Mistress of the Ships has a level of authority any shore-bound king or queen would envy, yet she is also elected, for life, by unanimous vote of the First Twelve of the Atha'an Miere. Her Windfinder has authority over the clan Windfinders who serve the Wavemistresses.

    • The position of Master of the Blades is held by a man who might or might not be the husband of the Mistress of the Ships. His responsibilities are the defense and the trade of the Sea Folk, and below him are the Swordmasters of Wavemistresses and the Cargomasters of Sailmistresses, who held like positions and duties; for each of them, any authority outside these areas was held only as delegated by the woman he served, but close cooperation between them is required.


  • Appearance: They are described as having the darkest complexions known when compared to anyone else. Their black hair can be wavy, curly, or straight, and their eyes are brown or black. They wear breeches and tied sashes, and for the women (while in port) simple blouses. They also have nautical-themed tattoos on their hands (one was described as "of stars and seabirds surrounded by the curls and whirls of stylized waves") though no doubt the design varies by clan.
    • The Atha’an Miere all have tattoos on their hands, indicating a number of things. The left hand shows clan and line.

      • A Windfinder has a three-pointed star on the back of her right hand.

      • A six-pointed star tattooed between thumb and forefinger of the right hand is a symbol of the covenant with the Coramoor; some believe it makes one less likely to drown. Some of the other tattoos on the right hand are, in effect, the individual’s official record, showing what ships had been served on and what posts and positions had been held.

    • Sea Folk use both gold jewelry and clothing to denote rank:
      • The Atha'an Miere have a hierarchy that is very strict and, in some cases, complex. The rank of a Sea Folk can be determined, among other things, by the number of gold, round earrings they wear, and the presence of a nose ring and cheek chain for women. The number of medals they have on their honor chain also speak to rank and experience. No rings or bracelets are worn.
      • Dark, oiled cloth breeches are worn by most crew, while the Sailmistress, her Windfinder and Cargomaster will wear silks, the pieces of which are all of one color for each person. (For example, a Sailmistress in all blue and a Windfinder in all green). Wavemistresses and the Mistress of the Ships will wear brocaded silk.
      • Women go shirtless at sea, but crew don white blouses while the upper ranks will match their shirts to their silk pants and sash. Atha'an Miere always go barefoot.
      • Sailmistresses, Windfinders and above ranks (Wavemistresses, Mistress of the Ships) all wear a perfumed box hanging off one of their many necklaces. All of these high-ranking women will wear a gold nose ring and honor chain as well.
      • Sashes are tied more intricately the higher up in rank one goes.
      • Sailmistresses have eight gold earrings (four in each ear). Her ship Windfinder will have six (three in each ear), a nose ring and honor chain. Cargomasters will have eight gold earrings only.
      • Wavemistresses and their Swordmasters have ten gold earrings each. Clan Windfinders have eight.
      • The Mistress of Ships and her Master of the Blades have twelve fat, gold earrings each (six in each ear).
      • A woman chosen out to train as a Windfinder wears three earrings in her right ear, but in the beginning has only one in the left and has to earn the rest, as well as earning the nose ring and the honor chain.
      • Any Atha'an Miere who leaves their ship to live on land, rare though it is, must give up all rank and titles, and do not wear earrings or nose rings. They also often change their name from their normal name, as well, dropping the "din" that denotes their family. It is unknown if they change their first name or not.


  • Psychology:
    • In the years after the Breaking came the Jendai Prophecy, saying that the Atha’an Miere were destined to wander the waters until the Coramoor returned, and that they were required to serve him when he did. The Jendai Prophecy was given great weight by the Sea Folk because it spoke of things that did not exist until after it was first known, sometimes long after.
    • Atha’an Miere are shrewd negotiators and traders, and are very proud of their culture. Indeed, the idea of bargaining itself is so important to the Sea Folk that it is incorporated into  nearly every facet of life. In return for anything given by the Atha'an Miere, they will always seek to be given something in return as a fair trade, even when it comes to the Caramoor.
    • All Sea Folk have to begin at the very lowest rank and work their way up, and anyone other than the Mistress of the Ships can be demoted, even all the way down to deckhand, for malfeasance, cowardice or other crimes.
    • The Sea Folk do not sell their ships to any but their own and would destroy one to keep it from falling into anyone else’s hands.

    • The Sea Folk have a special relationship with the Amayar, the land-dwelling inhabitants of the Sea Folk islands. Known to few people other than the Atha’an Miere, the Amayar are the craftsmen who make what was known as Sea Folk porcelain. Tha Amayar are the only people who must be given the gift of free passage (without presenting a gift in turn) if ever asked, though in memory no Amayar has ever done so. They also have an Atha'an Miere appointed governor, though the Amayar are very peaceful and do not need much governing.

    • Sea Folk clocks are the most accurate of all, and are highly prized, though the Sea Folk do not make a habit of selling them with any regularity. Their pearls, which are mainly found by Amayar pearl divers, are considered the finest; the largest, and nearly all pearls of rare color, such as black or blue, come from them.

    • The Sea Folk are also famed for their glass, not merely housewares, but especially for their looking glasses and other optical products.

    • Even before the Aiel War, when the Cairhienin could use the Silk Path, the Sea Folk have been the major source of silk and ivory from Shara.

    • Windfinders knew how to test for the ability to learn to channel, but they do not test any woman who does not ask on three occasions. Usually these women are found quite early, because they were manifesting the ability to channel, or because they wanted to try and were tested.



Edited by Jagen Sedai
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