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Everything posted by Donchadh

  1. I'm just scratching my head, saying "oink, oink", and mumbling to myself.... "Even a blind pig finds a truffle once in a blue moon...." This is brutal!! I'd rather play against Ted Lasso at darts.
  2. Well, you and Cairos seem the most experienced. And you both throw some shade at each other while also laying out very good reasons for being innocent as well as others not. As both of your strategies seem similar ... it seems like you are working together. As for Sooh being confused ... I just got a sense of random musings from them. Nothing concrete....like as if they were still confused, although, perhaps undecided is a better term here. Given their experience, I weighed that more towards Town than either Sus or Mafia. Honestly, I'm grasping at straws here (hence the comment about using an intuition modified). After catching up by reading "way too many pages" (my own damn fault). This was the best assessment that I could make. And now, I'm getting called to a meeting that will last past the timer. So I will vote. Vote: Cairos
  3. Trying....holy mother of sheep milk's wool headed bloody dice...or some such...so many posts to read and catch up on. Townies: Andy, Gud, Sooh ... I like their logic and the fact that they seem just as confused as me. Sus: Z, Dice, Mil, Heavy ... I keep switching back and forth. I appreciate their logic, but it seems that they are trying to drive particular decisions. Of course, that might just be because they know what they are doing. Mafia: Turin and Cairo. I'm pretty certain one if Mafia and they both seem to be playing in concert while also throwing shade on each other. Can I just roll a D20 and add my "intuition" modifier? Alright, I'm getting called into another work meeting (that will carry me past the official timer) in about an hour. I will hold my voting for another 30 minutes. But currently, I'm voting either Turin (in line with my earlier post) or Cairo. (Again, mucho apologies for my absence).
  4. APOLOGIES to all the Mafia players. RL gobbled me up...but I'm back and catching up. Please accept these small apology gift tokens... Something to drink and Something to snack.... Now, back to the game!!
  5. Yes...but it might have been before the official start...I can't remember... Now where did I put my pants....oh yeah...on my legs!! (Told YOU I was old!!) Fair enough. Seems wise-way to start. Honestly, everyone seems a fairly neutral. I'm inclined to accuse @Turin Turambar but that's probably because it seems like he is the most experienced Mafia player and some the "most-sus"; but even as I type this, the accusation sounds foolish to me.
  6. Well there have been some delicious drinks posted...but I gotta go with one of my favorites... Blueberry mead....try a glass .... For something more substantive...what about ....
  7. Thank you for the reminder and lesson. Like Zander, I'm old and while I'm mostly trainable, I'm mostly a wool-headed stubborn sheepherder...which means, I'll probably screw this title and roles thing up more times than most. In confusion Donchadh tries to imitate Zander's curties...and pokes himself with his wooden Algai sword...as he falls on his 'bottom'.... Sure hope there are some Yellows about, he mutters. Alright, so it seems accusations of "Mafia-hood" have been leveled at Turin, Heavy Halfmoon Blade, Gudrean and Andy....did I miss any?
  8. Alright, I still have no idea what's going on...but I'm gonna say @Zander? (Sedai? Gaidin? - sorry I don't know), I'm loving your posts...they have absolutely kept me in stitches. Not sure if you are Townie or Mafia...but definitely hilarious!
  9. Another newbie (in all sorts of ways - including having just arrived at the Manor) here! Read through threads...and understand what(?) or how(?) the game works...but still no suspicions about anyone. Do I just randomly throw shade and see if it reveals something? Or do I instead plead my innocence? Quietly pours himself a drink and .... thinks, thinks, thinks....
  10. I definitely need this @Ithillian Turambar Sedai...because, I really have no idea what I'm doing!?? And I'm definitely Townie Mafia, err, Townie?
  11. I have no idea what I'm doing....I'm perfect for this game. VOTE ME Did I do that right?
  12. Thanks for the invitation MG @Cairos ... camping is a favorite activity. One of my favorite campfire morning meals is "Eggs in a bag" https://www.instructables.com/Eggs-in-a-Bag/ Usually, I (or the designated camp cook) will prep all the fixings and then the campers line up and make their own "scrambled eggs in a bag to order". One of the best parts is there is very little clean up! How about you @Andy MacLeod, do you have any favorite campfire recipes?
  13. This is wonderful, thank you Ithi Sedai!! Now to see if I can add it..without breaking the internet. 😂😂
  14. Just catching up as well...so let me add my welcome to you @AlsBeck Luhhan. I'm also very new here and learning my way around. AND a huge fun of the WoT TV show, very excited about upcoming Season 3.
  15. "Yes Mother, I can. I thought perhaps there were Warder specific boards besides the General Warder Guild Forum. In that case, I can move this "chat" over to a new thread in the General Warder Guild Forum vice on this "pinned" orientation thread." Makes a leg...
  16. Well met indeed, Turin Gaidin. I'll move the chat elsewhere...regretfully, I don't have access to the Warder boards, yet. And I'm not really sure whom to ask about that...yet. Off to find some answers....
  17. "You seem a decent fellow...I hate to kill you" ....oops, sorry @Turin Turambar wrong genre, this isn't the Princess Bride. But you do seem like the Dread Pirate Roberts in that Ashaman black. Thank you for the kind greeting. It seems like Dragonmount is a large, slightly empty house right now. And I'm kinda just wandering around bumping into things, into threads, and into folks. Is there a particularly good thread or forum you might recommend to meet other Gaidin? Currently, my plan was to just pop my head into each of the groups and see who was around. And MORE IMPORTANTLY!! what did you think of the Season 3 Extended Preview Trailer?? I'm very excited!!
  18. First rule of sword fighting....keep the pointy end away from yourself 😂😂😂!
  19. Indeed, I am. Particularly given that there seems there is a lot less "dusting" involved in the Warder path. It nice to see you "saidar" that dusting @Andy MacLeod. Nice to meet you @Turin Turambar and @Cairos. I look forward to learning more.
  20. Hey!! You said just a nibble and look at this ... What the heck happened to all the white chocolate, dark chocolate and marshmellows!! YOU ATE ALL OF IT!!
  21. Thank you Cross Sedai!! I'm looking forward to meeting more folks and sharing my over-excitement at Season 3!! PS I might have eaten the hilt of that sword...yummy!
  22. That is amazing…. And Her majesty (in white chocolate no less @Cross Sedai!!) approves. You may nibble on the wings @Andy MacLeod …. But no channeling!
  23. Wow, that Phoenix sculpture is incredible!! I wonder if they could make one with white chocolate.
  24. Wait a minute....chocolate covered drumrolls....now that's a sight or sound worth celebrating. I'm going to leave the weaving to you and @HeavyHalfMoonBlade ; I broke my wand when I was expelled from the Vincent Clortho Public School for Wizards And thank you for the recipe @Andy MacLeod ... it was fantastic... Can I get a fork next time?
  25. There are "earless" chocolate rabbits around the world that decidedly and vehemently disagree with you! 😂😂 I don't disagree, but...then I have a "white chocolate chip macadamia nut cooking from Ms Fields...and...if that's bad..then may I never taste good again!! Perhaps the point is that variation and movement across the spectrum from "Ebony to Ivory" provides the experience that informs the taste ... and it's best to keep experiencing and gather new data...like new books for the library. YES!! With enough experience (or books, or will power) change is possible. And we can find the deliciousness of all the chocolates...or at least have a helluva journey. Clearly, we just need more Chocolate...of all kinds!
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