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[TV] Black Donneleys


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Guest Yveva

ps. Watched the second episode last night, and I am still SUPERdiggin' this show. The first one, as I mentioned in the now missing thread, reminded me of "Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels," but this one moved much more slowly. There's excellent character development, some eye-candy for Karana, and plenty of directions for the plot to move. I still like the narrator character, you don't hear from him quite as much this time, but there's a new gag that was amusing (the cops ask him how he knows parts of the story and he claims to be there, suddenly he appears in the narrative and the other characters ask if he was there all along. It was funny, and not overdone).


So yes, this is the first new series to really draw me in.

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Guest Emperor

Agree, one of my new favorite shows. If you are watching, please post your reviews.

Guest Haxorsist

I'm liking this show more and more. I liked how we got to know the characters better (I finally know the names of all the Donnellys), and it was nice that this episode was slower than the last one, because it was a bit difficult for me to keep up.

Guest Emperor

Yeppers. I was really hoping Tommy would take over as the Irish boss to see how he dealt with the stuff but looks like the Ax guy will be the man.

Guest Yveva

I'm interested in the story's timeline. Why is there a kid telling the cops what all happened? I'm guessing it didn't happen all that long before. How will it translate in to future seasons?


I agree about liking the slower pace. The first episode got me excited and interested, but if that was the pace every week no WAY would I be able to keep up!

Guest Emperor

Why trust Joey Icecream... he could just be embellishing most of the story for the police.


Dang, now I'm REALLY kickin myself for missing the first two episodes. Looks like an amazing show. If I were to start watching it on the next show would there be anything of serious consequence that I would need to know about for future episodes that happened in the first two? or is it one of those shows you can just pick up at any point in the series and just catch onto?




Chili dunker extraordinaire

Guest Cadsuane

You can watch the past episodes on nbc.com!!


Look around a bit on the show's individual page, and you should see a link for full eps.

Guest Yveva

I'm thinking it *might* be ok to miss the first episode, but certainly watch the second! Also, since they want to draw in viewers it's in the network's best interest to be sure you can catch up :)


Ok, so I was super sceptical about this show. I saw the previews and everything and was all like "pffffft this show is going to be a joke".


Luckily at my house we have a TiVo so the first episode was taped (no commercials at my house :twisted:).


Anyways, my dad talked me into watching the first episode and I was amazed. The second episode was even BETTER imo.

Guest Emperor

Keep em coming. I want to convince America to watch so it doesn't get canceled... because studios are fickle.

Guest Yveva

Hi Fantasy Fan!


And yes, I think the second episode was better than the first... but the first episode was a good "hook" it set up the story very well.


You know, this is one of those shows where I really need to sit down and watch with no distractions. Unfortunately, I have a lot of work to do, so I never get to do that. I hope they put the episodes on itunes so I can download them and re-watch them all together all at once. It's kind of like the Wire. There's SO much heavy stuff going on, you really have to be dedicated to sitting down and watching it otherwise you'll be lost.


But I'll say this, the photography direction is really great! I especially loved how they tackled the love scene last episode. They did it in a way that your eye just naturally went to the mirror to watch. Fantastic!

Guest Yveva

I liked the burning van, it was such a striking image.

Guest Emperor

Umm, I didn't notice the love making in the mirror. Am I broken?


Yes, you're clearly defective.


You didn't think it was odd that they were showing the whole scene out of camera? I did. Then just as I was about to complain outloud, I saw the red in the mirror.

Guest Emperor

Now I need to go back and rewatch it...


Thanks for the heads up.

Guest Yveva

I like to divert Empy's attention from sex scenes. Innocent eyes and all.

Guest Emperor

I haven't watched last night's episode yet, but I am honestly jhonesing (sp) for it?

Guest Cadsuane

Jonesing. ^_^


I cannot WAIT until later this week when I have time to catch up on these eps!

Guest Haxorsist

I didn't think this episode was as good as the other two, but definately alright.

Guest Yveva

I think it had a different pace than the other two, but that's good. I am glad that they are leaving room for character development. I was interested that ice cream said "a few days ago" when talking about the wake. Eeenteresting. It's a good sign that the episodes are already varried. They could have picked a gimmick and stuck with it. The next ep seems to be faster paced again (due to the promo).


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