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NBC creates Zeroes...


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Guest Emperor


Did you see the Heroes spoof on YouTube? It's called Zeroes, and it features a familiar voice talking about regular people with "Pointless Abilities". For example, one guy can ripple his stomach and a girl can put her entire fist in her mouth. You get the idea. It's worth a chuckle or two.


It turns out, the 2-minute spoof was an NBC creation. Marketing guru Vince Manze admitted to Variety that he created the spoof without any fanfare or even a tease to the real series, just as an experiment. He didn't even tell Heroes creator Tim Kring about it. The video short got more than 1.5 million views on YouTube. Minze seems to be one of the few marketing guys who "get it". He knows that people aren't going to YouTube to watch advertisements or promos (unless they're exceptionally creative).


How do you guys feel about this? The network is getting buzz for its show by spoofing it. Is it sneaky or is it creative marketing?

Guest Yveva

I vote it's clever advertising. seriously *shrug* use the media available man.

Guest Cadsuane

I'm a fan. I'm the ordinary person who can roll her tongue... or pick up objects with her toes... or cross her eyes... or...


I wonder which of my pointless abilities will make Peter Petrelli fall for me? :lol:

Guest Emperor

You say roll y our tongue... can you tie a knot out of a cherry stem with your tongue.. that should win him over.

Guest Cadsuane

No, but I know just where to... Nevermind. *halo* 8)

Guest Cadsuane

I see I've reduced you to babbling like a baby. Now, hold still while I put that electric shock collar on you... :twisted:


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