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Posts posted by Rhavin

  1. 3 hours ago, Andra said:

    If those two graphs are using the same vertical axes, WOT peaked at about 40 for season one, while GOT only hit about 10.  GOT only hit 40 in season five.

    Wrong. 100 is always the maximum in google trends, everything is relative to that cap, so the highest trending keyword-cloud gets 100. With season 7 GoT as reference, season 1 GoT is a 10% and WoT a 1% at its peak relative to the traction of GoT at season 7.

  2. 6 hours ago, SingleMort said:

    Ok I get what you are trying to say with the graph but this isn't really a workable comparison if these are from the same time period. I mean by 2021 GoT was a show that had completed

    You're seeing the dot but missing the point. GoT already had ended years ago, WoT was emerging and should have gained traction in first season. GoT is here to have a reference where the potential is. As you can clearly see: It lost while airing, with the final episode nailing the coffin.

  3. The show had a good buzz before it aired, the first episode was OK but i already thought "what the hell did they loose the money on?" and then it went straight downhill. of course i'm gonna watch season 2 because I want to see how they will dig themselves out of the hole they buried their continuity and character-arcs in. Pretty shure its either getting chancelled right after season 2 or they'll do some face saving season 3. Apart from all the astroturfed ratings, google trends shows the real picture. Blue is GoT, red is WoT:

    But this show simply isn't WoT for me, so… thats way to different. 

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