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Posts posted by Winterwinds

  1. From where she was sitting at the base of a tree, Winifred could not help but chuckle as images sent by her companion, the wolf known as Midnight who was sneaking around the nearby campsite of the Wanderer they were here to find, danced through her mind. The way the young man held himself, conducted himself. Especially the way he raised that damn handkerchief to guard his nose from some imaginary smell.


    It all oozed noble to her. And it was taking all the control she could muster not to chuckle at how far this man, this child, must have fallen from grace.


    Her cruel mirth must have seeped through to her companion because suddenly an image of Midnight smacking a younger wolf with his tail in mock discipline entered her mind. Quite literally it was a "Don't laugh at those less fortunate.", or to anyone besides her it would be. In reality it was more like "Save the gloating until later."


    If there was a later, hopefully this Noble would not be too proud to see that he had to eat some time and that the meals the wolves had been providing for him had dried up. Sure, she had asked the wolves to do that. If he was comfortable and everything was provided for him he would never be ready to be taken to the Stedding, where nothing was ever just handed to you. Before too long, he would hopefully ask for help, and help would arrive in the form of Winifred and Midnight.


    Patting the bag of supplies next to her which she had picked up in town not that long ago, her amusement broke through in a smile at last. Midnight didn't bop her mentally this time as she had reason to gloat. If only because Midnight also didn't like how some two-legs had everything done for them. He had been more than a little irritable when they'd found out that wolves had been providing the lad with food, that he could not hunt for himself, let alone find his own meat.


    These thoughts however were interrupted in the form of the noble sending a call for help out to the wolves. 


    And so the Head Tracker stood up, dusted herself off, picked up the supplies and strode forward with a faintly sardonic smile briefly crossing her face.


    Upon reaching the campsite she approached from the bushes and trees in front of the Wanderer, knowing well from experience that when you are at your most low, you're also at your most dangerous. Midnight by her side, Winifred's smile normalised and she offered an only slightly mocking bow.


    "I believe you requested help?" She was all business now. She could laugh in her mind, but not at the Wanderer. She waited for him to respond, to ask who she was and all the other normal questions Wanderers were full of before continuing.


    "Name's Winifred," she put the supplies down next to his campfire, then looked over at him, golden eyes shining. "And, as I said, you asked for help. Didn't you? You could say I make a job out of helping people like you, like us." She kneeled down and opened the pack, pulling out some bread. Carefully breaking some off, she tossed it to the young man, "And you, you need help."


    Throughout this exchange, Midnight plodded slowly around the campsite, sniffing and looking carefully around before settling down near a tree at the edge of the clearing. He trusted his two-legged friend to get what needed to be done, done.


    ((Late reply is late.))

  2. Sshhhh dont give the new guy any ideas.


    Last new person we sent to the Children tried to kill us all! 


    Okay, so it was all IC, and most of us here -do- play something related to Aes Sedia or Wolfkin >.> <.<


    Heh, jokes aside there is always also the Wolfkin, they're not so warrior as in go out and fight all the time, but they do have their moments.

  3. Hey! So, yes there is an intro RP more or less that you have to go through.


    You first need to be picked up by a Tracker, who will bring you back to the Steading.


    After that, you are looked over by one of the healers, and then let loose into the steading to meet people :3


    Its at most 2 RPs to go through, they're fun, quick (Though not so much now since we're a little slow) and easy. Once your through them then the real fun starts though :3

  4. The appearance of a hunting knife put Midnight slightly on edge, but the wolf was too well seasoned in tracking and helping Wanderers to let it show to anyone except Winifred, and even she only noticed because of how long they had been working together. Of course, Fred had reacted slightly to the knife too, a subtle non-threatening movement of hand to sword hilt, but otherwise she gave no outward sign of her feelings.


    The Wanderer seemed to look between them, Winifred and Midnight, as if confused or perhaps in slight wonder at having been tracked or found. It didnt matter though. What mattered was that he then put his blade away and spoke.


    "I have no idea who you are, but as to why you are here, I can guess." His voice was plain and nervous. He smelled of nerves too, a fact backed up by him adjusting his bow in an entirely unnecessary gesture. "You are here to find me, and strangely enough, I think I was looking for you."


    Winifred chuckled a little, "Well, we've been looking for you for a long time. At least as long as you've been on the road, perhaps a little less time than that." Midnight snorted softly. Their search had been mostly asking wolves if he had left the farm he was staying at yet. A long, boring search full of nights spent in hay bales or in the woods. Midnight was, as he put it, getting too long in the tooth to do pups' work.


    Winifred knew he didn't actually mean it, he just complained like that sometimes.


    Meanwhile, the Wanderer's mouth had been working silently as if to find a voice for a question, which at last burst forth.


    "Do you know what's happening to me?"


    Winifred nodded, "I do. I remember it happening to me quite clearly in fact." She rubbed the back of her head and frowned a little. She didn't like the memories of where she was when it had started, nor of the person she had called father. "Suffice to say, you have a special gift, one that the world does not take kindly to. I, and Midnight here," she gestured to the wolf who snorted once more, or perhaps sneezed, it was cold out here after all, "are here to help you and bring you somewhere safe where others of our kind live. Others who can teach you more about it than this Tracker ever could." She looked around, tugging on one of the straps on her pack and, looking over to the Wanderer, continued, "Anyway, unless you are dead set on going back into town, I think I am going to make camp here. You are welcome to stick around and think up more questions I may or may not be able to answer." She shrugged, "Then again, perhaps Midnight can answer them, he always was the wiser of the two of us."


    Midnight, true to his nature, only rolled his eyes. She could never tell if he was being sarcastic, or simply shrugging the praise off.

  5. Wow, the flood gates sure opened.


    Well, Tay will get your bio posted up to the bio section soon Bard


    As for Starrik, I dont know how much use the info site will be, but Tay will likely let you in before too long (Though, likely after you've submitted a bio and are part of the WK group), until then I would be happy to answer any of your questions.

  6. ((I figure I may as well just post :3 Seeing as there is no reason to make you wait.))


    The woods outside Cairhein were not the safest place in the world for a Wolfkin to travel. Being so close to the capital of one of the largest nations on the continent patrols were not uncommon, and it was quite hard to explain sometimes that you were not a bandit, let alone why your eyes were a strange color. Of course, this was usually only a problem if you were inexperienced  and Winifred was anything but inexperienced  she was Head Tracker after all.


    And even if she was, which she wasn't, she had Midnight to look after her. The large wolf always looked after her, or perhaps she looked after him, it really depended on which of the two you asked. That was, however, for the moment quite irrelevant as Midnight was trailing their intended target from the shadows cast by the large trees, slipping in and out of hollow logs and bushes to keep hidden until the right time. They both had no idea how this Wanderer would react to them. Heck, the wolves who had been helping them track him had spoken of him hiding almost constantly around small towns, farms, and now even a big city. Places they could not go, places where they would not have known he was there if not for the fact that they could sense his presence. 


    When they had arrived at a point near Cairhien, Winifred had been looking forward to perhaps going into one of the inns and getting a good rest while she searched the city, but no, their quarry had all but walked out the gate as she was going in. Midnight had been the one who had alerted her to the fact and out she went again into the elements.


    Not like she needed a warm bowl of stew.


    The sudden shift in the wind's direction caused a low curse to come forth from the Head Tracker's lips. He would doubtless smell her coming now, so any surprise or ability to plan just went out the window. With a sigh she sent a message to Midnight. The Wanderer has caught my scent now. Go and greet him so that I can catch up.


    I shall do as you ask Sister, get here soon. The pup seems troubled already. The sending was, as always, matter of fact.


    Sighing again she picked up her pace from a slow, careful walk, to a brisker pace that covered the ground quickly. Before too long she found herself in visual range of the Wanderer with Midnight sitting a respectful distance away.


    "Greetings, I hope my brother here has not scared you too badly?" She paused for his response before continuing, "Do you know who I am or why I am here?"


    She left it at that for a moment and simply waited for him to answer or ask lots of questions. Hopefully he would not try to attack though. That would be tiresome and foolish in the extreme.

  7. Does this mean we get to stop calling you "Mother" on the staff boards?


    On a more serious note, I am sorry to see you leaving. You have been an asset to the PSW for as long as you have been here, and your leaving, even a short one, is a sad one day.

  8. ((Lets hope I still remember how to do this xD))

    Winter and Forest Shadow sat beneath the boughs of a pine tree, quietly resting after an afternoon of cutting wood to be used for various things around the Stedding. He was still a Pup among the Pack here, having not actively gone out and attempted to gain a rank or a higher place amongst the Wolfkin. His sister Forest, who was in fact a wolf where he was human, told him that such things were needed sometimes. So long as he helped and was useful then he did not need to challenge anyone for their rank.

    This was of course not how things worked among the Wolfkin, as with many human societies, but Forest still enjoyed using wolf-like proverbs. For the time being Winter was happy doing odd jobs, and would fill a roll when it was required of him.

    Besides, doing odd jobs left him time to sit there, in the shade, with his sister's head in his lap while he absently rubbed behind her ears. Something that she enjoyed immensely.

    Before too long he would have to deliver the wood to the Hole in the Wall, as well as to the Healers at the Infirmary, where they made bread and other such things and possibly even some to the Rangers' Barracks. Then, it would be back home to clean and perhaps cook for himself or go hunting to augment the supply of meat he had stored away.

    At the thought of his and Forest's home he opened his eyes and look over at the modest house they occupied which sat a small distance off. It was not the grand manor house he had lived in back in the Borderlands, and for that he was happy. He did not wish to be reminded of the life he had been so violently tossed from, nor the family that had so casually and so callously branded him a Dark Friend and called soldiers down on him.

    The flair of negative emotion gained him a prod from Forest's paw and a worried sending from her.

    Winter Winds no longer needs to worry about his former Pack. He left them and has found a new one. Her 'voice' held a tone of worry and of comfort. She had watched from afar and seen the way his family had treated him. To ease her, he lightly patted her stomach.

    Forest Shadow does not need to fear for her brother. He knows she will protect him.

    The sending was more comical than anything else, but it had its desired effect which was a snort laugh from Forest and the feeling of her relaxing back down against him again.

    He relaxed as well and returned to absently petting her behind the ears. She wouldn't admit it but Winter knew that she enjoyed it almost as much as a domesticated dog. He closed his eyes once more and continued to sit there.


    A long time doing nothing.

  9. Uhm....about as long as the Wolfkin have been stagnant I think.


    He left and that advanced Tay to head RP admin, and she picked me as her assistant Admin.


    But, uhm, yeah 10 years ago? That's a long time. I've only been here for about 4 now.


    Anyway, tomorrow I will likely post something. Though, its been like 2 years now ._. One would almost think my Wanderer is not a wanderer anymore xD

  10. I don't know honestly. Just one day everyone was gone...


    I mean, the Wolfkin wasnt terribly active when I was here in the first place.


    There was like me, Tay, Owen, Tai'deshan, Nyn, and like two or three other wanderers besides myself.


    They just all sort of vanished one day as I said. Only me and Tay really remained @.@

  11. Well, I -would- if there was anyone to RP with.


    Tay's internet has been, well so full of holes we should just start calling it the Titanic by now, and its really just me and her so there was no point in RPing. If you wish to start something, or if you wish me to start something, I am more than happy to break the 3 year or so silence on that board :D

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