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Posts posted by Hobo

  1. 36 minutes ago, phoenixtrinity said:

    I am realizing more and more that I don't understand if the LotR movies were a great adaption of the books or a terrible one. Note, I haven't read the books, so here's what I'm working off of from here and Reddit:


    - When the LotR movies came out, everyone said they were nothing like the books

    - The LotR movies changed or removed character and major plot lines

    - Somehow, the LotR movies became popular anyway?

    - LotR is so popular it is getting a show on Amazon that I'm guessing must be faithful to the books or no one would want to watch it, if I'm understanding the comments.


    My question is... Why is Amazon banking on LotR if people are complaining about the WoT adaption the same as people complained about the LotR movies?


    I'm not trying to be clever here, I am confused. I thought LotR was an extremely popular movie franchise, but now I'm hearing people hated it because it wasn't like the books. So now I'm wondering what this might mean for the WoT.


    (Thanks if someone takes the time to clarify)



    I mean, i haven't read the LotR books in a long time, but I remember thinking they were pretty true to the books at the time, yes, they cut a few scenes but thats normal i guess. Some of the changes were for the better, i dont think anyone wanted to wait 17 years for Frodo to leave The Shire, but i could still tell were the movies were bookwise in terms of story and progression. I have no such sense with the WoT adaptation, and while i am trying to enjoy it because i have been waiting for this for a long time, i feel like its being slowly strangled.


    I honestly believe Amazon should have just constructed there own original story, maybe pay Brandon Sanderson to do it, instead of adapting and tearing apart what was already an amazing story. I feel like Rafe got a copy of the books from a Portalstone telling us a fuzzy muddled version of the story we all know and love.





  2. 29 minutes ago, Gothic Flame said:

    Um...dog saliva has anti-bacterial and anti-microbial properties. 

    Just saying...

    I mean.. i was aware of that.. but like i said i was assuming that his scratch/cut was from a trolloc (i still am) because that infection looked hella messed up. 


    Just seemed wierd that few licks from doggo set him right as rain to travel cross country with Egwene while Moraine was at deaths door.  


    And yes he only had a scratch/cut and Moraine had a stab wound to the chest, his infection looked alot worse(most of his lower leg looked infected)

  3. 16 minutes ago, Mailman said:


    • Rand getting Tam to EF and gaining the knowledge that Tam is not his father which has a massive influence on his character.
    • Training with Lan at the moment none of the 3 have any weapons training at all. Also vast reduction in the time spent with the three boys reducing the chemistry with them especially Rand.
    • Bonding with Thom. Thom has no connection with anyone except Mat and Rand and that has been reduced to a few days hardly someone you would be desperate to reconnect with. Thom from here as well in the books only makes a small appearance till the middle of the 3rd book (the section in book 2 i can easily see being cut as well).
    • Moiraine has been gutted and the EoTW is IMO where she is strongest in the entire series being responsible for driving the story more here than at any other point going forward. She goes from a driven and intelligent character that will stop at nothing to thwart the dark ones plans and protect the DR to a obtuse and injured character for most of the first 4 episodes and then lets the potential DR roam free hunted by the dark one without protection for a month while she rides to Tar Valon. She now has less than 3 episodes to interact with the main characters before seasons end having had minimal time with them to this point.
    • Elyas and Hopper not introduced probably tied as the second most important characters in Perrins entire story arc.
    • Min not introduced. ( no issue with it being moved and casting shows she is incoming)
    • Mutch cut


    I would also add Mordeth as a key character/moment(hopefully we will get this in a Fain flashback mayhap). Padan Fain meeting and melding with Mordeth is, id say, pretty crucial for several plot points He is the driving force behind stealing the horn in book 2, and in leading the WC into the Two Rivers iirc. 


    Omfg and Fain/Mordeth/Machin Shin ultimate form Vs Mat!

  4. 1 minute ago, etchambers202 said:

    Question: do any of you think that the people who wrote the scripts have passed 6th grade writing class? Sorry but my 10 year old grandson could have written better ones. The whole series is a hot mess. In reality I think some egotistical good idea fairies said "Hey, we are way better writers than Robert Jordan could ever be, let's rewrite the whole series"

    So very sad at how this has turned out. 

    I feel this. The show has gone off on a tangent and is unrecognisable from Eotw. I am trying to enjoy it. I am. But i will never forgive them for destroying Loial. 

  5. 16 minutes ago, WhiteVeils said:

    Going to go out on a limb and make a prediction:

    Perrin is going to run into Bornhold while he and Egwene are fleeing Valda.  Desperate not to be returned to Valda, Perrin kills Bornhold in the ensuing fight.   Bornhold (and the Whitecloaks) do not appear at Falme (It never made sense they were there anyway).

    I believe Pedron Niall sent Bornhald there to secure lands for the WC to have a land of there own.

  6. 6 hours ago, DojoToad said:

    There were lots of little things they could have done with Lan, the warders, and Tam that would have made them seem more capable and competent.  In some scenes they almost seemed to undercut the men's abilities to accentuate a female.  Not sure if that was intentional or just accidental in writing.  I see that as a big problem as we move more into characters arcs.  

    I also agree, i feel like they needed way more than 8 episodes. 


    Also, just started ep 5. What the fuck. What the actual fuck. What did they do to my boy Loial??!?

  7. 1 hour ago, CaddySedai said:


    Its been made clear they cannot see the weaves. Im inclined to go with the visible light and air option. And that his statement and reaction was because Moiraine literally just said that. 

    Has it been made clear in the show? I may have missed that as was fairly late when i watched them. 


    And i know it needs to be dumbed down for the show but they have nerfed channeling lol. And by this i mean the fact that, when a female channels its just white mystic swirly energy and black for males as its tainted. I get it, cool. Now i know it may have been harder to portray it more elementally as it is in the books but it annoys me not being able to see weaves of fire, air, earth, water and spirit.


    I do love the show haha, just venting my frustrations.

  8. As someone who has read and listened to the books many multiple times, i started the show with apprehension.. there are a few things that really irk me but for the most part i am enjoying it. 


    One thing that really irked me from episode four was the fact that it seems like male and female channelers can see each others weaves. Or that was the implication i got from Logain saying "Like a raging sun" after Nynaeve hadouken healing bombed the cave.

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