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Posts posted by Winterwinds

  1. Forest Shadow lay a few long strides from Winter Winds who was on the practice field near the Ranger's Barracks. She was happily chewing on a peice of something she had been able to snag from one of the two-legs at the large dwelling Winter called the inn. Looking up she smiled inwardly as Winter dilagintly practiced with a practice sword. He had been doing so every day since he had picked out his blade.


    The sound of the door being thrown open snapped Forest out of her thoughts, and Winter out of his practicing. The two-leg Mountain Fury came rushing out, followed by Rhya. They seemed destressed, running through from the Ranger's Barracks as if a never bourn was on their tails.


    A sence of alarm emenated from them through the bond they shared with wolves, showing that something was wrong. Winter put down his practice sword and ran over to Forest, and grabbed his sword from where it lay near her.


    "What is going on sister? Are we under attack?" He sent, worry seeping through the bond.


    "I do not know brother, but I think we had best find out." She sent back as she stood up and shook the dead leaves from her fur.


    Nodding Winter strapped his blade onto his belt and ran the distance to the barracks, and were promply met by a Guardian who told them that word had just come of a wanderer who was imprisioned and awaiting death for being a Dshadow friend. Winter took a step out the door before the Guardian reminded him he couldnt go, as he was a wanderer himself.


    The pain on Winter's face trickeld through the bond, he had almost met that fate himself before he had been found by a tracker. His own pack had turned on him, and would most likely of killed him. thinking back to that day she remembered how scared he had been when she had found him, alone in the woods. Now somewhere out there someone like her brother was in a cadge, awaiting his death at the hands of his pack.


    "I will go brother," Forest said almost before the thought barely had tome to register, "I will go in your place as I do not wish to see another to face the fate that almost befell you."


    Winter looked at her for a moment, it was a look of What will I do without you? But then he seemed to understand, Forest could not stand to see him woory such over someone he did not even know, a feature she found interesting.


    "Go then, make sure the others dont get in trouble," Winter said, "and make sure the poor soul gets back here."


    And so when the others reached the place they kept their four-legged hard footed creatures, horses as Winter called them, Forest was waiting for them with a look of, "So when do we leave?"


    Forest Shadow.

    Out to save a poor soul.



  2. The heat of the oven's in the Infirmary's kitchen was a welcome relief from the cold that had settled into the outside world. Winter had volenteered to help out with the cooking for the day, as he had never really cooked before, and had been given the task of helping make bread dough.


    Forest was out of the way in one of the corners. They had been talking for a while now about perhaps moving out of the house they were currently staying in, and perhaps building a cabin of their own.


    "But where would we build it sister?" Winter asked for what was perhaps the third time.


    "I do not know, that is up to you and the other of your kind, I do not mess with your kinds affairs." She said with what could only be interreted as a paitent maner, "When my kind needs a new den we just go find one."


    Winter was about to protest to this when he saw someone walk in through the front door down the hallway from the kitchen.



    "It would seem someone new has come to the stedding Sister." He said.

    "I know, perhaps we will get to meet her." Forest said, then with what felt like a smile in the picture Forest sent him, "It might be best to pay attention to what you are doing young one, one of the apprentices is giveing you an interesting look."


    Winter looked down to find he has topped working the dough and had just been standing there talking with Fofrest. Slightly embarrised he went back to work.


    John Winterwinds and Forest Shadow.



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