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Everything posted by gigglemonkey

  1. Pineapple, ham, bacon, thin crust and some banana peppers. I'll eat the whole pie 😋
  2. On the advice of my Dad, I've started meditating for about 15 minutes a day before I go to bed, it usually works. I get a good nights sleep and don't get bogged down in obsessive thoughts about things in the past I can't change (I still obsess a little but less than I used to) or things in the future which haven't, and may never, happen.
  3. Just finished Stoner by John Williams. Definitely one of the better books I've ever read. Just from the first page you can already tell you'll be reading a classic, and it just delivers all the way through. Highlight is probably either the final pages (I'll avoid spoilers) or Walker's oral exam and what follows - how he writes tension, anxiety, and contempt is just brilliant. Next up and what I'll start on tonight is either Plath's Bell Jar or Play It As It Lays by Joan Didion. Reading unemployed professors review can be pretty helpful in this regard.
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