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SEAFOLK (crew of sundancer plz vote..but only crew)


Rains of fire, rivers of blood. In this time of darkness, who shall stand in the Light, and who shall forsake all that they have known to be bathed in the power and glory of the Great Lord. What side shall you choose? What side shall you give your soul to  

63 members have voted

  1. 1. Rains of fire, rivers of blood. In this time of darkness, who shall stand in the Light, and who shall forsake all that they have known to be bathed in the power and glory of the Great Lord. What side shall you choose? What side shall you give your soul to

    • The Light and the Creator in all his glory
    • The Shadow and the Great Lord with the power to destroy the world

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well since there is so few of us why dont we merge onto one ship ...unless the higher up has a problem with it? *looks at james*


more fun...it could be a new ship i know there should be a windfinder aprentice as well if she wanna continue as such


you would be the young cargomaster to the young sailmistress ...and i could be in turn to start over at the botom again *s*


so to be sure nothing is missed that would make for a crew of


windfinder - me

windfinder - ely

cargomaster - sato

something - james


so either we must find ourself a sailmistress or NPC one...


that is if you want to do it as well...i just see no reason to be widespread there is more RP opertunities in gathering and playing togheter as i see it




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Thats a really good question. So far, nothing :)


In fact, we've still to institute those clans. While its on the cards, formally we're still under the old clan system with the rogues, explorers, military etc.


Maybe this is something else that needs to be worked out first before voting on clans :D


Personally, I don't think the clans should be profession based. Every clan needs its merchants, its warships etc in order to stay on par with one another. While they are a common people, I don't think of them as an overarching nation, I'd be willing to bet they would have had wars between clans in the past.


I think the only thing that could divide clans would be history. Since we don't have access to such though, a history would have to be written, but still :)

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somehow from the books i get the feeling that a clan is more of a family sept or something as such it has nothing to do with what chategory they fall in cause they would have anything in all the clans


"the sf is divided into clans and septs, with each clan or sept operating its own dry dock at most of the various island ports" - BWB




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Spoke with Owen. As of today, the clans are now the book ones, family based and locked in.


Who wants to take a shot at writing some histories? Two people at most to do the writing proper, the idea would be to intermingle the clan histories as much as possible. This will include determining which clan currently supplies the head windfinder, mistress of ships and master of blades.


Two people to write, divy the clans between ya, and the rest to chip in and help with advice, point out stuff everyone else may not know or certain ideas that you think will help. If there are people up for it, put your hand up :) We'll start a new thread to work on it.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hey James, if you want some help with a couple of clan bios or sumthin just send me some generic Sea Folk info and the clan names and I would be more than happy to type something up for ya, I have gotten alot of free time ahead of me now that school is out.

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Hmm.... Not clans, I've already started now. But there is something I would like you to do.


Any and all phrases, sayings, cultural customs and the like about the SF. Like how many rings they have in the nose to represent authority for... sailmistresses isn't it? Etc etc, That info is going to be particularly handy RP wise. If you could get that together while I do clan and SF history, that'd be pretty sweet. I have a half finished SF weaponry thing somewhere as well so thats covered.


In particular, when Lan and Nynaeve are married, can you look at how that was done? Going to need to use that extrapolate marriage in the world as a whole, since its the only marriage in the books from memory.

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Well, I was thinking about a deckhand who had been previously Captain, but because of a very unfortunate bargain had to start again. Of course if you need a Captain, I could make her so, or then just make her raise in the ranks quickly, as she has all the experience already. Does that sound good enough? :D

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