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Posts posted by jozan

  1. He saddled his horse and put on the saddlebags and mounted a grand black stallion, which he had bought a few months ago, in a small town outside Caemlyn on his way back to Tar Valon. He had named it shadow because of its black color and its swiftness when it moved. Jozan had finally had a good night sleep after months of nightmares, where he saw Lynna die right in front of him, and even though he had killed the Dread-lord right after it didn't smooth the pain he still felt. Lynna…I still miss you! He thought to himself while riding on a lonely road, leaving the small town behind him.


    It was getting dark and the rain was slightly pouring down as he started galloping toward a small village within an hour of his position. Where he could hopefully find shelter or even better an inn, so he could get some well needed sleep and something to eat before he moved on. His coat was getting wet and his cloak were already soaked, his hair dripped of water but luckily his staff and weapons were kept safe from the rain. Just as he made sure the saddlebags were secured, he noticed a small group of women ahead who was traveling without security, which was a bit in these parts. Even the Aes Sedai travel with their warders at their side at all times. Jozan thought to himself with a slight smirk on his face while he fixed his sitting position on the horse.

    One of the women did seem to be in the lead as she was a bit harsh toward some of the other women. She even put one of the women's head in the horse trough, which made Jozan grimace just a tad bit. When that happened to her, the other women in the group seemed to willingly follow the leader. After riding behind the group for a short of time, the inn was getting closer, and Jozan couldn't wait to get something to eat and to get some rest for himself and his horse. They had been riding for several hours straight and without seeing much of anything on their journey here, he was actually a bit happy to ride behind a group of people who just happen to travel at the same direction as he.


    People started staring at him as he rode toward the inn; some women with a slight smile on their face while others with a slight sullen expression, as if he wasn't wanted there at all. But he continued on anyway, and when the group stopped and started dismounting, Jozan noticed a few rough clad men lounging about. The women didn't seem to notice them at all but Jozan was trained for this kind of thing at the tower. They were bad business, that was certain, but were they after someone special or just out for money.

    He dismounted and placed the horse's reins in a stable boy's hand and took out his own made quarter staff and embraced the void of nothingness. The fire came forth in his mind and he placed all emotions inside the burning fire, and became emotionless, a deadly weapon ready to engage in battle. The men were rough looking and quite large, but Jozan was well built and trained by the best fighters in the known world. He was a tall man with broad shoulders and could easily crack open a man's skull with his staff if he wanted to. But these men didn't know that as they started circling around him. There were about six men in total, most held old sword that had seen better days, and others used clubs. They were not bad fighters, just unprepared to face a real martial artist like himself.


    “He's just a man, we can take him.” One of the smaller men said and raised his rusty sword as if ready to charge at him, but then a taller and more muscled man said “No, not yet. Let's see what he's made of. ““I challenge you to a duel.” The man said after a short pause of breath. Jozan looked at him with a slight puzzling smirk on his face “I don't duel for the sake of it; I see no joy of killing people.” He was ready though when the first strike would come, as he was certain it would come. It wouldn't matter what he did, they would attack him despite his best efforts of showing no hatred toward them. And it came faster than he first anticipated, and nearly lost his balance as the man stroke at his arm with a hard blow with an upward swing of his wooden club. Jozan slightly backed and then charged at the man with a fast twin twirl of his staff, which hit him in the face twice. He staggered back and touched his mouth to see if it was bleeding, which it was. He told the others to charge at him with ferocious attacks. And so the real dance began, Jozan twirling his staff and the others swinging their weapons in a deadly dance to the death.


    Jozan Elvilmawien

    Guardian of the light

    Towerguard of the White Tower.

  2. Hey there :)

    I'm also getting back to to roleplaying at Dm again *g*


    I've got one old tower guard back in action, but like you I created a new novice to play with.

    So, if you're interested we could be roomates *grins*


    I'm always up for rping with people, just hoping I have access to all boards now.

  3. Okay, coolness :) I'm home now so I can finally start writing her history. *grins*

    Yeah, her last name would alore, Liana Alore is her full name.


    I'll send her a pm then ;)


    PS. I'm reading the prologue 'new spring' it's a good book since I am going to play a novice.

    It does give me some idea of the tower and the aes sedai and such stuff. :)

  4. Ahhh, I see. So not unless I was married. I don't have much information at my fingertips.

    And I haven't read the books for a long time. -_- My memory is slippery. *laughs*


    I was thinking that her mother decided to get her tested to see if she can channel.

    And then send her to the tower if tested positive.


    I could create her mother as a noble npc if you want..but I'm probably just going to mention it in her history.

    Unless you have any other idea I can use :)

  5. Hey, I'd like to bring back my tower guard Jozan Elvilmawien if it's possible. :)

    His bio is on the dragonmount wiki, just don't remember the link at the moment.


    I'd probably do some sort of return rp first :) And then training to increase his WS a bit.


    Let me know, if it's possible and what I need to do :=)

  6. Okay, I got your pm today :) I'm reading throuhg it at the moment..and it brings back some memories. hehe

    I'm still a bit hazy about some stuff..but I'm sure it'll come back to me :9


    Thank you for all your help and advice :=)

    I truly appreciate it.


    I'm glad there are many novices around..At first glance Dm looked a bit gloomy.

    To say the least, but I guess I was wrong :)

  7. Hey, all!! ^^ I'm not sure how many of you would actually remember me though.

    I've had two characters in the white tower div during seven years. haha


    I use to play a novice by the name Liana Saeth back in 2005 but then I went MIA and came back in 2007 I think it was..

    And created a new character named Jaylin Mandra. :)


    I was wondering if it would be possible to bring back Liana Saeth eventhough I don't have her bio anymore.

    Or if I could maybe create an accepted or something.


    Let me know, what might be plausible :=)


    And I welcome all the new novices here with a *colour blast of all the ajahs* >_<

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