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Covai Seriba

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Posts posted by Covai Seriba

  1. Character Name : Covai Seriba


    Rank : Storm Leader


    Would you like to hold the bond, be bonded, or are you willing to do either? : Either. But I'm guessing since the we'll be getting ordered to do this by the Dragon, and considering Covai's rank, he'll probably end up being bonded, to give the benefit of control to the White Tower.


    If you are bonded, would you be willing to be bonded to an Aes Sedai who holds bonds to other BT Chars? : As long there is a good reason.


    If you are holding the bond, are you willing to bond more than one Aes Sedai? : Again, as long as there is a good reason.


    Do you have any questions or concerns? : Just the ones that have been mentioned about taking these RPs as serious events. Everyone seems to one the same page here, which is good :D


    Chacter Infomation (IC)


    Name: Covai Seriba

    Age: Mid 20's

    Nationality: Andorian (From near the Four Kings)

    Talents: Dreamwalking

    Ranks (Official): Storm Leader

    Ranks (Unofficial): Owner/Builder of the Black Tower's Inn (Guys/Arath, PLEASE tell me if this was destroyed and rebuilt AGAIN)


    **Side Note: Destroying and rebuilding in the Inn seemed to be a staple of a lot of RPs back in the day. The original Inn was built by Covai as a Dedicated using wood back the the BT was known as the Farm. Since then it has been destoyed and rebuilt using Saidin twice that I know of. As of it's latest incarnation, it serves as a well built, and rather large two story Inn, that is probably the most fortified building at the BT (due to the amount of Saidin used in it's constructions. Also, it became the de-facto mess hall shortly after construction, and became the place to go both for meals, and to relax during classes for a drink. It also houses Covai's quarters as well as a limited number of guest rooms**


    Covai is currently the longest serving character at the Black Tower (Player wise that is). He's was brought to the BT when it was still the Farm, and often still thinks of it as such. He was there at the Fall of the Stone of Tear, where he was promoted to Storm Leader for his efforts, and was amongst the BT channelers to approach Jarron the Dragon Reborn to pledge our alegience.


    Covai was discovered to have the talent for Dreamwalking when he was discovered by the Wolfkin Telanor walking about Tel'Aran'Rhiod. Covai then left the Black Tower (with permission) to learn how to control and harness his new found ability.


    During the Battle of Dumani Wells, it was Covai (solely thanks to information provided to the Wolfkin Scouts), who was able to order the Dragon's forces in a rescue effort as they now had the Dragon's location. He was the one to light the signal flares to order the attack, and was also amongst the Black Tower channelers who reached and freed Jarron from his captivity.


    Covai was also present (by sheer co-incidence, as he was out hunting at the time) at the Watcher RP, when the battle between Aes Sedai and Asha'man broke out. After the battle he bonded Shaneeve, who's bond was later released (this was never RPed out, but was assumed to have happened along with the others).


    Covai's attitude is very laid back, often drinking or munching on food while he waits for his students to turn up to class. He has an absolute zero tolerance or patience for people who feel the station they were given or born into gives them superiority over others (Nobles and Aes Sedai being the two prime offenders.)


    Apart from that, Covai's Traing style (as his students will attest to) is less than orthodox. He focuses less on ('copy and paste') style, and prefers his student to come up with their own methods and variations on existing weaves. He will also refuse to raise someone to the next rank solely on their abilities with Saidin (as is the normal requirements). Covai takes the meaning of Asha'man (Guardian) very seriously, and feels it imperative that all channelers in the Black Tower should also be aware of it.


    **Side Note #2 This ideal is also the reasoning behind Covai's dislike for Aes Sedai. As a whole, Covai feels they have forgotten the meaning of Aes Sedai (Servants of All), and that their actions portray this. He knows the Asha'man exist to fight in Tar'Mon'Gaidon. They will destroy the shadow, so as to save what can be saved. Covai feels no hesitation, but does lament the fact most people won't even appriciate the sacrifice that will be made on their behalf. As far as he can see, the Aes Sedai have done bugger all in the hundreds of years they have existed, settled away in Tar Valon. **


    About Me (OOC:)


    I'm from Australia and I'm currently working the Night Shift (which means I run on American time :P). I'm able to check the OOC boards whilst at work, but thanks to a new computer monitoring system I'm unable to log in and post anything. But it does make things quicker when I do get home I'm able to post straight away :P


    Activity wise I try to post every day, even if its just OOC wise to help get the next RP going. I've been having problems with MSN lately, so PM or posting is usually the best way to get in contact with me. (I rarely check my emails, so don't even bother :P)


    What I'm looking/hoping for in RPs after this event?


    Being currently the highest ranked character (IC), I'm looking for a bunch of RPs to use that as a means of creating tension on both sides. Not as a bar to the RP, but as something to add some flavour and give people something to work with. Ideas that come to mind include


    a) Facing a warder in the practice yard. **Covai's WS is 10, so whilst he's skilled, he'd still be beaten in a duel by a full-fledged warder (Saidin being withheld) This is not something any BT members watching would take easily, but the WT/Warders members might take some satisfaction in**


    b) Getting in an in-depth debate/arguement with his bondmate/Aes Sedai/warder about the reasons for why they do what they do (See Side Note #2 above :P)


    c) Not being able to channel at the WT without causing a reaction/being detected (Basically not being able to rely on Saidin to do things as he normally does, and having to come to grips with it, despite being one of the strongest channelers under the Dragon's Command).


    d) Along the lines of point B), getting in an debate/arguement with the Red Ajah about their entire existance now the Dragon Reborn has declared Amnesty for all male channelers (Come on, at least ONE person has to be up for this one! Light, Covai would take on the whole Ajah about this  >:-D )


    So I'm looking for someone who wants some good character development here, not just wanting a BT pet. Most likely Covai will be involved in any further big RPs between the two towers, so his bondmate would either be dragged along, or left fuming when Covai leaves to attend to things.


    Also, I'd like to get a few RPs happing with some WT dreamwalkers. Since Tel'Aran'Rhiod would even the ground between them by eliminating the One Power, it would all come down to each side's mental state. Covai's Dreamwalking score is 8, so whilst he's not the weakest dreamwalker, I doubt he's the strongest either. It may also be a nasty surprise for a Dreamwalking class at the WT to suddenly have Covai drop in unannounced or stroll past them whilst their talking :D


    Well that about covers it for now. If you've got any questions just post away or send me a PM :D

  2. Fair points. Just remember this is all a game folks. If you want something serious, try a dating site. Or heck, go walk down to the local night club :P (Of course I somehow doubt 'Wanna see my Dragon/Silver Sword?' will work well. :P)


    So are we going about finding bondmates like last time? One side goes invading the others boards with personal ads? :P Or since it's only one Ajah this time round, maybe there's something different planned?


  3. Covai spat on the corpse of a trolloc as he rode past. Partially it was in disgust, but mostly it was an attempt to get the foul taste out of his mouth. He knew the borderlands could be bad but this.....this was on a whole different scale.


    Nudging his horse back towards the rest of their forces, Covai tried to weight the situation in his mind. Close to four hundred men were assembled. It was the largest war gathering of male channlers for hundreds of years...and yet the thought brought no solace to the Storm Leader's mind. Half these men had never seen a battle before. And few of the one's that had had any real strength in the One Power. True, they knew how to kill. But stone manikins were different to flesh and blood.


    "Arath, Kirrisin, to me!" Covai barked his orders. The Asha'man assembled had spread out to form a perimeter, and dotted amongst them were a handful of Soldiers and Dedicated still trying to hold their lunch down. It was not a welcoming sight. Saidin was hard enough to command for most when calm, the fear of the taint keeping many holding back. Still, he knew soon enough the threat of madness would give way to the threat of a blade. Even the most hesitant would fight when cornered. And they also had safety in numbers.....for now at least.


    As the three commanders assembled between their forces and the blight, Covai motioned then closer. "Listen, we don't know that the light we're in here for." Covai spat, still unable to get the stench of the place out of his mouth. "Kirrisin, I want you to take two teams of fifty men each and head west to Fal Moran. See what survivors there are, if any. Report back within the hour." Covai grabbed the man's coat as he turned way "And in the Creator's name watch your back. This is no ordinary Blight raid. We're dealing with something new here. If it looks human but won't respond...kill it."


    Covai could feel the eyes of the two Attack Leaders on him, but he ignored them. "That does for you too Arath. I have a feeling this will be Dumani Wells all over again, and I don't mean fighting Warders.." Covai left the threat to hang in the air for only a moment before continuing, his eyes narrowing in anger. "You saw the wound on the Asha'man they brought back. There's no way an Asha'man would get that wound from a trolloc's blade."  Kirrisin nodded his understanding stiffly before saluting, barking his own orders for men to follow him to the Shienar capital.


    Stretching his next from side to side, Covai nudges his horse around to face Arath better. "The same goes for you friend. Take two fifty man squads and and spread to the west and be back within the hour. I'll decided after Kirrisin makes his report what needs to be done.. In the mean time I'll have the men start making foritications here. I have no idea how far away this horde is, or how much of is it left, but I do NOT intended to be standing in the middle of the open when the arrive."


    "But Covai, wouldn't the city..." Covai shook his head to cut Arath off. "No good. If they've already taken it once, it won't stand a second time. Besides, they already know where the weak points are, so we'd be at a disadvantage. This way we'll at least be able to count out a sneak attack from the rear." It was a hollow advantage to speak of and they both knew it. They were still exposed from all sides. If the hoarde had returned to the blight they could focus their defence. But if they had continued on, or were still in Fal Moran, they effort would be wasted. The best they could do was cover all sides and wait.


    Returning the salute as Arath turned away, Covai nudged his horse back to the men that were left. "Get moving people! I want fortifications up and weapons ready. Trenches! Walls! Spikes! This is basic training all over again men. Any slackers will be put on the outside when the battle starts! Work in teams. Those of you not fortifing, get those supplies together. They rest of you keep an eye out. I want to hear to moment you spot ANYTHING. And make sure you're ready to move in an instant!"


    Covai crossed his arms has a sat on his mount, his eyes scanning the distance near the capital. Part of his mind was urging him to send all the troops he had to the capital, that there was still time. But something inside him held back. If the city still stood, only one Asha'man was needed to bring the message. The fact that five came back at once, one of them heavily wounded could only mean one thing. The city was long gone, and they had been the final vanguard.


    The Storm Leaders knuckles turned white has he gripped the reins in his hand. They were Asha'man, Guardians when all else was lost. Creator or not, Dark One or not, Covai swore they would not leave until every last shadowspawn responsible for this was dead at their feet. If it was too late to save the city, vengence would still be theirs.


    OOC: Get ready guys. To help sort things out from our side, Attack Leader Kirrisin is the NPC who the Shadow get to kill. Storm Leader Covai the commander of the Black Tower's forces, and Attack Leader Arath's team will be backup. Its up to the Congress of Shadow to decide where they turn up from (Gates, marching over the horizion, party still in Fal Moran, etc) The outline is this: (Stolen from the CotS board  ;))


    Phase 1: The Black Tower gets wind of the events in the borderlands, particularly along Arafel’s border. Knowing that this is exactly what the Dragon created them to do, they mobilize. Sending a force of Asha’man and Dedicated to aid the armies of the light, they claim early victories. The onslaught of the power tears through the ranks of shadowspawn and darkfriend alike, and it seems that this will be an easy victory for the light.


    Phase 2: As the Asha’man destroy ranks of shadowspawn, the shadow quickly regroups, forming a team of dreadlords and dreadladies, with batteries from the lower ranks of their elite order. When they enter the fray, a stalemate ensues. Neither side being able to take any land from the other, it seems that the battle will come down to endurance over tactics.


    Phase 3: Of course, that is all changed when the Chosen hear of the stalemate. The new alliance of Sammael and Semirhage comes to the aid of their minions. Quickly they take the strongest of both sexes, and form a circle in order to overwhelm the Asha’man, while other lords and ladies of dread group together to add support to the chosen that have come to their aid. The Blacktower is quickly pushed back, and travels to safety. The shadow reclaims the lands, while the Light nurses battle wounds, and worse, hurt pride.


    If there are any quesions, post them on the OOC board and we'll answer then ASAP.)


  4. OOC: Time to end this one guys. Sorry it's dragged on for so long.


    IC: "Well what d'ya know, you're actually getting the hang of his." Covai called to Geirrin as he returned, before addressing everyone "Class is over soldiers. Arath, Soldiers messed up. Order was for you to come along as well." Covai dismissed the rest with a

    wave of his hand, but called out to Geirrin as the man turned away.


    Reaching inside his robe , Covai pulled out a small cloth pouch he had put the sword pin in, tossing it to Geirrin. "See that you live up to our expectations. Next time you'll be pitting those elemental blades against me"


    Leading the way, Covai got Arath to fill him in on the ten or so minutes he had missed. He also made a mental note to find that soldier later and set him on latrine duty. Wool headed fool couldn't even get a simple order right.



    OOC: Good work guys. I couldn't carry on rest of this classes, but it's still covered your requirements. I'll make up for it in the next one :)

  5. Covai nodded. "Thats good you two. Now, you've both throw fireballs before, but I want you to try something different this time." Walking over to the stack of wood, grabbing the four poles he had placed there earlier.


    Ignoring the odd looks from the Dedicated, Covai walked up to the manikin, dropping the poles in front of it. Forming a small hole infront near the manikin's base, Covai lifted one of the poles and stuck it end down into the earth, using his foot to kick the loose dirt around it in to fill the hole and keep it stable. After giving it a little nudge, Covai was satisfied the breeze wasn't going to blow it over. Waving the two men backwards, Covai walked around the mankin until he was lined up in the right position for what he had planned, marking a line with his foot in the ground.


    "Okay, each of you come stand over here." Covai ordered, stepping back from the marked position. "I want each of you to try and hit the manikin...without hitting the wooden pole The poles are old halberd shafts that have been worn out. They wouldn't support their any real weight in combat, but they'll still burn if you hit them." Walking over so he was side on to the targets, Covai mused loudly "Hm...I'd say you've got maybe five or six inches btween the

    pole and manikin. Add in the thirty of so pace distance on top of that to where you're standing, and you don't have much on a front on target."


    Shrugging, Covai walked back towards the inn, putting himself at an angle to both the Manikin, as well as Ikki and Geirrin. "You'll need to learn to control the path of the fireball in mid-air for this one. I'll be adding more poles as you start hitting the target.

    Little by little your striking area is going to shrink. You'll need to control both the size, speed, and angle of your attack to pass this test."



    OOC: Sorry about the delay on this one guys. I know controlling weaves mid flight isn't something we really do, so I thought it'd be something interesting to work with. Feel free to burn a pole or two if you like. I'll just send you out to cut another one down later ;P

  6. *Starts plastering the attached poster all over the place*





    Soo....Doesn't that one at the top look familiar to anyone?




    *Avoids Raeyn's stare at the red marker in his hand*



    Umm, I'd just like to state that any writing resembling the name of a certian someone here is completely co-incidental and has nothing to do with me.








    *Tosses the marker to Sieve*





    Join the Black Tower folks!!




  7. I've posted my interest on your sign up thread.


    The staff are working out the details in regards to the other stuff. To be honest, the last attempt as this was rather abysmally planned. So please have patience until everything can get worked out properly. Trust me, waiting an extra week or two for things to be sorted is going to be a LOT better than the RP collapsing in on itself because each side didn't get the same information, had different ideas on how it would roll out, etc etc.


    And Sieve, never hesitate to offer help. There will be time's you'll just have to hold tight and wait, but we'll be sure to let you know the moment we've got some work for you.


    Speaking of which, my cloaks need a good clean. And I need someone to take the blame for littering Saldean Farmgirl posters all of Segurant's Office.


    *Thrusts a bucket of glue and a brush into Sieve's hand's and runs off*


    Umm..I have somewhere to be.....




    Bye! :D

  8. NEVER been done before?!?!


    *Whacks Arath*


    I seem to remember beating up...ummm...testing quite a few Dedicated like this. Heck, I'm damn sure it was my idea back when I was DL to do this in the first place! :P


    I'll see if I can hunt down one of the one's I was involved in for a reference point.


    So I'm guessing this thread hasn't been started quite yet?

  9. Character Name: Covai Seriba


    Rank: Storm Leader


    Would you like to hold the bond, be bonded, or are you willing to do either? Either. Could be interesting having on the the BT top dogs getting bonded though.


    If you are bonded, would you be willing to be bonded to an Aes Sedai who holds bonds to other BT Chars? As long as storywise there's a good reason.


    If you are holding the bond, are you willing to bond more than one Aes Sedai? Same as above.


    Do you have any questions or concerns? If so please state them here or PM them to me. Just the ones I've voiced before. As long as people realise this isn't just a two week event, I'm fine with it. And if the bond is going to be broken somewhere down the line, please, PLEASE work it all out before hand. The whole "we're bored of it now" really gets frustrating.

  10. Okay, so those 'few days' became 'few weeks' pretty easily. Long story short, the doctors missed something pretty major with my grandmother while she was in hospital, two days back home and then she was back in the emergency ward. After two hectic weeks she's cured (hopefull) and is currently in the rehabilitation ward doing well. The upshot of all this?


    I'M BACK!!!


    Yup, I can now spend my days posting instead of falling asleep on hospital lounges and drinking bad coffee (which is a relief, I've never been much of a coffee drinker anyways :P) I'll be going through all the OOC boards first, then try to catch up with the RPs I'm in (assuming they haven't been finished already)


    Thanks again for the understanding and not having my inbox spammed with "where's my post?!?!" emails when i got back :D

  11. Sorry about the delay again guys. Long story short there's been a few complications and my grandmother's been moved to another hospital. Combined with me working nightshifts, I haven't had a lot of free time. I've got a few days off coming up, so I'll try to get these posts up over the next day or two when I get some time to think.


    Sorry to keep holding these things up!


    (PS: Arath, if you want you can finish the offensive weave's thread at the moment and get a defensive weave one started? I'll post on both as soon as I can. Otherwise I'll just start them myself when I get back)

  12. OOC: Arath, you've just volunteered to be my volunteer :D


    Covai nodded to Arath as he pocket the silver pin. The man's potential was there, but Covai hadn't finished testing them yet. Sure, he'd usualy been amongst the more relaxed of instructors, but today that could wait. He'd give the man his pin at the end of the class if he kept his current progress up. Geirrin was the more skill of the three at the moment. Kassian was having some difficulty to start with, but managed to get the basics. Martyn on the other hand was having serious problems. Covai thought for a moment the focus on killing could be dragging up some painful memories for the man, but he didn't have the luxury of caring. If an Asha'man couldn't fight in the field, he was useless.


    "Alright, that'll do for now." Covai motioned for them to relax. Inspecting each of the manikins, Covai spoke to the men behind them. "You'll come to rely on basic weaves like this quite often. They're not pretty, they're not classy, but they work, so be grateful." Covai's eyes passed Martyn's without saying anything. The man seemed to take the unspoken reprimand him his comments. He'd have to work with the man later to bring him back up to scratch.


    "Now, we're moving onto something different. Attack Leader Arath has kindly offered to assist us with this next step as well." Covai didn't mean to drag the man into it, but he was better for this demonstration than the others assembled. Besides, it would be like old classes all over again. Covai had to make a concious effort to keep the grin from his face at the thought. He'd have to careful incase the Attack Leader tried to upset the control he had on the class. Arath would never directly usurp his authority as Storm Leader, but as a friend playing a prank on another....well stranger things had happened. Passing the Attack Leader, Covai spoked quietly so the others couldn't hear "Just follow my lead..."



    "Not all your opponents are going to stand infront of you with a sword or other weapon. Archers are another problem you'll encounter. If you're range of attacks is only as far as your arms can reach, you'll be at a disadvantage. However.." Covai used a flow of air to pick up the shattered remains of a manikin's arm and raised it infront of Arath, who got the hint and took the piece in his hand, holding it up above his head. "..if you can destroy an attacker at range, the edge is yours." Within the blink of an eye a lance of fire flew from the Storm Leader's hand, shattering the limb at the wrist.


    "Go line up at the edge of the field. Attack Leader Arath and I will create some more manikins for your practice. I want to see you use both killing blows, and disarming ones. I don't care which order, but I want to see both." Abruptly turning his back to the three men, Covai waved Arath over.


    "Sorry if I got dirt in your hair, I'll buy you a drink later to make up for it" True, Covai was still in combat attitude, but his attitude was directed towards the soldiers. Besides, he'd be need Arath's help again before the end of the class.


    Forming the manikins as as boring a task as ever, but Covai opted to change their postures a little. Each man had two targets, one with a blade raised above their head as if they were swinging downwards, and the other was standing with its arms and legs stretched out. That should give them a chance to aim for the arms and legs rather than the main body


    Stepping back with Arath, Covai stood to the side to watch. "So Arath, what do you think of the other two's progress?"


    OOC: Have fun with some ranged attacks guys :)


    (EDIT: If you haven't learnt any ranged attacks, feel free to say so and Covai will demonstrate. Or you can just assume you've been shown and get to practicing)

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