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Posts posted by TohIsOwed

  1. Hello Everyone,


    Just finished #7 this morning and overall, I'm quite pleased with this installment.  It was engaging throughout, reading through it in about 6 days.  It didn't have the same jaw-dropping moments that were in Lord of Chaos, but it did feel like the "fluff" present in LoC was not in ACoS (looking at you circus chapters).  Elayne and Nyn continue to annoy, but at least Elayne took control of the Ebou Dar "Circle" and the Aes Sedai in the palace.  Mat had a scary moment with a new enemy, the gholam.  Seems like these creatures are going to claim some important lives before they're overcome.  It took the entire book but the Ebou Dari gang did finally get the Bowl of the Winds, excited to see what they do with that.


    Rand was certainly the most interesting story line book, as he usually is.  He's slowly beginning to trust the Aes Sedai that swore fealty to him, but he's not quite there yet.  Min got to be with Rand pretty much the whole time since she met up with him.  Rand & Min's "comforting" of one another, as Min put it haha, after they experienced a few traumatic events - Colavaere hanging herself & Fel being torn limb from limb.  Rand & Perrin's "fight" was sad until it was revealed later in the same chapter that it was all a ruse, just don't know to what end as of yet.


    The final act was a bit of a whirlwind as it usually is.  Rand begins negotiating with the Sea Folk who say they will swear to him, but conditions will apply.  Understandable so, Rand starts feeling PTSD being a in a confined space and cuts the negotiations short.  It's interesting he is so "I'll get to it when I get to it" towards the Sea Folk.  You would think he'd place more importance gaining the Sea Folk's allegiance which still has some loose ends to tie up in the "bargaining."


    Rand takes Min to meet some Tear defectors and sees Padan Fain.  He's so casual about it, why did Rand not kill him immediately?!?  Fain is repeatedly referred to as "something more than a Darkfriend."  Could be a few things at this point.  A Dreadlord?  Nae'blis?  Something entirely new?  Don't know right now, but who Fain becomes interests me greatly as he obviously is going to be a major challenge.  After Rand is injured, taken back to Caihrien and eventually recovers...he's off to get Sammael.  The battle was decent, but most importantly, I don't think Sammael is dead as Rand could not confirm 100%.


    Excited to start #8!  Let me know if your thoughts!!


    - Torrey


    Lord of Choas - 1st time read through!! **SPOILERS**



    My guy Perrin taking command of the mission to rescue Rand, the Asha'man & Perrin's Wolfbrothers coming to assist out of nowhere & the captured Tower Aes Sedai are going to get what's coming to them (except Galina got away, darn).  Rand demanding the Saladar Aes Sedai to kneel (at least the 9 at the battle) & swear fealty to him gave me chills.  I read the last 350 pages over the last 2 days even staying up late last night finishing it - worth it!


    Happy this was not another Forsaken confrontation ending like it was gearing up to be with Sammael, twist!  Not that I don't enjoy a Forsaken showdown finales in books 1-5, but the Tower Aes Sedai, Shaido Aiel, Gawyn w/younglings vs. Salidar Aes Sedai, Wolfbrothers, Asha'man, Lioal, Cairhien soldiers was jaw dropping and just masterfully done, bravo!  Loved how Rand eventually broke the Spirit shields once they were tied off, which happened only because of Perrin's attack, and then taking out the Tower Aes Sedai, one by one.


    That reminds, FLAMING GAWYN.  He tells Rand, after he's lost the battle, that he's going to see Rand dead...don't make me laugh dude.  The only reason Rand didn't kill you on the spot for saying that was because you're Elayne's brother, pull your head out of your ass.  Does he not see how powerless he is against Rand?  What a pompous ignoramus.  It's unfortunate Egwene is in love with him, that will keep him alive longer I suppose...grrrrr.


    Some things that annoyed me...

    - Faile, why are you such a child?  Do not like her at all.

    - Elayne & Nynaeve's treatment of Mat.  If you want to study his Ter'angreal, just ask!  I don't see what good making demands will do or alienating him when he's just trying to help you.

    - Moghedien escaping...saw this one coming.  Very careless with one of the Forsaken to allow her to be freed.  Watch out Nynaeve!


    I'll stop here so this post isn't super long.  Overall, the book is probably my favorite so far and I'm excited to start #7 today.


    Please leave a question or share your thoughts, thank you!


    - Torrey

  3. @Cass - Favorite scene so far has to be Moiraine's death due to my emotional response.  I was so shocked and saddened I had to put the book down for the day, it's the only time that has happened (so far lol).  Favorite character (as of now) is Perrin, I relate to him the most.  He's genuine, has a kind nature and has a simplified way of looking at and solving problems, but he will bury an axe in your face if you threaten him or the people he cares about.  I'll be sure to check out the clubs, thanks for your response Cass!


    @Liitha  I absolutely love the books so far.  I try to predict what is going to happen with different story lines and am completely taken aback when I am wrong or something totally out of left field hits you leaving me wide-eyed saying "WOW!"  I have not read New Spring, is it worth the read?

  4. I'm a brand new reader of The Wheel of Time, currently making my way through Lord of Chaos.  I'm reading each book in about 2-3 weeks depending on how much time I have.  I don't have anyone to talk to about the books and I heard the WoT community is great and enjoys discussing it with first timers, so I thought I'd give this a try!  Please let me know if you have any questions or comments, looking forward to what lies ahead, thank you!

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