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    Proud owner of a blue and white towel

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  1. Halloween wasn't really a thing here in Norway when I was a kid, but we started celebrating it when I was in uni, around the turn of the millennium. So the first Halloween celebrations I was at we had lots of beer... Does beer count as a snack? >_>
  2. If you did that, the Black Ajah would pop up to snuff you out. Wasn't that the whole reason Cadsuane had gone into retirement, more or less? Anyway, with regards to portable gateways, didn't the Shaido have some boxes given by one of the Forsaken, which could create gateways? Or was the entire premise there that said Forsaken was actually creating those gateways, and the boxes no longer worked when he (?) wasn't around? I am struggling with remembering the details, but they did for sure stop working once the Shaido were spread to the different corners of Randland...
  3. That is certainly the path I follow! Never a toe out of line here! No siree! Er... I mean... No Motheree?
  4. Heeeeey @LilyElizabeth.... So I was waiting for the third Myrdraal, and then things got a bit busy, and now it seems I am *slightly* over the deadline >_> I don't really think I can do this in the next week or two, but maybe in April... Um... Is the contest still on? I feel I might need a little bit more competition? 🤔
  5. Yeah, I am almost done with my re-read of the series, and the whole thing seems... more weird to me the more I think about it. The whole thing with removing free will but still sort of keeping your personality seems very strange, although I've gotta admit I don't get the same sense of strangeness when it comes to compulsion which in many ways seems kinda similar. For myself I think I'll just head-canon that it removes the soul of the person and replaces it with something else, which seems to mesh well enough with the concept of people seeing something strange in the eyes of people who have been turned... I think I'll just settle for some of the things, especially in the first one or two and last few books, not being very well thought out and attempt to not be too drawn out of the story by them by overthinking 🙂
  6. Basically what the title says - it becomes clear in the books that a channeler can be turned by 13 myrdraals and 13 channelers working in tandem. Is any reason given in the books for why this wasn't used far more than it was. The wiki list only 14 people we know have been turned, although it is likely more were turned at the Black Tower. What makes me wonder the most is that the Black Ajah has been around since at least the Trolloc Wars, but doesn't seem to have practiced Turning. As evidenced by the hunt for the Black Ajah under Seaine Sedai, it wasn't that hard to abduct a Sister for an evening, and the strategic implications of being able to slowly turn the White Tower black seems immense. This was just an idea which occured to me while rereading the series, and I am not that far into it yet, so there may be some obvious reason I've missed. I don't seem to find much discussion of this by either a quick forum or google search so it kinda seems likely, so if someone here with a better grasp on the lore than me could weigh in, it would be much appreciated!
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