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Sometimes even when you've fought your best....

Guest Wilson


It is with great sadness that I tell you that the Dragon is gone. RJ left us today at 2:45 PM. He fought a valiant fight against this most horrid disease. In the end, he left peacefully and in no pain. In the years he had fought this, he taught me much about living and about facing death. He never waivered in his faith, nor questioned our God's timing. I could not possibly be more proud of anyone. I am eternally grateful for the time that I had with him on this earth and look forward to our reunion, though as I told him this afternoon, not yet. I love you bubba.


Our beloved Harriet was at his side through the entire fight and to the end. The last words from his mouth were to tell her that he loved her.


Thank each and everyone of you for your prayers and support through this ordeal. He knew you were there. Harriet reminded him today that she was very proud of the many lives he had touched through his work. We've all felt the love that you've been sending my brother/cousin. Please keep it coming as our Harriet could use the support.


Jason will be posting funeral arrangements.


My sincerest thanks.


Peace and Light be with each of you,




4th of 3


To Catalyst: Never, never loose faith. RJ did not. Harriet hasn't. I haven't. Going through what we have, our faith is only strengthened. Besides, if God didn't exist, we would have never had Jim. We did. God does. Remember my Brother/Cousin, my friend, think of him fondly and glorify God's name.


Editor's Note:


The entire staff of Dragonmount.com would like to extend its most deepest sympathies to Robert Jordan's family. He touched all of our lives in some way and we wish him the rest and peace he deserves. We will be posting information in the near future about where you can send condolences. Please check the News Section for these updates.




Recommended Comments

Guest Dany Tancou


It has been an honour to read Mr. Jordan's books. They have taken me to a place in my imagination and dreams that I have never thought existed. Now, it will be hard to pick them up again...



My most sincere condolences to his family, with my greatest respect and sympathy,


Dany Tancou

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Rest in peace, dear Robert.

You will be missed so much...



One of your reader from Italy

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Guest xinpheld


To those close to the late Mr. Jordan, my humblest, deepest sympaties.


I have lived with the Wheel of Time on the top of my bookshelf for over a decade now. While my love for the storyline turned to love/hate at some point (not that I ever stopped reading, and The Eye of the World is still one of my favorite books), the one thing that has become clearer - and most important - to me over the years is what (I feel) he tried to say with the series: that we must not forget our history, that we must not forget each other. We must not forget that we are all bound together, and to be separate is to be broken.


Thanks in fair part to Mr. Jordan's message, the candle in my mind is lit. His hands may no longer write, but his story will continue. The Wheel will still turn in our minds, and in our hearts. Thank you, Mr. Jordan, for a vivid world that will continue to inspire generations to come.


- James in Medina, OH

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Briefing randombly through wikipedia to find my favorite authors, I was shocked to see the word "recently deceased" jump out from RJ's article. I'm still feeling numb.


WoT opened the world of fantasy to me. The richness and complexity of the series will never cease to astound me. The books have made a huge impact on my life and I'm grieved to hear that the one who wrote them has passed away.


Thank you, Mr. Rigney, for all that you shared and all that you gave - you have my deepest admiration and respect. And my sincere condolences to family and friends.

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I have greatly enjoyed reading and re-reading the WOT series over the years. My condolences to Robert Jordan's family and friends.



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The light be with you and shine on your family while you are away from them, as you have shined on so many of our lives as it is prevelant here to see. We will miss you. All our love to you Harriet, from those of us who have been there, we are here for you.

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Guest Efim... From Russia...


Читал книги Джордана Ñ 13-ти лет. Ð¡ÐµÐ¹Ñ‡Ð°Ñ ÑƒÐ¶Ðµ 18-Ñ‚ÑŒ... Ждал Ñ Ð½ÐµÑ‚ÐµÑ€Ð¿ÐµÐ½Ð¸ÐµÐ¼ когда выйдет Ð½Ð¾Ð²Ð°Ñ ÐºÐ½Ð¸Ð³Ð°, и мы, уÑÑдимÑÑ Ñƒ камина, за окном будет меÑти метель, дуть ветер, а мы будем читать, Ñ Ð½Ð°Ð´ÐµÐ¶Ð´Ð¾Ð¹, что когда-нибудь Ñто вÑÑ‘ кончитÑÑ. Вот и кончилоÑÑŒ, только ÑовÑем не так как хотелоÑÑŒ...


КазалоÑÑŒ бы - умер один человек... но вмеÑте Ñ Ð½Ð¸Ð¼ умерли Ñотни...


СпаÑибо Тебе, Роберт Джордан, Ñ Ð±ÑƒÐ´Ñƒ Ñкучать...

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I'm not sure when the shock will wear off...


Rest in peace, and know that you have touched millions of lives throughout this world.

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Guest Marianne


Thank you, for introducing me to the world of fantasy. Thank you for endless hours of joyous reading, for great expectations fullfilled and the opportunity to enter a world so different, yet so alike our own. Thank you for the Wheel of Time.


Thank you for your courage, and the compassion that you have showed us all through your own most difficult time. You have been an inspiration for many of us.


My condolances to Harriet, his family and friends. He lived, and died, a great man devoted to his life and art. He touched me, and will be sorely missed.



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never replied to your up dates before - but I did pray for you all - and I will continue to pray for all you who are part of his family that God will continue to give you the strength RJ had received from him.


My deepest condolences



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Guest j.r. seaton


Robert Jordan impacted my life greatly through his writing. It was all positive for me and I will always be thankful for him. He has moved on now to be with God but his writings will live on and the positive impact he had on people's lives will live on. God bless all the Jordon family and relatives. And for Harriet...True love is not bound by death, it just makes it stronger. God bless you Harriet.

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May the light shine on you, Robert Jordan, and may you shelter in the palm of the Creator's hand. For someone to have touched as many people has you have, and in such a positive way, I can only believe you have a very special place reserved in Heaven. Be at peace my friend, and perhaps we will meet in another turning of the Wheel.

Brandon in Boston, MA

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Guest Marcel van Ravensberg


My condolences to his family. I hope these words will offer some relief from the grief of loss. I am sad to hear of his passing. May he be remembered forever.

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I don't even know where to begin. I'm sad to say I just found out, and it's now Tuesday. My most heartfelt prayers and condolences go out to Harriet and everyone who was close to RJ. He has touched so many lives and will be missed, not least of all by me.


I still go to bed every night with the exercise to enter the Void, trying, hoping vainly to see that light not quite out of the corner of my eye. The way I write, the way I think about fantasy, the way I see magic and other magical literature is viewed through the exceptional paradigm that RJ presented in WoT. I remain unendingly impressed at his genius and incredible talent for writing passionate, heartfelt literature that touched so deeply the hearts of his readers. He left a lasting impression on me, as I'm sure on many others, and while he enjoys life eternal in the hand of the Creator himself, he will forever live on so long as people read and are touched by his works.


Rest in peace, RJ - your full life ended far too early after a battle no one should ever endure. You are loved and missed every day.

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Just read in the newspaper in Dallas, Rest in Peace Mr. Jordan, I started reading your series when I was 13 and can't put it down at 21. I've always appreciated its complexities, continuity, and the sheer vast nature of your imagination. God's blessings on your family and I will light a candle for you next sunday.

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I know Jesus was standing there waiting to walk RJ home!

Someday He and RJ will be standing there for Harriet on the day of their Reunion.


God bless you Harriet and family.


Ed Burton, KD6AAJ

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Guest Bob Rutledge


In 1995, a friend handed me a massive tome, knowing my voracious reading appetite, and said, "If you read this book, you will be hooked forever". The book was "Eye of the World".


My friend was so right.


I am saddened beyond words....


My condolences to the family.

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Guest Scaurus81


Anche l'Italia piange la notizia della scomparsa di questo grande autore di Fantasy.

Sono rimasto scioccato oggi nello scoprire questa notizia.


Le condoglianze vanno alla sua famiglia.


Possa egli riposare in pace


Also Italy cries the death of this great, beautiful author.


May he rest in peace



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Guest Seth Abels


My deepest sympathies to the family, friends and fans. What a loss. He entertained and inspired us over the years and the literary world has lost a giant, a true artist with his passing.

I was introduced to his writings 15 years ago and have faithfuly followed the WOT saga as it unfolded. The first three books carried me through my military service as I patrolled foreighn lands and hostile shores. I actually carried his books in my webgear and stole a few pages any chance I had. He helped the days go by and softened the long nights. RJ, Rand and all the other characters will alway have a fond place in my heart.

I hope his work will inspire a new generation of writers who will in turn dazzle the world as the Dragon did.

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