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Everything posted by henrywho

  1. Mat, in the books, has lived past lives like Rand. Perrin I'm not sure on(memory not what it should be) but Mat's "soul" has lived many times before. I'm half way through book 4 again and even at this point that's been made clear. So I suspect Mat's been Ta'Veren as long as Rand at least. Oh I think it's clear their lives are different in a lot of respects each time round the wheel. Only makes sense, they are not stuck in an actual time loop. The underlying forces remain the same, until this time round. My only disagreement with your statement is that I believe Rand and Mat are most definitely tied to the wheel and probably Perrin along with the dark one and the forsaken. Pretty much everyone else is a random draw each time round.
  2. A flat NO! "The wheel of time turns and ages come and pass leaving memories that become legend. Legend fades to myth and even myth is long forgotten when the age that gave it birth comes again. In one age called the 3rd age by some. An age yet to come an age long past." indicating that in this universe everything repeats. How many times has the dragon been reborn ? Each time succumbing to the dark, until this time. It clearly states that the stories are forgotten. At no stage is it suggested that all stories are confused retellings. Even if that's true it's not suggested in these books and is most certainly not the premise. The actual premise is little different to a lot of stories. Be true to who you really are and good always defeats evil eventually.
  3. Sorry I have no idea what you are saying here.
  4. My problem with the casting. Rand: Just wrong for the character Egwene: Physically not there and not right for the character. Loial: Supposed to be over 2 metres tall aside from that the actor is going a great job. Lan: His height is almost right but his build is not. Intimidation score 2 out of 10. Moiraine: Fine actor as Rosamond Pike is she is simply too tall. Moiraine is tiny in the books and it's an important characteristic as it eliminates physical presence from her ability to manipulate people and leaves it entirely with her personality, her strong will. Perrin: Can't be discussed as he is not the character from the books anyway. Mat: hard to discuss as they have made him overly greasy both in appearance and character and they turned him into a theif. On top of that the season one actor has been replaced in season 2. A side note on the Cauthon's. In the books Mat's dad is a respected community member, not a cheating lech. Mat's sisters are older in the books. Any drinking problem his mum may have is never mentioned in the books. Min: So physically wrong it hurts to try and think of the actress as that character. Dubious acting ability, although it could be a result of the poor scripts. Aviendha: Physically wrong especially height. Thom: Hard to say, my real issue I suspect is the costuming and make up, where is his moustache! I must get back to my own writing and cleaning the house and finish mowing the lawn, again !
  5. Oh yes she has shown up. (Not as expected and what is with the finger nails!!, they are only an inch long in the books.) But will she marry Mat. Or should I say will Mat accidentally marry her. Look what they've done to Perrin! right is the first episode!!!
  6. Agree totally. 14 books is very hard to put on screen. Dune Saga is 22 books the 1st 6 by Frank Hurbert. The 1984 movie of book one only covered a fraction of it, which was 896 pages. It was also not the book but was skillfully crafted and makes a very enjoyable watch. I had not listened to the books, (That came decades later), when I watched the movie and I don't make comparisons of it to the book. The movie stands alone as an excellent piece of SciFi.
  7. The very basic major thread of the books is there. Most every thing else has changed except names. Between the poor casting, scripts and character changes the series is not the books. Also think on this, they will not make 13 or 14 seasons of the series. That means massive condensing and editing. Editing as in cutting out entire character arcs and the like. You can sort of see where they may be heading already. I'm thinking Perrin will suffer the axe more than most but I can see most characters except Rand and Moiraine getting cut down to virtual insignificance compared to what's in the books. The entire Mat and the daughter of the nine moons arc could easily be cut and replaced with a single scene that brings the Saunchen onto the side of Rand. BTW it's not always. Steven Kings "The Mist" is one of the very few examples where the movie (2007) is better than the book, especially the ending. PS: Wow, there was a TV series made of "The Mist" it was cancelled during the first season. Didn't know that until now.
  8. I don't get time to sit and read much. Good audio books make the hours and hours traveling to and from town or slashing on the tractor or the 6 hours it takes to mow the lawn on the ride-on pass much more pleasantly. Note: It's a 3 hour drive one way to the nearest major shopping centre. It's a 1 hour drive to the nearest post office.
  9. Sorry you missed my point there, I didn't make it very clear on second reading what I wrote. What you have quoted was not related to her audio books but her being a producer of the series.
  10. No satisfaction at all. Only disappointment. Mostly because I have imagination enough to imagine how much better this show would be if it stuck to the books. Just sit back and imagine that. All that money bringing the books to life on the screen. GoT would be in second place. TWoT series currently doesn't even make it to the top 10. A bigger disappointment is that several of the top 10 have been cancelled.
  11. I'm a big fan of Rosamund, Loved her in Radioactive and as a bond girl and most things she's in. I've listened to the first 5 minutes of her narration. I prefer the version I have and cannot recommend it enough. The tag team telling of TWoT by Kate Reading and Michael Kramer. This couple are amazing. https://www.audible.com.au/pd/The-Eye-of-the-World-Audiobook/B00FMPTVTO?ref_pageloadid=not_applicable&ref=a_series_Th_c4_lProduct_1_2&pf_rd_p=854fefcc-6417-4e97-b97e-4bd809af7581&pf_rd_r=EVWB61EV3X5FFGSH4FQG&pageLoadId=6vwlKXq1VRa07Dzz&creativeId=5f922f04-7f27-45a7-ba24-7bf0c1def1d9 Not invested enough or not being listened to, I hope it's the latter.
  12. My point is they are not! The two stories only show vague similarities with the books being superior in the extreme. It is an interesting side effect, very probably because of the vehement critical comparisons to the books, that since the show started book sales have increased. It could go something like this for someone after watching the first season. "I enjoyed that. But I read that the lovers of the books criticise the drastic changes and state the books the be much better etc etc I think I'll read the book."
  13. In the Books yes. In the show no. Re watch the Tavern scene from E1 and the following scene at the forge with his non-existent wife, even she can see it.
  14. She keeps them moving as much as he does. What you said is not bothersome, it's how he goes about it. Book Perrin is fundamentally different and would have approached the situation completely different is what I am saying. It's this simple Book Perrin is a man you can like and could call a mate. TV Perrin is unlikable and hardly worth knowing. I'm talking deep inside, driving force, heart and strength!
  15. No sorry nothing alike. If book Perrin had been married and she had died at his hand he would be sad and upset and possibly secretive about it, but he would not be a useless mopy sad sack. Especially with everything that's happening around them. Book Perrin would have come forward sooner and explained the truth behind non-existent wifes death and acknowledged to himself it was a tragic accident. Book Perrin also has no feelings for Egwene except friendship. The TV series wants you to believe he's been in love with her since birth.
  16. He is not. He suggests that he and Egwene keep heading on because that's where Rand will go because Perrin believes Rand will go where Egwene will be. No determination, just a suggestion. He is afraid and wants to be around people he knows and can help keep Egwene safe.
  17. Perrin E2. Little dialogue. Mopy sad sack. Perrin E3. Overought and so scared he can't start a fire. Comforts Egwene, hardy surprising. So far no determination to find anyone. Just heading in the direction he thinks Rand and Mat will be. Perrin E4. Suspicious of the Tinkers. Jealous of the Tinker boy. Smiles for the first time. 1st 4 episodes no determination of any kind except to be miserable and no doggedness. Nothing like Perrin in the Books.
  18. Dogged..Egwene. Protective..Egwene I've explained. Deteremind to find Rand.... Hmmm Why is he? Is the answer to that a good or a bad one?, does it have anything to do with Egwene??? Think on it. I may just re-watch that episode so I can better answer if you have more questions.
  19. Egwene is an enigma when it comes to Perrin. The drop kick writers have included this moronic undertone that Perrin has been in love with Egwene from the first episode, even whilst married. This only makes Perrin more unlikable and smudges his limp character even more. I'm sorry. There is no similarity between Perrin of the book and the series except superficially. Perrin of the series is a deeply flawed individual, I don't see that in the Perrin of the books. That being said it is possible that the writers assassination of Perrin's character from the books in season one is colouring my perceptions further along.
  20. Something weird happened whilst writing my last. When I tried to recover it I could not so I wrote it again. Then I discovered my partially written message had been posted so I've attempted to correct.
  21. Ah I see now! In your dictionary "adapted" and "obliterated" have a similar meaning. Now I understand. A side note influenced by the above: Rosamund Pike not only plays Moiraine, she is a producer of the show. In the books Moiraine vanishes for a significant amount of time, a whole books worth I think or bloody close to it. Rosamund Pike is a fine actress but if you think she will allow herself to be cut from what should be 2 seasons of the show, I suggest you think again. Perrin is not married in the books until some time after book 4. The writers of the show will have to perform some logic defying plot gymnastics to transform Perrin into some one with enough positive emotions to even consider the idea of, let along actually, falling in love. Of course there is the moronic and cliche undertone, started right from the first episode, of Perrin being in love with Egwene even while he was married. This could easily be rehashed more than it already has been. Let's hope not. Will the writers even bother with Zarine (Faile) Bashere. I hope most everyone understands that what the writers are doing here is like traveling back in time. Every change made now ripples forward with ever increasing effects. Go back in time and stop a cat from crossing a road. A cat that would have caused a cyclist to swerve to avoid it and prevent a crash into an on coming car. Instead the cyclist gets collected by the car and dies. Jump forward back to your own time and everything is different. Democracy is dead, some countries no longer exist etc etc. One of the children the cyclist who died should have had should have grown up to be an influencer of world leaders and should have prevented several rash decisions. You get the idea. So it is with the writing of the TWoT. Every change they have made already and every change they make going forward changes what can be written after. They are not going to make 13 or 14 seasons of this series. They'll be lucky if it's not canned after season 3. So big plot and story changes WILL happen, yes even more than has already been done!, it's inevitable. So if you are a fan of the books and decide to watch the series just forget everything you've read from the books and watch the series for what it is. "Not The Wheel of Time". There are far worse things you could try and watch.
  22. Right from the top of my head, his journey with Egwene from Shadar Logoth. Almost every time his face is on the screen aside from that, almost. Like most people he has his moments.
  23. Some how I missed that... You are CLEARLY watching a different adaptation, please send me a link to the one you are viewing.
  24. Well said! It should be called "Not the Wheel of Time". In the credits they could put. "So loosely based on the Robert Jordan books as to not actually resemble them in any significant way."
  25. IMHO the books of "The Wheel of Time" are epic! I can see myself listening to them over and over as the years go by. Better than "A Song of Ice and Fire." even more so as considering George is still alive and has still not finished writing the books. Still waiting for book 6 George!!! It's a shame that the TV series "Game of Thrones" will be heralded and "The Wheel of Time" will not. TWoT for me is a far more enjoyable listen/read. The TV series is not the books and only just passable.
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