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Posts posted by Winterwinds

  1. ((Heh, lets see if I can get her voice right. So, since it was placed in the Steading sub-board, I am just going to say it wasnt -too- far away from it. I hope thats alright.))


    "Quite an interesting place to hole yourself up." Winifred's sending to Midnight was rather absent minded, simply pointing out that it was not far from the actual Steadding. For once, she hadnt had to walk or ride all over the place to find a Wanderer.


    "The Two-Legged are not kind to those like you sister," Midnight's sending was just as matter-of-factual as hers, "You know this, you should not be surprised to find one hiding in a cave like a scared pup."


    The Head Tracker could not help but shake her head, not because of the sarcstic tone, but because it was true. Humans were never kind to the 'kin, almost always they were driven from their homes, villages, or cities by angry mobs. Many found refuge in places like this, on their own save for the wolves that often came to help them. So, really this pup was no diffrent than any other Wanderer she had gone to pick up, save for the distance thing.


    They ad been in contact with the wolf helping him, Moon Dancer she was called. She had assured them that this was the right place, and that the young Wanderer they were going to meet was awake and waiting them. She had also informed them that the young man was hungry and cold. The Steading was not far so both of those things could be easily fixed.


    Soon, she came into view of the cave he was staying in, and beheld a young man, weak from hunger and the cold, sitting next to the wolf who Winifred knew to be Moon Dancer. Stopping a short ways off the Head Tracker nods to Moon Dancer before speaking.


    "Greetings. My name is Winifred. I could start out with pleasentries, but you already know why I am here I suspect. Needless to say I am here to take you somewhere safe, warm, and with food." Yeah, that just about covered it.


    She would wait for a responce, "Are you able to walk?" She hoped he was, she didnt have any intention of carrying him. Though, if she had to she would, she couldnt leave him out here all alone.

  2. Hm, well I think Owen still leads the Rangers, so far as I can recall. Things are...well very slow. Rping down in the Steadding is very...well spaced out >.> If you want to start something down there (or for that matter I could if your willing to join) I think it'd garner some people Rping down there again.

  3. <Walks out of the shadows, his golden eyes glowing in the shadows uptil he is fully revieled into the light, a warm and bright smile on his face. His companion Forest Shadow striding beside him confidantly>


    Uhm, I may remember you, may not. I cant remember a whole lot. <Forest rolls her eyes and nods at this> But none the less welcome back :3

  4. Hm, well the only advice I can give you without looking at the Bio itself is be discriptive about your character. Go into detail about how they act and their personality if you want, establish a good base for the character to grow on.


    Who were they before the Howling? What trials did they go through before, during, or perhaps even after depending on if they're currently post-howling or going through it.


    Most importantly, how do they handle the howling itself? DO they think they've gone absolutly insane? Or do they accept it?


    Thats all I have. Best thing to do is finish the bio, submit it and get feedback from the bio checker :3 Or even get advice from Taymyst, who is the leader of the Wolfkin (And my boss) she knows what she is talking about :3

  5. Thanks. As I told one of the other staff I will likely just go back to lurking as I did before I offically joined DM like...2-3 years ago now?


    When the Wolfkin get more active again, expect me to re-appeare though! Forest Shadow and Winterwinds will never truly vanish because you cant get rid of them that easily, they'll just go hiding in the shadows.

  6. So, yeah with the Wolfkin being as inactive as they are right now, I have found myself drifting from DM to the point where I cannot even preform my modeation duties in the newbie board. So, I figure this is more of a formality then anything else but I am going to leave DM. I might return someday, but likely not until I am done with College.


    I wish you all luck :3


    <Sets out an offering of Tequlia and Chili as a parting gift to all the Wolfkin>


    So yeah...I desided to stick around, stress sorta made me spaz out ._. so disreguard this! Though...help yourself to the stuff I left >:3

  7. Well, it looks like an arrival thread could be posted in the Steading, which would be the first thread you have there where you meet with a Sage and get checked out before being let out into the general populace :3


    Tay can tell you more I think.

  8. My level of lurk has gone down quite alot sadly due to college, but I am trying to check in more often since I am still after-all a mod ._. but yeah I am still here!


    And dont worry Tay, get better >:( We cant have a sick Tay! Who will Owen torment? Or who will torment Owen?


    In any event, now that I have figured out my college has FREE WIFI I will be around more often :D!


    P.S. Jain, feel free to jump into the open thread I have? Or perhaps I could start one if you want?

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