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    Caleb Cauthon

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  1. I did some more delving into the earlier books and it actually opened my perspective of the setup between Lan and Nynaeve now and i can understand how there romance was kind of out of knowhere with not much detail if any at all that the two have feelings for each other until the point where Nynaeve confesses to Lan. I do agree with you on the setup issue now and i think that the romance definatly could have been closer to the top spot(Rand and Avi). Siuan on the other hand i think her character arc felt more like a challenge for herself of having to find a way to survive something was said to be basically certain death im the form of being stilled. I think that her overcoming this was something amazing which also showed how much of a strong willed Aes Sedai she was and an powerful amyrlin seat. And i think that her having to cope with the fact she may never be restored to her full power again and finding other ways to help in the final battle's preperation in her limited state was good for her and made me like her more as a character. Egwene did become a total beast during the last two books and she definatly went out with a bang(RIP ALL THE DEAD CAST WE LOVE YOU AND MISS YOU). Now for the Faile and Perrin romance i do agree it has many flaws attached to it but i dont think that it deserves to be placed in the low teirs with -cough- the likes of tom and moraine(we dont talk about this peice of writing) but i think it deserves an area in the mid teir mostly because of how much i admired Perrins resolve in having an inner war with himself and the love of his life being a steady foundation for him so that he doesent lose his mind in the wolf dream. I also think that Faile had some good moments as well especially when it came to doing the hard things that Perrin was either to busy or broken to do at some points(killing masema,making pacts etc). So all in all i do think i'd still put Lan and Nynaeve in a high teir, Faile and perrin in mid teir.(Peace out)
  2. I do agree with most of these but two, the Lan and Nynaeve romance and the Perrin and Faile romance. I honestly think Lan and Nynaeve was in the good tier just because of the dynamic of a man who had nothing to lose and wasen't afraid to die finds out he has something to live for for once. So much so that it pulls him from the brink of the warder madness that 100% of the time no warder should survive. Nynaeve character was rough around the edges at times but i also love how she and Lan were such amazing freinds and sometimes mentors to Rand helping him along his perilous journey of fighting madness in the form of Lews Therin. The Siuan and Bryne romance i would also classify in good tier although we did not know much about bryne till later books it was intruiging to see a once almost all powerful Amrlyin seat have to adjust to a more humble role and find that there are other things in life except guiding the fate and looking after the worlds protection. Gawyn and Egwene on the other hand...... i know alot of people will get mad at me for this but i honestly would put their romance in mid teir AND ILL STAND BY IT TO MY VERY LAST DROP OF SAIDIN. The reason being why is i think mostly the potential of the romance could have gone so far because of the wonderful concept i implicated. Egwene being a young women who has been thrust into a seat of power so quickly and having to learn the true essence of an Aes Sedai and being the Amrylin seat which set a GIANT duty on her shoulders which she was used to shouldering alone, now she had to learn to share that weight of duty like every Aes Sedai(outside of the red) did, with their warder. Gawyn on the other hand had to learn to step back away from the glory of the battlefront and let somone else take charge and learn to help from the shadows like a proper warder would for his Aes Sedai. (P.S. everyone has their own opinions and i respect yours fully and your reasons.) (GARETH,SIUAN,EGWENE AND GAWYNS DEATH BROKE ME AND EVERYONE ELSE WHO DIED. THE ENDING IS AMAZING THO BESIDES THAT.)
  3. I can see where your coming from with the galad route and i agree it'd be an interesting story as well but i honestly dont think it would end up turning out much better if at all just because of the harshness and borderline tortue Egwene had to endure during the entire amyrlin process which i think was a big factor in the whole relationship problems leading her unable to trust a warder. In the process of gaining the true essence of an Aes Sedai in such a short time which takes most Aes Sedai hundreds of years in a short amount of time she lost something that even the most basic Aes Sedai had. I also must admit preferred Gawyn to Galad a'lot more and think that Berelain and him are kind of a perfect fit.(Thanks for the feedbackkkkk)
  4. That is exactly why i thought it was a very good relationship idea Brandon brought in, a new view point on the relationship between a Warder and Aes Sedai. The key point being what happens when you put somone whos at the forefront of attention and glory for most of his entire life in the backseat? I absolutely do understand where your coming from though with Gawyn. Even after he became a warder his pov's were alot different from the other warders we've seen so far, much more self centered and independant, and most intriuging to me real(get it cus egwene says he' so real all the time). But i do see the flaw in this because even gaining the new role of a warrior who is meant to help his Aes Sedai protect the world he was still in his own glory gaining mindset.(Thanks for the feedback btw)
  5. I honestly dont see why people hate on the Egwene and Gawyn relationship so much i think that it was interesting to see a man like Gawyn always used to being on the forefront taking charge learning how to take a step back and work to help somone else lead. In his case this would be being a Warder helping his Aes Sedai. Egwene on the other hand had to learn to put her trust in Gawyn and let somone help her with the gigantic mountain of a role of being the Amrylin Seat after having to do all the politickies all on her own.
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