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Heroes Discussion Redux


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Oh my god...I JUST got this. Molly Walker can find anyone. The Linderman Group uses the Walker System to find Heroes. MOLLY IS THE WALKER SYSTEM! Ted and Bennett and Stupid Matt are on a road trip to find a little girl and don't eve know it.

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A very revealing episode. You can really see how the world in five years from now was formed. I was laughing though because with all the effort Linderman and co are putting into creating that future, if they succeed they'll put the world into the hands of Sylar and end up pretty much destroying the world.


Can't wait for next weeks episode though. This weeks seemed like the calm before a major storm.

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calm? peter is starting to explode!^^



but i thinks its a false alarm, after all in the "next week" episode it shows sylar and all that jazz.


+ i don't see peter dying off just yet.



WHY does linderman, and mrs. petrelli want this bomb to go off!!!

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Guest Emperor

KATHANA! I didn't get it until you posted that. F-ing A! It would help if I had listened to her name and all that.


I liked putting Sylar in a human light. He did not want to harm all those people and really wanted to stop.


I don't understand what Micah is up to. What, Linderman captured him to die in NY?


I like shapeshifter girl... but we learned she can't shapeshift but instead she messes with our minds and lets us see what she wants us to see.

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I figured that one out when Linderman said he needed Micah. That's why no one is worried about Nathan being down in the polls on Election Day. They are going to cheat.



I love Nathan's bit in this episode, BTW. He seems like he really wants to have some sort of relationship with Claire, but can't stop being a slimy politician long enough to do it.

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Ok, so here's a wild question. If Micah can manipulate machines, is that the same as Sylar's ability to make clocks work? After all, they're both figuring out how to make something work the way they want it to. And if so, does that mean that Micah could figure out powers like Sylar if he wanted to? However it is the Sylar's figuring out the powers?

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I think Sylar's ability is more being able to see what's wrong with things and knowing how to fix it. He still uses normal tools to fix his mother's clock, while Micah simply touches machines and they work. Also, we see Micah usually manipulating electronics, while Sylar looks at purely mechanical systems.


I don't think any of the Heroes have duplicate powers, but it's obviously not unheard of. Claude didn't seem surprised by Peter's ability to mimic his power. I even think he said "Oh, it's another one of you." or something like that.

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Guest Emperor

So, the scene from the future we saw with Peter glowing just happened. I am figuring Peter calms down and controls this power as he is just panicking a little. So we are back to who blows up NY? Is it Peter or Sylar? Are things still happening on future Hiro's timeline?

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Guest Emperor

Ted seems kind of calm these days and he has complete control over his powers. What if it isn't a superpower but a real nuke?

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Guest Segurant

Sylar's ability is seeing how things work and how they interact. Remember he noticed that Mohinder's dad's watch was off before looking at it.


It also explains why he opens people's head, so he can figure out how they work. Then he uses that knowledge to manifest the powers in himself.


For Peter not to explode, he needs just not think of Ted.

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Guest Emperor

Who would want to hang with Ted anyway... I mean his wife died of radioactive poisoning and all...


So does Peter now have the mind reading power as well. Sweet!

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Yeah, I feel sorry for Bennett, having to hang out with Stupid Matt and a guy that's slowly poisoning him. That's probably why we didn't see much of their road trip, it was nothing but Bennett grinding his teeth and trying not to think about how much he wants to drown them both in a gas station bathroom.

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Guest Karana Majin

I didn't pick up on the Walker system, that is cool. But I knew about Micah and the voting machines almost instantly, because I knew Linderman was rigging the elections. Don't you guys get the emails from Hannah? She's the one that can intercept and manipulate anything digital, can log on to the internet in her head. She's been trying to keep Linderman from rigging the election.


I need to read the graphic novels, because there is a lot from there on wikipedia I didn't know.


I frickin' love this show.

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Guest Cadsuane

OMG. I just watched the new ep online since I missed it last night. I was so mad when it ended before we see Peter resolve his glowing hand issue!


I think it was interesting to see the parallels between Nathan and Sylar in this ep, considering that Sylar takes Nathan's place in the possible future. In this, both men have mommy issues. ^_^

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OMG i just thought of something!


In the future we know it was peter who exploded, but Sylar takes the blame on purpose (did anyone catch onto why?). But does future Hiro know this? EVERYTHING he's done is based on stopping the explosion! So why stop sylar then?


Either the secret lies in Hiro not knowing peter was the bomb, or in the reason sylar takes the blame.


I'm wondering, if we may actually see Hiro kill Sylar, peter blow up new york, and nathan actually become the president. Thus changing events without stopping the bomb. Which creates a new future (so the writers arnt stuck with what we've been shown) while bringing on the drama of season 2, "How do we deal with these people?".


Mind i've only actually seen the 2 most resent episodes and read the wiki on the show O.o


so i could be off, but its just again: Why would Hiro stop sylar is peter is the bomb?

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I think that Peter did change the future by saving Claire. In Future Hiro's original timeline, Claire dies, Sylar takes her power and blows up New York. Future Hiro intervened, Peter saved Claire and somehow he becomes the bomb and survives, because he has absorbed her powers. Future Hiro did change the future, just not the way he thought.


I'm starting to suspect that there are certain things that just cannot be affected by time travel. Hiro couldn't save Charlie. She died of an anuerysm, instead of Sylar eating her brain. They may not be able to prevent the bomb from actually going off. I think people may just be fated to die at certain times and nothing can prevent it.

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Guest Emperor

I disagree. I do not think Hiro changed anything yet, instead he set everything into motion with his time travel meddling. I believe he thought Claire was killed by Sylar, probably because she disappeared.

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They may not be able to prevent the bomb from actually going off. I think people may just be fated to die at certain times and nothing can prevent it.


If this is true then it's funny how it parallels Charlie's arc on Lost.

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