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Who Healed Thom?


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In Thom's article on WOT Wiki, it mentions that an Aes Sedai healed Thom following his encounter of the Fade at White Bridge.  Did I miss something?  I know later on when Thom and Moiraine are in Tear she does something to his knee healing it slightly, and says she wishes that a good healer had bene near when the wound had happened, but I've been through the series front to back too many times to count and haven't seen where this information came from.  Was it the BWB or the Companion?  The article mentions that his life was sacved by an Aes Sedai but the damage to his knee was too great to be fully healed.  If so, who was it, and how did it happen?  Did Thom flee down river?  He was gone from White Bridge when Lan and Co. passed through.


It says it in the companion, but nowhere in the book do I remember Thom mentioning it.  


The companion just says an Aes Sedai showed up in the nick of time.  Like Samitsu, she could regulate her weaves, so she was able to heal him enough to keep him alive.  No mention of the Aes Sedai's name.  He was probably still there when Moraine arrived, but was somewhere healing up.  The companion just says when he was finally able to travel again he made his way to Cairhien.  So it probably had to spend a little time regaining his strength.  Since Moriane wasn't that far behind Rand and Mat at Whitebridge, chances are Thom wasn't fit to travel yet.


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