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Everything posted by Donchadh

  1. Burn baby, BURN! Emotions and fire are always a lovely combination. Still, your advice is sound Aspirant @HeavyHalfMoonBlade ...I'll just stay near this wall. 🍪 and share this with you. As for me, salted milk chocolate...yumm! As you say @Cross Sedai, as I ponder the sagacity of your perspective ... let me share some ice cold milk ... and freshly bake WHITE CHOCOLATE CHIP macadamia nut cookies. As it melts in your mouth with utmost deliciousness... I'll make sure and save you a couple more. But you raise an interesting point ... a blindfold test. Or a focus solely on the chocolate. This raises so many interesting philosophical questions. Would a sunrise still be as beautiful if you only saw the sun or does the mountains she rises above and the clouds she paints with her morning lights create the experience of beauty? I think @Andy MacLeod is onto something with her recipes and her thread ... context matters or does it matter? Is the joy or the taste, we experience arise solely from the type of chocolate ... or do we, as the perceiver, the subject, add to the experience? Truly an interesting question for the knowledge seekers of the Brown Ajah...
  2. I think Aspirant @HeavyHalfMoonBlade is spot-on - we need a chocolate ganache day!! Shall we set up in Andy's room ... I promise I will be not to unmessy. 😂😂 Interesting recipe. Definitely need to try this. Mexican hot chocolate is definitely one of my favorite "decadent" pleasures... especially on a bitterly cold winter morning. I found a lovely link to a site with a wonderful recipe. Isabella Eats - Mexican Hot Chocolate (PS @Andy MacLeod you ARE a WoT nerd - I love it!!)
  3. Oh dear... @Andy MacLeod ... I think I may have done it wrong... HELP!!
  4. A deep dive into making the wrong gastronomical choice...It's time to re-open the age old debate....Dark Chocolate or White Chocolate. (And can there really be a wrong choice between these two)? Before the debate starts and in true Brown Ajah fashion; a little chocolate history from that source of ALL KNOWLEDGE for our modern generation...yep, WIKIPEDIA. Chocolate history according to Wikipedia (with hyperlinks thoughtfully removed)... "The history of chocolate dates back more than 5,000 years, when the cacao tree was first domesticated in present-day southeast Ecuador. Soon after domestication, the tree was introduced to Mesoamerica, where cacao drinks gained significance as an elite beverage among different cultures including the Maya and the Aztecs. Cacao was extremely important: considered a gift from the gods, it was used as a currency, medicinally and ceremonially. Multiple cacao beverages were consumed, including an alcoholic beverage made by fermenting the pulp around cacao seeds, and it is unclear when a drink that can be strictly understood as chocolate originated. Early evidence of chocolate consumption dates to 600 BC; this product was often associated with the heart and was believed to be psychedelic. Spanish conquistadors encountered chocolate in 1519 and brought it to Spain as a medicine. From Spain, it gained popularity among the European elite over the following three centuries, was debated for its medicinal and religious merits, and was understood as an aphrodisiac. In the 19th century, technological innovations completely changed chocolate, from a drink for the elite to a solid, milky block increasingly eaten by the public. That century saw the rise of Swiss and British chocolate makers, and production was industrialized. Since World War I, chocolate has been developed further, creating couverture and white chocolate, while manufacturers added ingredients such as cheaper fats and lecithin. Chocolate production has increased dramatically, and new markets in Asia and Africa have opened. Attitudes towards the quality of chocolate, and the ethics of its production have shifted, as awareness of child labor has risen. As of 2018, the global trade of chocolate was worth more than US$100 billion, and production was concentrated among a small set of cocoa processors and chocolate makers." And so...since WWI, the debate has begun... Dark Chocolate or White Chocolate? Which do you prefer? Why? What do you enjoy your chocolate with? And did you share any chocolate today on 14 ♥️ February?
  5. Yes, indeed. That does sound like the right ones to avoid. 😂😂 Especially, if the water is a bit cold!! I'm slowly making my way around, but I'll make sure and take a towel with me just in case. The re-watch has been fun. One or two episodes at a time...stringing it along if you will. I'm also doing a re-read (currently on LoC) and managing to keep it all from becoming mush in my brain.
  6. Not yet...but hope springs eternal. How about you? I'm not sure yet....but probably inclined towards the Algai route. I do here lots of voices in my head...but I'm sure it's not Saidin knocking...I hope? I'm currently re-reading LoC and am really enjoying keeping track of all the Forsaken machinations.
  7. Thank you @HeavyHalfMoonBlade ; I appreciate your kindness. I'm slowly learning my way around. And looking forward to meeting everyone. How are you enjoying your time here? What's your favorite forum at DM? I've entered my name in the Novice book. And re-watching Seasons 1 and 2 in preparation for Season 3.
  8. From the TV show...I'm really excited about Lanfear as well as both Mat Cauthons (I thought both actors did a great job). In the books, I'm a huge Mat fan as well as Tuon (not the slavery part - but the way her character is grown).
  9. Hey Andy! I did see the trailer...and I'm pretty excited about it. I am really looking forward to a visit to the Waste and seeing more of my favorite baddy - . How about you? Such a hard question Leala Sedai...but I'm going with
  10. Hey Andy! I’m a newbie as well and also just entered my name in the Novice book. Are you excited for Season 3? Who’s you favorite TV character? How about book character?
  11. Long time WoT book fan. And now looking forward to the start of Amazon Season 3. Another turning of the Wheel!!
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