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Posts posted by Durinax

  1. Will Rand have all of Lews Therin Telamon memories and abilities now?


    As far as we know, the LTT voice inside of Rand's head feeding him info, was a manifestation of his interaction with the taint. It just so happened it was also helping him cope with those past memories flowing into his brain. With him merging his personalities, he still should have those memories from LTT available to him. They just won't come to him in the form of that voice inside his head. With those memories will come new findings in the OP that he can use. He's still learning despite how far he's come along in the series. Memories of weaves will just randomly happen when certain situations arise, and are needed. That's my opinion though. It's a theory.

    That makes a lot of sense though, and it will not be at random. Just think of how often knowledge comes into your head when a situation arrives and you need it, like in your given profession you most likely could not list everything you know about it because some of it is subliminal and will be accessed when a trigger is reached whether that be by sound sight, or another sense

  2. it will be other since perrin and faile will not be able to control a lot of land effectively, so a regional lord system will be created, and I think some sort of house of representatives will appear shortly after regional lords are put in place

  3. Quote from: sheikh chilli on Today at 01:50:45 PM

    the dragon reborn almost killed his own friend. saviour? nah. lunatic is more like it. No matter how many excuses you guys make for him, no matter how may times you try to justify his actions the fact that he looks at his friends like pawns and nearly killed his own friend renders him as a complete unfeeling shadow. He lacks compassion and empathy save for his three trollop lovers.



    There is nothing redeeming about rand al thor.



    Boy, Rand sure reminds me of Hawkwing.


    Didnt rand and perrin recollect that it was a clever ruse to make people think they had a falling out in order to get the nobles to fear rand more?

  4. Insert Quote

    Quote from: killdawabbit on Today at 07:34:04 AM

    Quote from: sheikh chilli on Today at 07:24:48 AM

    So let me get this straight. You guys think the ends justify the means? Oh i am rand al thor. The saviour of the world. You better do as i say or i will blow your brains out. Oh i do this to protect the world you live in. Damn.


    I would not even have a problem with rand roughshodding over dumb ass people like weiramon for example. But rand al thor has passed a zone which frankly turns him to a total unfeeling tool.




    No. People are sayig he is a product of his circumstances. Reading comprehension is a good thing. If you think about general human nature then you can begin to understand why he is like he is. Like I said earlier, the vast majority of people would simply break under the immense amount of stress.




    Not to mention the way Lews Therin seems to be seeping into him as time goes on. Rand is barely Rand anymore.


    plus in the times when the series is in (feudal society) it is also understanding that he does not care as much as we do now, since back then it was self preservation (as well as those close to you if possible) unlike now, when people are expected to be mindful and care about each others well being

  5. I like how dynamic rand is the transformation from a shy and blustering farmboy, to reluctant dreaded reincarnation, to full blown confident savior is perfectly executed imo


    You cannot expect rand to be any different, everyone hates him for who he is, but recognizes that they need him so they all maneuver to gain the most from his death. It would be like walking the desert with vultures circling you and walking beside you



  6. That's similar to Mat's first battle with the "Band." The Aiel aren't an all-powerful force. They can/have been defeated before.


    Yes but Mat was the first real wetlander to defeat him, other than small battles. But I should remind you that Mat did not fight a decent sized Aiel force without allied Aiel coming in to help out.

    After all the only reason the Aiel war ended was because Laman died, rand was born, and there was no point for them to keep on going. Tam and Lan (Tam for sure, Lan I think) said that they could have burned their way to the ocean, and that they suffered no major losses

  7. Quote from: Miltiades on July 11, 2009, 11:07:16 AM

    Quote from: dholm on July 11, 2009, 10:10:45 AM

    You're forgetting there's another environmental condition working on their physique: The Aiel themselves. They fight constantly. Anyone who developed into being small and compact would die in battle. You know how evolution works, I take it? Take it to the logical conclusion.



    Sorry, but that's complete rubbish. Being bigger does not automatically mean better in a battle. For example the Romans, who were very short people, kicked the asses of Celts, who were generally much bigger than they were. Greeks prized short and stocky men in their phalanxes because a low center of gravity is better in a pushing match, I know the Aiel dont fight in phalanxes, but still, the claim that those who were shorter and more compact would have a significant disadvantage when fighting is ludicrous.


    In the waste, tall people would have ended up skinny and emaciated as they wouldn't have found enough sustenance to put muscle across their larger frames. You want your calorie requirements to be a low as possible when your food intake is going to be



    You are forgetting in many of your examples the winning forces had much superior technology.  Size depends on fighting style, in the northlands of europe and africa it was more of a brawl than a organized fighting unit thus size was desirable, Rome and other imperial fighting forces conentrated on fighting formations, whcih was why the smaller stature was desirable.


    From what I see in WoT the only really organized fighting units are the Legion and the Seanchan. The rest just engage and go into a brawl style, which is why the Aiel are effective

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