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Covai Seriba

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Posts posted by Covai Seriba

  1. Covai nodded to the Dedicated as he indicated for Covai to enter. Closing the door behind him, Covai looked to see Dashiva standing his desk. The man's face showed as little emotion as usual, but Covai knew him well enough to detect some small changes. The lines of his face seemed a little more worn then they were a year ago. Covai's eyed passed over the paper work on Dashiva's desk. Well thats new... Covai thought. It explained a few things though. The creator only knows how I'd deal with that much paper work..."


    Covai didn't know what he was supposed to say at a time like this, but he could see his friend was trying to give him the benefit of the doubt for the moment as he wove an eavesdropping ward around the room. Dashiva slight pause after was, Covai knew, his way of giving him an opportunity to speak first. Truth be told though, Covai felt he'd be more confortable answer questions than trying to ramble on to explain things all at once.


    "Long time no see."

  2. Why, oh WHY does every one spell my name covIA???






    Ashrak, I'm PMed you about your training. Let me know what you think of my idea.



    But if you're looking for some fellow dreamwalkers, I'm sure we can work something fun out :twisted: Not sure if you and Nyssa have contact IC wise, but the two of you taking us on, or cause us some problems in Tel'Aran'Rhiod could be interesting. Also be a weird, but Awesome way of helping train Ashrak. :twisted:

  3. Covai released the tempest of Saidin surrounding and let loose with a blast of fire a foot above the heads and shield of the two dedicated, incinerating three of the heads flying around. "Its no wasteland now boy, but it will be if you dont get your arses way from that tree!" Covai barked. The idiots had to pick near the centre of the problem to stop and ask questions.


    Not even back a week.... Covai thought. Not even a week and all hell had broken loose. For the first time since Tel'Aran'Rhiod had started to take a turn for the darker, Covai was grateful for his ability to enter the world of dreams. The nightmares running loose there were a reflection of what as happening at the moment. The only problem was, thinking about something else wouldn't make THIS problem go away.


    Ignoring the sound of one of the houses exploding, Covai focused his concentration on the issue around him. Dashiva was the only one he recognised amongst those down battling the Traitor's Tree. "What's going on? This thing should be a burnt crips by now!"


    Covai turned to the voice, extending his hand back towards the tree as he turned, sending blades of fire searing towards the tree and the possessed heads around it. "Really? You think so?" Covai snapped. Some people just had to state the obvious.


    "Start moving people away from here. We can't do anything serious with so many so close to the tree." Covai ordered. "But the ..." The man, Nakor... flashed for a moment in Covai mind before he cut him off. "That's an Order now do it!" Covai shouted. "Concentrate on keeping the heads, and anything else that pops up contained to this area. And watch your backs, there's no telling what else is out there now."


    No telling, and no point worrying Covai thought. He had almost lost his life a number of times in Tel'Aran'Rhiod over the last few months. When he let his fear and imagination run away with him with thoughts of 'what if...', things only ever got worse. Ignoring the hair falling in his face Covai grinned from within the void. He had lived those those trials, and he'd live through this one.


    Clicking his fingers of both hands, Covai starting concentrating strands of fire and air around his hands as he turned back to the Traitor's Tree. Saidin in this world, as well with everything in the World of Dreams was a matter of concentration. Covai's eyes narrowed as he focused on the tree, the void around him blocking out everything around him. There was only him, swirling in a tempest of Saidin, and the Traitors Tree, the enemy. Only one of them was surviving the night.


    Covai grinned from behind his dishevelled hair. After all, he had breakfast to look forward to in the morning.



    OOC: Who else wants to take a shot at taking this bad boy down? :twisted:

  4. http://www.dragonmount.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=2104


    Thats right folk, its taken a while but by return RP is up. Dali, Dash, if one of you two can get in on this, that'll be great so we can IC wise play out Covai's reduction in rank.


    Anybody else, feel free to jump in, its been a year or more IC wise since Covai's been back to the Black Tower, so a lot of stuff will have changed. So come along, poke fun or start abuse/accusations and the scruffy bloke wearing the nice shiny SL uniform and Asha'man pins. Any Dedicated can jump in as the one on the gate, or we can just leave it as an NPC if someone else wants to jump in first :P


    Ged, time to meet your future Mentor :twisted: :twisted:

  5. Covai nudged his horse along the path in the direction of the Black Tower's main gate. He had been absent from the tower for what was probably close to a year know, although sometimes he found it hard to believe, looking around now make it all the more real. The old wooden fence that used to encompass the tower grounds, or the Farm as it was know then was little more. Stone was used more often than not, providing a much stronger, and more intimidating defence.


    Whilst he couldn't see it all, Covai as almost positive the grounds would have expanded. Rumours and talk of the Black Tower had spread everywhere it seemed. Some spoke of it as just another evil, like the White Tower was seen to be, simply with crazy male channelers in place of Tar Valon witches.


    Scratching at the stubble of his beard, Covai grinned. Since leaving the Black Tower and his rank of Storm Leader, he had come to see the world as a very different place. He had also gained an insight to why people feared Aes Sedai and Asha'man alike. Whilst he knew people feared thing the didn't understand, it was different to view the fear, and even hatred, from the sidelines instead of as it's target.


    Brushing the hair away from his eyes, Covai wondered what his return would bring. He had kept his Storm Leader robe, complete with the silver fork of lightning on the sleeves, as well as his Asha'man pins, and wore them now. Not for any claim to prior rank, but for recognition. Besides, there were very few foolish enough to wear such an outfit with the skills to back it up. His grooming at the moment however, or more correctly, the lack their of, probably hinted at it as well.


    The edge of Covai's mouth twitched in a smile when he was stopped by a Dedicated at the gate and questioned. The man recognised the uniform, but not the face, and was obviously being cautious. "Covai Seriba." Covai spoke in reply. "Now either take me to the Inn for some food for me and my horse, or fetch Dalinarius or Dashiva."


    Covai almost felt sorry for the man as he hesitated for a moment. He had no idea whether it was his own name, or that of Dali or Dash being used with such familiarity that caused the hesitation. But... Covai thought to himself and he leaned back slightly in his saddle as he waited, it'll be interesting to see which.

  6. Okay, this is just a simple roll call so we can see how many of us have made it over to the new boards. Also, since a few oldies like myself have now comeback it well, it'll provide a chance for everybody to get to know each other's new handle and which character they are.



    So I'll Start.



    Covai Seriba

    (Formerly Storm Leader of the Black Tower)

    Now just Asha'man


    Co-Owner of the Black Tower Inn.

    BT Staff Member


    *Ignores the fact most of this is in his siggie*

  7. I'm up for it :D


    We've actually been thinking of a way do explain my Character (Covai )'s drop in Rank from Storm Leader back down to Asha'man. (I've been gone RL wise for about 6 months before I came back). I can't think of a better reason for loosing rank than bonding a red ;)


    PM or MSN me if you've got some more details :twisted:



    EDIT: Just found out there's already a WT/BT series of Rps in the works, so I'll have to hold off on this one. But if the WT/BT series of RPs does go ahead, I'm happy to RP with your character(s) if you're interested. :twisted: :P

  8. Ok, looks like some things never change, no matter how long you've been gone or where you go, its the same old problems.



    Okay, I'll be brief, and probably rude, but I dont mean to be the latter.




    Every Channeler is NOT equal. Just as everybody in life is not equally strong, equally fast, or evenly matched, so too channelers are not going to evenly matched in all situations, or even in a majority of them. It sucks, but hey, thats life.


    People's aren't allowed to make up 'skills' or 'traits' that just happen to give them advantages to give them an edge over anybody else. However, if you happen to rely mainly on your stronger elements and thing of a few new ways to use them, thats perfectly fine. :P


    This is where I see a problem with your 'fast step' technique, since you said Brand is weak in air. I like the blurring of the outlines of the body part, and you could even look at it as a weak, very weak version of illusion that invloves bending light.


    However when it comes to greatly increase you speed, I have to disagree. Cool whilst it may be, its coming a little close to the god-modding side of things. Namely, if you're weak in air, how can you be relying on an Air weave to give you such an advantage, and how have you managed to master such a move effectively? If you're trying to use the vaccums and backdrafts created by fast moving air, you would need a high skill and strength to be able to reliably do so.


    As for increasing the speed you can form the weaves, thats another very touchy area. It comes under the old arguement of whether repetition can increase your skill/strength with Saidin. Namely, the answer is yes, and no. As you raise through the ranks, you ARE slowly getting better and stronger, but once you reach Asha'man and have reached your maxium potental (Ie: The scores you were assigned with), thats that. no 'Oh, but I've been really active and posting' or 'I think it'd be really cool if..." or "but person X gets too...." thats it. The scores are there for a reason.


    Now, that does not mean if you have a low score you aren't going to be able to do anything. In case you haven't noticed, most RPs are planned out in advance OOC wise. And it is also very rare the two channelers are going to go full out against each other, particularly at the BT. (Unless training methods have changed now that Dash is in charge :twisted:)


    In other words, stop stressing :P Your originality, writing skills and your character are going to get you further than a couple of points in your OP. The scores are there to mix things up and help provide a reference for players. They are not the be all and end all of things.



    Well, hope that didn't sound too harsh :P

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