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Posts posted by jozan

  1. Cerise was showed to the infirmary by Burrick and a lady called "Aislyn" There were baked bread and other foods placed upon a table in the middle of the room. She seemed to have been expected as in they seemed to know she would be coming, which of course got her thinking to herself how they could know that. She slowly sat down and looked around a bit and then started by taking a small bite of the baked bread lying on the plate in front of her. It tasted warm and quite delicious, she hadn't eaten much for many hours, since Burrick had found her alone in the woods. And now here she was with complete strangers she knew nothing about, eating baked bread and drinking water they had put fourth just for her. Cerise glanced a bit at Burrick who still hadn't sat down as he was still standing at the opening of the tent. "Thank you! Who made these breads? they are delicious." Her voice trailed off after she had said the last word, and well her voice was still quite weak.


    She clapped her companion who had laid down beside her, just as she kind of expected 'Rain' to have done. Then she turned and looked at Aislyn and said with a calm but still weak voice "I don't know why I am here but..can you tell me about all of these things that's been happening to me for the last few days now." She wore a curious and a bit questionable face.

  2. Cerise listened with care to each word that was spoken so she would not miss any detail that may help her understand her new path of destiny. "The wolves call me 'Mountain Fury'" Cerise gave him a gentle smile and looked at his two companions as she pondered what she may be called by these creatures before her. Suddenly the grey female wolf that was lying beside her nudged her and sent the image of a bright burning star, but she did not understand at all what it meant, but it seemed the other wolves got the same image and nudged Burrick too.


    "has she introduced her self to you yet?" That made Cerise look down with a puzzled expression which the wolf reacted to by slightly lifting her head a bit and with her gentle yellow eyes looked at Cerise and send another image to her which described the name of the female wolf quite well. It was an image of rain pouring down, which suggested her name being 'Rain' maybe something very sad had happened to her in the past. But Cerise still didn't understand what these bunch of images really meant, well not yet anyway or maybe simply didn't try to understand them. Suddenly she remember something "This kin..." she paused for a moment and collected her thoughts and calmly said again "This kin you speak of as a family, I would be honored to meet them." Cerise still sat by the fire and pondered about her new life and where it would guide her.


    OOC: So sorry for such a long wait..and also for short post. I wasn't sure what to write.

  3. To Aiolus: on WS progression..you post your training threads on the progress forum just below here if you can see it. ^^ And there's more info on how to do that on the forum..or just send pm to Matalina about that  :)


    About Mentor assignment I'm not too sure..how they do it now, but before you got a mentor when your bio was approved. You can check with Eqwina or matalina on that.


    To minisamus: Just send in your bio again and say you are returning and it will be fixed.  :) Then you just need to wait for it to be approved. Maybe do a short update on it if you need that. 

  4. Burrich's answer lingered in her head as a echo, that didn't want to stop bouncing inside her mind. But one thing made her smile though Whatever people tell you or what you may think, you are not a dark friend. Those words settled her biggest worry she had and her parents would've been so happy to hear those news. Sadly she could never go back there ever again, or only when she could control her gift and then maybe...just maybe she'd be able to visit them to re-assure them she was safe now. And even the wolf beside her crept closer to her now to make her feel more at ease with it all, and strangely it did help a lot.

    Cerise looked at Burrich with a slightly bigger smile now and said with a smooth tone to her voice "Who are these wolf kin you talk about? I wish I could meet them, they seem to understand my problem." But then she remembered something he had said about being able to communicate with wolves..she had nightmares about wolves coming and most of it she didn't understand at all. "Burrich, how come we can communicate with the wolves? And why..why did this happen to me?" Her voice got a little questionable. She had too many questions and too little information. Even though he had told her she was not alone anymore, it did give a little less fear but even more questions instead.


    Cerise glanced at his wolves and finally sat down on the ground along side her new found company with her feet crossed, feeling the warmth of the glowing fire , Burrichs presence and the wolves. She started feeling more and more at ease now being with them, even though she didn't knew them at all. "Excuse me, but..um those wolves beside you. Could you maybe tell me..a little about you and your company? Maybe how you met" She hoped her questions didn't bring back bad memories, she was just getting interested in him. Cerise stroked her wolfs' back again. This meeting was getting to be a light shot from the creator for her, from the moment she got this gift. 

  5. Cool, Cool!! Not sure if you know, my character is Cerise Merlan, a girl of 16 years old. hihi  ;)


    She has a large gray she-wolf company with no name as of right now. As they don't know each other that much yet.  :)

    Which either come up during the pick-up thread or the arrival or maybe in one of my character develop rp's that I'll soon.  :)

  6. "Breakfast" This man had made her breakfast and even taken the time to roast the rabbit on the fire, Cerise looked at him and decided it was okay to go over there. And so she limped forward a bit slowly 'cause of the ache and pain in her body, but she did try walking though. She sat down at the warming fire and felt a warm fussy feeling in her body now and sat a little closer to the fire and just as she was about to eat, the large gray she-wolf laid down beside her for some reason she still not understood. "Burrich, was it?. I was chased away from my family, mom, dad and my sister by villagers. They all called me evil, but I don't feel evil..j-just different." She ate some more roasted rabbit meat and felt the little juicy meat filling her belly and making it less growly, which was a wonderful feeling she had missed for sometime now.


    Her voice was still weak and her body too, and would need rest and healing so she did not pass out again. "I-I..." She paused a brief moment and spoke again with a bit more steady voice "I don't understand!" Cerise eyes suddenly shined like nothing before, like a bright star shining on the ground at night. Without noticing what she was doing with her left hand, she stroke the wolf again, on it's back. "These wolves beside you, why do they accompany you? They seem close to you, like a friend." Her tone was gentle as the last word lingered a little longer than the others did. A sudden image struck her head in an instant The image of a large gray female wolf in a big field with sad eyes. The other wolves seem to have gotten the same image or more detailed perhaps as they both raised their heads slightly and back down again.


    "I'm sorry to ask, but maybe..just maybe, can you explain what is happening to me? Am I very ill or changing somehow? I don't understand any of it. And why is this wolf following me and laying beside me." Cerise glanced at the man hoping for an answer she was looking for or at least something to go on, as she'd keep looking for it. She truly wanted to understand this illness or whatever it was, because she had never felt this weak or strange and lonely ever before in her entire life. She almost had small tears creeping down her rosy cheeks. Cerise was indeed a beautiful young lady, even though short. "C-can I..can I s-stay with you? I don't want to be alone." Her voice held a tad sad tone to it as she sat there waiting for his response.

  7. Her eyes; a yellow beacon of light in the night, suddenly started to slightly and slowly open up to the surroundings in the wood. Everything was blurry and her body still ached a lot but she feared the villagers would come back. Then it hit her, she was not alone as her nose felt the scent of some kind of herbs and the scent of something else. Cerise tried to pull her up but it was futile there were no way she'd be able to walk at her current state, but maybe after long time of rest and something to eat and drink. Suddenly she felt a austere tongue licking her wet in the face and when she looked up she saw a wolf's face trying to wake her up. Now Cerise saw that at the campfire sat a large man and two wolves cuddled together.


    She didn't know what to think or say to all this that is happening to her, but maybe this man was like her. Cerise tucked her warm cloak more now and brought down the hood to hide her face and to get warmth. A sudden image of a female wolf coming closer to where she was disturbed her and got a shivering feeling in her aching body. All this she was seeing now spinned in her head all over again, and she could still not understand why it had to happen to her. She had a good life with the people back home, a warm house and bed to sleep in. But now it was all over for Cerise, she could never go back there ever again. This large stranger and his two wolves was her company for the days to come, and their food seemed so tasteful, but then she hadn't eaten real food for days. Her empty belly suddenly gave out a growling sound and the man turned around to look at her hidden face.


    Then Cerise saw it; the yellow colored eyes, she was not alone anymore. He was just like her, the same but seem to be intone with his destiny somehow which made her more curious about him now and his company he kept beside him. Just as she was about to speak up, an image of a wolf sitting beside her came into her mind which made no sense, she had no one beside her. But when she looked on the ground she saw a shadow of a wolf and so she looked at her side and got a shock, as a gray colored and quite large female wolf looked at her with yellow colored eyes with an ounce of loneliness which got Cerise and she slowly and gently put her hands on the she-wolf and felt warmth and started gently stroking the wolf's back. Then she finally turned to the large man who was still sitting on his stump, and she finally opened her mouth "I am Cerise Merlan, I-I am sorry. For my silence, but um..is it.." her voice nervous and very weak at that but her tone was gentle and tender. Cerise gestured at the roasted rabbit on the spit.


    OOC: I hope this works. And don't worry about being late. ;D

  8. hm...how sad I had plans do this one also..but my ws is just a little short.

    I'd do it with you if I could..but my ws is not right yet.


    I have ws 10 and it need to be 11 to be able to do this one.  :(

    And I can't ask you to wait for me.

    So, yeah I wish you find someone to play it out with out.


    Have fun!~

  9. And finally his teacher arrived at the yard walking up to him. "Good-day. We will begin class when the others arrive.” He suddenly spotted another warder coming over to them and jozan just slightly glanced at him hoping he would not pay attention to him and his size, but of course that would probably not happen as anyone would notice jozan from afar. "Thera Gaidin, I am Jozan Elvilmawien. And here to learn advanced sword forms under your guidance." He said with a respectful tone as he slightly very slightly bowed his head a little.


    But the other man had used the word 'mistress' to address her which made not much sence to jozan but that was not his concern though, he was just here to learn another set of sword forms so he could finally move on with his training which he so much was in need of.

  10. Jozan stood in the warder yard again which he had not done for a long time, seeing mostly new faces around, some women and some young girls or men and boys. He was one of the older more experienced tower guards around now, which made him smile within but on the outside he was still a cold stone faced man.

    He had been told to wait at the oak tree near the wall on the east side of the yard for a woman that would be teaching him advanced sword forms. Luckily he had brought his sabre with him and draw it out now and started doing some exercises as he waited for his teacher to arrive.


    The large body moved a bit gracefully from Leaf Floating on the breeze and moved smoothly into Lizard in the thornbush. He danced around a bit when his teacher finally arrived to where he was training the intermediate forms.


    OOC: sorry for the short post, wasn't exactly sure what to write.

  11. *walks in as winter is put in the footlocker*

    Hello, let us all here be nice to each other *gets glances from Tay*


    I mean...um, well I-oh, look over there. A cookie *He goes to the cookie basket and starts eating the round chocolate cookies. *Offers Tay a cookie* 

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