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Feast of Fools: Announcing The Feast of Fools!!!!

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Welcome one and all to

The Feast of Fools!!!!




Ladies and Gentlemen, Its that time of year again. Where everything sane in the WT is turned upside down!!!

For those who are not familiar with the Feast Of Fools, all aspies will be fully ranked!

and all fully ranked are aspies!!. Its all cross versa, diagonal, and any colour you can imagine!

Along with that, we'll have some voted to the foolishly HIGH places of power in the tower!....let the foolishness begin!!!!!



We have some very interesting games and activities for you all this year. Come see and play with the Greens and fools of the Tower, you never know you might be one of the Kings or Queens of:




Feast of Fools Nominations!!

Place your Vote for the best fool!

Who will be top Fools? Shout out and vote who you think would be the worst or best with the power of the tower. So...what you waiting for? get Nomming!




"Hang The Fool Game"

Hang that Fool!!!

Come and hang the fool! No....not literaly! :blink: Play with _wolfbrother_ and guess the letters to a WOT phrase or word. Who ever gets the most points becomes the Hang ''The Fool Champion''.




Bonding Fun!

Nom the Bond

Join poetstorm for some fun with the romantic fools, no I mean real they are! Go and ''nom nom'' who you think is the 'Cutest bonded pair' or 'Most likely to bond someone in the next six months'. Who knows YOU decide ofcourse so get in there. I want to see things getting steamy in there with nom nom's!




The Prank Room

Prankee? or Pranker?

Christine's up to nogood again *facepalm* what she done now? Come and tell us what you did or even.....prank again! Dont worry theres no punishments tonight......or is there? lets see whos the fool now mwhahahahaha!

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The rules for the next period of an abitrary number of hours shall be as follows:


Rule the First: Anyone caught making a serious post shall be glomped by the nearest initiate of the Tower. A Warder or algai will do in a pinch... so long as they don't do too many pinches.


Rule the next one: Anyone wishing to snugglebite must submit a request for snugglebite permission to me, or my oh so foolish keeper. Requests will be granted or denied on our whim.


Rule the one after that: If more than five people are in a thread, someone must be the designated tickle-victim. The Light grant mercy on their soul.


Rule the almost last: I could really go for a ham sandwich right about now. How about you? Yeah? What do you mean you don't like ham? Sacrilege!


Rule the last: Reeses Pieces are totally better than peanut butter M&Ms. Fact.



By the Powers vested in me, by some Light-adled fools, these Rules are hereby proclaimed!


~Amyrlin of Fools


Siggy's for Fools!


We have another treat for all who wish to join the Feast of Fools madness!! Come see what we have for all to wear.

Anyone can be anyone, no matter rank/path/etc......hehehehe hahahahaha mwahahahah!!!


oh look! even a Feast of Fools Avatar.











The Nomination Fool Thread Update!




Who won? I dont know....why ask me?.

Its all getting exciting in the Feast of Fools Nominations!! Thread. All the votes are in and the Fools with Power are loose in the Tower!! smiley_panic.gif ...Dont Panic!


BUT..... You all get to guess who is who under the Fools of Fools.....at the end of the week! *looks the Amyrlin of Fools up and down* hhmmmm....




To see who was NOM NOM'd see link below and start guessing! Things could get interestingly confusing :blink:



Hmmmm. I don't know about how they are doing things these days, but in my day it was considered rude to eye the Amyrlin. Hurrumph.


To the kitchens with you! Go make me some soup, and then scrub the pot properly.


Attention all novices! In order to be raised, you must accomplish 3 tasks!


1) Climb the tower, using your hands, feet, 17 feet of rope, an ice pick, a trowel, and a small mammal. At the top, plant a flag of some variety.



2) Bring me a shrubbery


3) Bring me a second shrubbery, preferably one of a different height, so I can create a layered look

  On 4/2/2011 at 8:46 PM, Egwene Aes Sedai said:

oh...yer...yes oh mighty,powerful,beautiful Fool of Fools Mother embarrassed_smiley.gif *kisses feet and runs off to fetch Soup and scrub pots* smiley_running.gif


I'm glad I washed my feet this morning... now, to go wash again. :dry:



  On 4/3/2011 at 6:26 AM, MoN of Fools said:

Attention all novices! In order to be raised, you must accomplish 3 tasks!


1) Climb the tower, using your hands, feet, 17 feet of rope, an ice pick, a trowel, and a small mammal. At the top, plant a flag of some variety.



2) Bring me a shrubbery


3) Bring me a second shrubbery, preferably one of a different height, so I can create a layered look


I believe these new ideas will help this Tower produce Aes Sedai of the highest calibre. I thoroughly approve of your initiative, My Mistress of Novices.


Though, I would ask that you also highly encourage the novices to knock down flags left by previous novices? It would amuse me to make them climb the Tower again to re-plant their flags.

  On 4/3/2011 at 8:00 AM, Amyrlin of Fools said:
  On 4/2/2011 at 8:46 PM, Egwene Aes Sedai said:

oh...yer...yes oh mighty,powerful,beautiful Fool of Fools Mother embarrassed_smiley.gif *kisses feet and runs off to fetch Soup and scrub pots* smiley_running.gif


I'm glad I washed my feet this morning... now, to go wash again. :dry:



  On 4/3/2011 at 6:26 AM, MoN of Fools said:

Attention all novices! In order to be raised, you must accomplish 3 tasks!


1) Climb the tower, using your hands, feet, 17 feet of rope, an ice pick, a trowel, and a small mammal. At the top, plant a flag of some variety.



2) Bring me a shrubbery


3) Bring me a second shrubbery, preferably one of a different height, so I can create a layered look


I believe these new ideas will help this Tower produce Aes Sedai of the highest calibre. I thoroughly approve of your initiative, My Mistress of Novices.


Though, I would ask that you also highly encourage the novices to knock down flags left by previous novices? It would amuse me to make them climb the Tower again to re-plant their flags.


Of course not. Novices knocking down the flags of other novices? The very idea is ridiculous. Why, it would create chaos!


Only Aes Sedai may knock down a novice's flag. That's what the new scoreboard in the Aes Sedai quarters is meant to track, after all.

  On 4/3/2011 at 6:26 AM, MoN of Fools said:

Attention all novices! In order to be raised, you must accomplish 3 tasks!


1) Climb the tower, using your hands, feet, 17 feet of rope, an ice pick, a trowel, and a small mammal. At the top, plant a flag of some variety.



*climbs the tower, taking aaaaages to do so, as she has juggle the trowel, hack pieces into the idestructible Tower, slide down multiple times again to catch the monkey which keeps climbing down her shoulder*


*finally, drenched with sweat, she arrives and tries to decide which flag to plant*





  On 4/3/2011 at 4:28 PM, MoN of Fools said:
  On 4/3/2011 at 8:00 AM, Amyrlin of Fools said:
  On 4/2/2011 at 8:46 PM, Egwene Aes Sedai said:

oh...yer...yes oh mighty,powerful,beautiful Fool of Fools Mother embarrassed_smiley.gif *kisses feet and runs off to fetch Soup and scrub pots* smiley_running.gif


I'm glad I washed my feet this morning... now, to go wash again. :dry:



  On 4/3/2011 at 6:26 AM, MoN of Fools said:

Attention all novices! In order to be raised, you must accomplish 3 tasks!


1) Climb the tower, using your hands, feet, 17 feet of rope, an ice pick, a trowel, and a small mammal. At the top, plant a flag of some variety.



2) Bring me a shrubbery


3) Bring me a second shrubbery, preferably one of a different height, so I can create a layered look


I believe these new ideas will help this Tower produce Aes Sedai of the highest calibre. I thoroughly approve of your initiative, My Mistress of Novices.


Though, I would ask that you also highly encourage the novices to knock down flags left by previous novices? It would amuse me to make them climb the Tower again to re-plant their flags.


Of course not. Novices knocking down the flags of other novices? The very idea is ridiculous. Why, it would create chaos!


Only Aes Sedai may knock down a novice's flag. That's what the new scoreboard in the Aes Sedai quarters is meant to track, after all.


I suppose if you already have a system in mind .... *practices launching Tower Guards into the Air*

  On 4/3/2011 at 10:47 PM, Banner-General of Fools said:

MoN, how will we determine the raising from Accepted to AS?



  On 4/4/2011 at 5:36 AM, Nyanna al said:
  On 4/3/2011 at 6:26 AM, MoN of Fools said:

Attention all novices! In order to be raised, you must accomplish 3 tasks!


1) Climb the tower, using your hands, feet, 17 feet of rope, an ice pick, a trowel, and a small mammal. At the top, plant a flag of some variety.



*climbs the tower, taking aaaaages to do so, as she has juggle the trowel, hack pieces into the idestructible Tower, slide down multiple times again to catch the monkey which keeps climbing down her shoulder*


*finally, drenched with sweat, she arrives and tries to decide which flag to plant*





Excellent work, dearie! I applaud you for being the first to work your way through the new system.... assuming you have provided the shrubberies?

  On 4/4/2011 at 6:21 AM, Banner-General of Fools said:

Novices! We Need a Purple Flag to represent the New Solitary Purple Ajah of Fools atop the Tower.


about time the Purple Ajah is being recognized :tongue:


Wait... we can change raising requirements for our poor followers??? Excellent!





Fine... if you can't do that... BRING ME THE HEAD OF THE AMYRLIN OF FOOLS! And her/his little keeper too.



And any novices or accepted you run into... That way the MoNoF can't turn them on me!

  On 4/2/2011 at 3:16 PM, Banner-General of Fools said:

As Banner General, Anyone wishing to speak directly with the Captain General must first appease me with gifts, or else I will send you to the MoN for a strict pennance.


I approve of this message. Oh, and I want grapes. Green ones, not those silly purple ones - GREEN! And you must throw them at me. But not in a rude fashion - in a loving, green grape-y fashion. Yes.

  On 4/4/2011 at 4:54 PM, Captain-General of Fools said:
  On 4/2/2011 at 3:16 PM, Banner-General of Fools said:

As Banner General, Anyone wishing to speak directly with the Captain General must first appease me with gifts, or else I will send you to the MoN for a strict pennance.


I approve of this message. Oh, and I want grapes. Green ones, not those silly purple ones - GREEN! And you must throw them at me. But not in a rude fashion - in a loving, green grape-y fashion. Yes.

You heard my Captain-General. Bring him/her Green Grapes.

Leave the Purple Grapes for Me.But I want mine seedless.

And, any Algai I catch drawing swords on the ickle Novices shall be sent to scrape moat slime off of Bob's Belly.

That's right- You'll be Prettying Bob.

Oh, and because the Amrylin of Fools is my Bonded, if you kill him/her, consider yourself dead.


*scratches head* So......this makes me Aes Sedai of Fools Mother? since im Accepted I assume that I jump up a rank *smiles sweetly*



Ok Well the Feast of Fools it still crashing the Tower, the Mother of Fools and her team of power are causing havoc everywhere they go. *shakes her head*



The thread of Bonding is getting messy with nom nom's but i STILL WANT TO SEE MORE ACTION!!! i want people fighting for nom noms and bonds. The Fools of power have decread that all are bond a pet....of some kind!! Thank you Song for my naked Frederick.


Hang that fool is going well and looks like Paet is kicking Fools left right and centre by looking at the scores so far. I hope the others will get bigger thinking caps on. Good luck all you Fools!


The Fools Prank room is filling up with scary and masterfull pranks from all ranks. *eyes them* Ill have too keep my eyes open when I walk through the Tower, no wheres safe anymore!


Well thats about it for now all you crazy people. Enjoy your day of festive fun and I will update you will all Feat of Fool news soon. *bows deeply and strolls away*

  On 4/4/2011 at 2:05 PM, MoN of Fools said:
  On 4/3/2011 at 10:47 PM, Banner-General of Fools said:

MoN, how will we determine the raising from Accepted to AS?


There is no way.I only concern myself with Novices


I approve of this. Our initiates should aim no higher than Accepted at this time.



  On 4/4/2011 at 4:48 PM, Sword Captain of Fools said:

Wait... we can change raising requirements for our poor followers??? Excellent!





Fine... if you can't do that... BRING ME THE HEAD OF THE AMYRLIN OF FOOLS! And her/his little keeper too.



And any novices or accepted you run into... That way the MoNoF can't turn them on me!


Keeper! Banner General! I want this foolish Sword Captain pinched, tickled, and snugglebitten into submission!


  On 4/4/2011 at 5:37 PM, Banner-General of Fools said:
  On 4/4/2011 at 4:54 PM, Captain-General of Fools said:
  On 4/2/2011 at 3:16 PM, Banner-General of Fools said:

As Banner General, Anyone wishing to speak directly with the Captain General must first appease me with gifts, or else I will send you to the MoN for a strict pennance.


I approve of this message. Oh, and I want grapes. Green ones, not those silly purple ones - GREEN! And you must throw them at me. But not in a rude fashion - in a loving, green grape-y fashion. Yes.

You heard my Captain-General. Bring him/her Green Grapes.

Leave the Purple Grapes for Me.But I want mine seedless.

And, any Algai I catch drawing swords on the ickle Novices shall be sent to scrape moat slime off of Bob's Belly.

That's right- You'll be Prettying Bob.

Oh, and because the Amrylin of Fools is my Bonded, if you kill him/her, consider yourself dead.


You do take such good care of me. :wub:



  On 4/4/2011 at 9:36 PM, Sword Captain of Fools said:

You can't be ordering Algai around! Thats my fake job! *Smites the banner-general of fools with his foolish rubber sword*


It won't be yours for long if you keep threatening your Foolish Mother! I mean, the members of the Tower love my new changes... they would rise up to snuggle-smite you if you tried to carry through your threats.



  On 4/5/2011 at 11:29 AM, Egwene Aes Sedai said:

*scratches head* So......this makes me Aes Sedai of Fools Mother? since im Accepted I assume that I jump up a rank *smiles sweetly*


Well, daughter, you know what Assumptions do... they make an ass out of you and Mption. We all know that Mption doesn't like being made an ass!


*Stands in the middle of the warders yard... purple frilly shirt rippling in the wind... hair flowing out behind him/her... Rubber sword at his/her side.... hands on hips*


Let your MINIONS come Amyrlin of Fools. I am prepared for them... Where are my warder brethren to help me?! COME!

  On 4/5/2011 at 2:36 PM, Sword Captain of Fools said:

*Stands in the middle of the warders yard... purple frilly shirt rippling in the wind... hair flowing out behind him/her... Rubber sword at his/her side.... hands on hips*


Let your MINIONS come Amyrlin of Fools. I am prepared for them... Where are my warder brethren to help me?! COME!


*ties up the SCoF with a weave of air, suspending him a few feet from the ground* Now. . . what to do with this Fool who dares try to hurt my Bonded. *snugglesmitetacklepounces the Sword Captain of Fools* FOR THE AMYRLIN AND THE COURT OF FOOLS



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