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Posts posted by jozan

  1. The night kept Alinya’s figure in the shadows, and luckily she was also wearing her black clothes which made it even harder to see her. She had been hiding behind the house corner, waiting to see what would happen inside the inn – especially since the lord had been killed. I can’t wait to get this job over with, so I can move on from here Alinya thought to herself, as she decided it was time to go inside and see if Arina were in need of assistance. But just as she was about to open the door, two men nearly ran over her as they slightly bumped into her and cursed at her for being in the way, then they continued to run away in haste. Alinya lifted her right hand in the sky and shook it angrily at them as she cursed them “Bloody ashes, watch where ya goin’ you bloody fools.” Her voice sounded very angry as she walked up the stairs toward her room.

    In the corridor there were a few drunkards wobbling around and glaring at her with hideous ideas of what would be fun to do together. She snarled at them and showed them her angrily fist in front of their faces. She had no time with drunkards at this vital time, where she had been able to kill two guards of a minor lord from Tear. The third guard had probably run off to somewhere leaving his lord all alone with two assassins that were hired to kill him.


    Just as she was about to open her door to the room, she couldn’t help but to leer toward the lord’s room and the door was slightly open. Alinya smiled and decided to see if he was already dead, or if there were anything she could help Arina with. She walked over to the room and slowly pushed open the door, and what she saw wasn’t what she expected to find. Her trainer was standing there in an empty room clutching her dagger in anger. She quickly turned around with a dagger in hand, when she saw it was only Alinya standing in the lord’s door opening. “What’s going on? I thought you had done your job, where’s the lord?” Alinya looked at Arina who had just spoken with an irritated voice “One of the guards must’ve warned him, I made a slight mistake. He must’ve heard me and went back to his master, to get him out of here.” Alinya said with a slight hesitation in her voice.


    She really thought it was over, but instead the guard and his master had fled the scene. And they had gained some extra mile thanks to Alinya’s mistake. Something she would never do again, so she walked out from the room and headed down the stairs, and went outside the inn to see if she could spot anything that might tip them in the right direction. Her trainer had taught her a little about tracking her target and luckily she had actually been paying attention at that moment.

    It wouldn’t be easy to spot anything because of the darkness lingering over the sky, and it wouldn’t get lighter for another hour or so.

    When Arina arrived at the scene where Alinya had last seen the guards, Alinya spoke up “I might be wrong but I think I have found something that could help us find them again.” Since it had been raining a couple of days before, there were still some mud on the ground that could help them find some clues. “Over here” Alinya exclaimed “This look like a broken twig and over here is half a footprint. I think they went that way.” Alinya gestured with her left hand toward the docks from what it looked like.

  2. As Liana were walking through the soft glowing arch the words “the way back will come but once. Be steadfast” echoed in her mind, and then it went blank.

    A woman was running toward where Liana was standing and the woman had a warm smile, which made Liana smile back, and then she called out “You’re finally back, my child. Your father will be coming back very soon from his journeys.” A surprised Liana couldn’t help but open her mouth and then close it, she did that movement a few times before she finally realized who the woman was; it was her beautiful mother who was running toward her. And Liana’s father would be coming home very soon, and she would be able to see his soft and gentle face again.

    Liana and her mother embraced each other and she felt a warmth Liana had not felt for a long time, and it made her really happy. She could barely wait to see her father again, and for the whole family to be together once more. Nothing could stop their happiness because she wouldn’t allow it to destroy them once again. When they came upon their house in the capital of Saldaea where they were living together, someone was already there waiting for them.


    But it was not her father instead it was a younger male guard whom had served alongside her father against the trollocs whenever they attacked the walls around the city. His face said more than a thousand words could ever say, it was filled with sadness and concern for something – that meant something had happened to her father otherwise he wouldn’t have bothered to come here. “I am Jarlin Merkin, guardian of the eastern wall along with your father. I’m a herald of bad news, and for that I am sorry. Your father has been killed, and it saddens me to tell this news to you both. May the light shine upon you both.” And after he bowed deeply the young guard left them to their mourning. His face expression had been sad but his voice wasn’t of sadness but of respect and serenity.


    Her tears flowed down her cheeks but as she was embracing her mother in tears, a voice echoed in her mind once again “The way back will come but once. Be steadfast” and then near the house gate, a few meters away a bright light appeared. She wasn’t sure what it meant, but it didn’t matter she didn’t want to leave her mother all alone. After a brief moment the light began to fade slowly, and for some reason Liana was pulled toward it. She wiped her tears and whispered in her beloved mother’s ear “I love you with all my heart.” And then she ran toward the light and nearly missed it, and when she fell to the floor in the tower chambers where she had entered the archway, she started crying again. The Aes Sedai at the table poured cold water over her head and it made Liana shiver a lot “You are washed clean of what sin you may have done and of those done against you. You are washed clean of what crime you may have committed, and of those committed against you. You come to us washed clean and pure, in heart and soul.” The Aes Sedai said with serenity and firmness in her voice.


    Liana could barely speak because of the cold she felt in her naked body, and after a short moment the Mistress of Novices showed her to the next Archway. And she said “The second arch is for what is. The way will come but once. Be steadfast.” With a stern voice to Liana who was still cold and sobbing a bit, but she knew she had to go through the second Arch or she would fail.

  3. Yeah, works for me :) Though one thing about Jozan is that he use to be bonded to a green sister..

    but two years ago in a battle at Namandar she lost her life..and he just got back to the tower...and that's the rp thread I'm doing with Elgee.


    His return to the tower that is. We're nearly done. Just my post left then we're back to the tower.

    Perhaps we could meet then or something.

  4. Liana had been dozing off during a lesson about herbs with a yellow sister named Alya Sedai, a very calm and gentle soul, and Alya Sedai seem to like Liana and usually had many questions for her. And she sometimes even asked her to accompany the sister to her chambers for one-on-one conversations about Saldaea, Liana’s life, and her nobility. Liana was pleasantly surprised the first time the sister had approached her after class about Liana’s past and why her mother allowed her to be tested and then sent to the tower. But this day Liana was very tired and told Alya Sedai “I’m sorry, Alya Sedai but if you don’t mind I’d like to get some rest, I am exhausted after working too hard these past days. I hope you don’t mind if I go back to my room and lay down.” She said with a tired voice and curtsied as she walked out from the Aes Sedai’s chambers.


    When she came back to the novice quarters and was about to go toward her and Ay’lira’s room, a voice called out to her “You are to be tested for acceptance.” Liana turned around and saw Valeri Sedai; the Mistress of Novices, standing there in her shawl hanging down her shoulders. She was utterly surprised to see Valeri Sedai already, Liana felt her body starting to shake and she just wanted to run away and never come back. But, she shrugged it off because she knew she was ready for this, she had been waiting for this moment for a long time. “I am ready, Valeri Sedai. I am ready to go through the arches that await me.” She said with confident and serene voice to the Mistress of Novices, and walked up beside her.


    It was finally time to show that she was ready to become an Accepted of the white tower, and to show her father and mother that she wasn’t just another noble lady, that she deserved to be here and that she was Liana Alore noble lady of the Alore house.

    Valeri Sedai guided her through halls and deep down beneath the tower, to a doomed chamber where a grand Ter’angreal with three silver arches sitting on a thick silver ring was placed. The sight alone made Liana gaping of awe and after taking in the sight of the Ter’angreal, she finally noticed the three Aes Sedai sitting beside one of the arches. All of them had their shawls on, and Liana noticed that Alya Sedai, Gerlin Sedai and Sarina Sedai were all there. That made Liana smile warmly and felt a bit more confident that she could do this. She couldn’t and wouldn’t let them down.


    A fourth Aes Sedai stood beside a table on which three silvery chalice with clear water in them were placed. She didn’t recognize the Aes Sedai though. Then suddenly Valeri Sedai spoke up again and Liana listened with great care not to miss anything that might be important to know “two things that no woman hears until she enters this room. Once you begin, you must continue to the end. Refuse to go on, no matter your potential and you will be very kindly put out of the Tower with enough silver to support you a year and you will never be allowed back. Second. To seek, to strive, is to know danger. You will know danger here. Some women have entered, and never come out. When the ter’angreal was allowed to grow quiet, they – were – not – there. And they were never seen again. If you will survive, you must be steadfast. Faltering leads to a failure.”


    It all made sense to Liana but about the women that had stayed behind in the arches, they were lost forever inside them. Why would they risk such a thing, they must have had a terrible or wonderful thing happen to them, which made them stay behind. She thought to herself. “This is your last chance, child. You may turn back now, and you will have only mark against you. Twice more will you be allowed to come here, and only at the third refusal will you be put out of the Tower. It is no shame to refuse. Many cannot do it their first time here. Now you may speak.” Valeri Sedai’s words echoed inside Liana’s mind and she couldn’t get them out for some reason. But she collected her thoughts and opened her mouth, and her response was “I am ready, Valeri Sedai. I shall honor my father.” She said with a very firm along with a sure tone to her otherwise soft voice.


    Then after Liana had responded with a yes the Aes Sedai at the table asked “Whom do you bring with you, sister?” Upon which the Mistress of Novices replied “One who comes as a candidate for Acceptance, Sister.”


    “Is she ready, sister?”


    “She is ready to leave behind what she was, and, in passing through her fears, gain Acceptance.”

    “Does she know her fears?”


    “She has never faced them, but now is willing.”

    “Then let her face what she fears.”


    After the Mistress of Novices had spoken allowed with the Aes Sedai she turned her attention back to Liana, and asked her to undress which Liana thought was both a little strange but also embarrassing, but she did unbutton her cream white dress and was then guided to the first Arch, and the Arch was filled with a soft glowing light. “The first time is for what was. The way back will come but once. Be steadfast.” Valeri Sedai said with a stern voice as she gestured for Liana to go through it.

  5. (OOC: Yeah, I’m sorry about that part. I’ve never done that before, so yeah - don’t worry I’ll keep that away from my posting. )



    The two friends decided in the end to go with the general, and so Liana closed the book she was reading about the advisor. It was pointless to keep reading as the time was nearing dinner time, and they hadn’t finished their assignment yet. Liana cleaned the table where they were to work on the rough draft that they needed to write before it was dinner time. She started reading through the notes she had been doing in her parchment, and also from Ay’lira’s parchment as well.


    It would probably take Liana at least half an hour to make a rough draft of what they had found in the books about Arthur Hawking, and his favorite general. Liana had learned to write and read early in her childhood because of her mother’s teaching and tutelage. She was after all a noble lady even if she’s now a novice of the white tower. She had very neat and quite pretty hand writing. But not even close to her mother’s hand writing which looked like artwork in itself.


    Her friend whom she had now known for half a year was a very good student when it came to the One Power, and as well as history. They were both very good at those subjects, which had made it so much easier to share a room with her, because they seem to be quite alike in some ways. And even though she was a noble and Ay’lira a commoner, it hadn’t mattered nor bother Liana one bit.


    She had enjoyed Ay’lira’s company a lot more because she was not a noble like Liana was accustomed to interact with.The sun was beginning to set now and they had only a brief moment left before it was time to go to dinner. And they had never been late to the dinner hall before, and Liana didn’t want to start now. So, she finished her writing and while smiling at her friend she gave off a heavy sight. Then they both put back the books and left the library to get something to eat, which they deserved after plenty of hard work.

  6. Well, I'm avaliable. And I'm always up for more options. 'cause I'm pondering about bonding Elgee's grey sister.

    I've been rping with her in a thread for a bit now. But if you would like to we could arrange a meeting for them or something.

  7. Liana looked at what her friend had found and smiled ”You’re almost correct about the meaning, the phrase before the general part means glory of battle. But no matter because I am quite certain you’ve found what we’re looking for.” Liana said while looking through one of the books Ay’lira had put down on the aisle. “Why not write about his favorite general and one of his other favorites? Just to be sure that we don’t miss anything. You should by now know how Gerlin Sedai is.” Liana laughed at Ay’lira’s face expression. Then she continued to read her book which was about Arthur Hawking’s advisor that was named Erelin Myar; one of Arthur’s most trusted advisors early in his life as an emperor.


    She glanced at Ay’lira and said “This part in the old tongue seem to mean that Erelin was supposed to be opposed to the taking of Tar valon, while another advisor was for it. That was something I didn’t know about the legendary Arthur that there were opposition to his decision to attack Tar Valon.” She kept reading up on the backstory of the voting and opposition on taking Tar Valon, and it was a quite interesting read actually. You always learn something new while reading books in the tower library Liana thought to herself or so she thought she was doing, but Ay’lira looked at her with an curious expression on her face, that made Liana to blush.


    She couldn’t look at her friend at the moment because her face was all red, and so she walked away with a thick tome under her right arm. She knew Ay’lira was probably looking at her while she was walking away with a blushing face, showing that even nobles could be embarrassed. Liana opened the book and started reading when her friend suddenly came over and said she had found something very interesting about her friend’s homeland; Saldaea that was known by a different name during Arthur Hawking’s time.

  8. "The question is...his favorite follower or his right hand?" Liana was reading in another thick tome titled ‘The rise of the emperor’ which was an interesting historical tale even though a couple of parts were removed from the book. “I would have to say right hand, but it could also be something totally different. But I think if we keep reading and searching these tomes, we’ll find it somewhere within the lines.” She said uncertain of what they were really looking for.


    Nyanna had apparently walked off, ‘cause of having headache or simple boredom. She could understand that, this wasn’t the most fun you could have in the tower. But, it was something they just had to finish for the deadline or their teacher; who was a demanding and strict Aes Sedai of the brown. Gerlin Sedai was a demanding teacher but also fair in that she didn’t punish someone for doing something out of term in her class-room unless it was very respect less.


    One thing though about their assignment that was interesting to get from Gerlin Sedai, was that the brown Aes Sedai never really liked Arthur Hawking nor the history of him that had survived. Of course most Aes Sedai still remembered that he had tried to take Tar Valon, and that made sense that the Aes Sedai hated him for it. But with Gerlin Sedai there was something else going on, which made her dislike him so much. Maybe it had something to do with the ‘his favorite’ part.

    “I’ve found something in this tome” Liana gestured Ay’lira toward a rather thin and quite withered tome simply called ‘Arthur Hawking’ very simple title but inside the book was a prologue that told of his court, and there was a word in the old tongue that caught Liana’s attention “tai’shar which means ‘true blood’ but you probably knew that. Maybe there’s something in here that could tell us his favorite.” She said with a curious tone in her soft voice to Ay’lira.

  9. "Do either of you know what she means by his 'favorite'?" she asked. I thought maybe it continued on the other line, but it only says his 'favorite'," she explained, pointing to the detail she mentioned in the middle of the page. "Was there something I missed in class? I try to take thorough notes, but I don't remember her talking about that." Liana leered at Nyanna but she just shrugged, and so Liana pondered a bit before she said with an uncertain tone in her voice to her roommate “Maybe that line is referring to his most favorite wife or perhaps even closest advisor. But like you I don’t remember if she ever mentioned that in the lesson.” Liana was still a bit confounded about that part as well.


    Their teacher had given them the most difficult assignment because they had been some of the best in class, which made Liana both happy but also a bit sad, because she wanted to do some other things and not just doing homework all the time, caused by her knowledge of some history stuff.


    Liana sighted heavily as she opened one of the books piled on the table in front of them, and as she opened it she noticed how different the language was - and some was even written in the old language, and she only knew some basic stuff in the old language thanks to her mother. This book’s title was “Arthur Hawking: The philosophy of an emperor” and it was quite well written but the book was huge, and lot of the stuff wasn’t even close to what she had been told during her mother’s tutelage. But it was interesting to actually get to read about a man who was as famous and as courageous as Arthur Hawking.


    When she found something interesting or important in the books she had chosen to read in, she scrambled it down in her parchment with ink. She glanced at what her friends were doing, and noticed that Ay’lira was having difficulty with something in the old tongue “Mashiara means if I remember correctly from my studies ‘beloved of heart’ or ‘a love lost’ but in this situation I would say that it means ‘a love lost’ so, maybe ‘my favorite’ has something to do with that.” Liana said with a serene and warm voice as she smiled at her roommate.

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