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ATC: Favorite Sports and the Like

Guest Sammael


Dear Chosen,


What are your favorite sports? Do you go for contact sports like football and hockey, or non-contact like baseball and basketball? Do any of you like golf or do you just use it to take a nap at three like my dad? Do you guys like any sports team? I’ll mostly likely get a response from the males (especially Sammael, but not Asmodean). Any favorite players? Please don’t say Dodgers or Raiders. I’m soo happy they got eliminated from the World Series by the Phillies!




Sammael: The Raiders got eliminated from the World Series by the Phillies? Oh... MooseyGirl...figures. The Raiders are a football team. I know you watch sports for the pretty colors and the cute athletes. I am, of course, a big sports fan. I watch all kinds of what you kids call sports these days. Sunday I pretty much devote to football. I am a big Carolina Panther's fan and try to make it to all the games. I am pretty sure they are going to the Superbowl this year. I also enjoy the baseball and devote my time to watching the Phillies. Imagine my excitement that they made it to the World Series. It is hard for me to route for certain players because I know they pale in comparison to the athelete that I am.


Ishamael:I remember when you tried out for the Phillies, and the trainers Laughed. In. Your. Face. He certainly made my day, its a pity you had to kill him.


Mesaana: I think I heard that commerical on the radio while I was playing in the Tower the other day. Chilli-cheese Chalupa one of your new aliases, Sammy?


Demandred:Considering the mysterious smells constantly coming from Sammael, it does certainly seem like chili-cheese is part of his new favourite diet, together with beans and cabbage. Do not ever be with Sammale in a small room, I kid you not. And considering how tight his pants fit these days, I seriously recommend a new healthier diet.


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