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Posts posted by Hayl3y

  1. What always brings a smile to my face is a big hug from the kids ?


    Lately, work was tough and I needed something to have a real break during my lunch time. Since I'm working from home, it's not that easy ... I always feel guilty when I leave my screen (even if it's only to get a cup of water in the kitchen).


    but this show managed to make me have a real break :




    Never thought that I'd fall for such a girly show ?

    But it was exactly what I needed

  2. new_siggies2.png


    Welcome to our light vs darkness game !


    The game is easy!


    I'll post series of 5 villains, and you will need to find the names of the 5 heroes who defeated them  ^^


    Use the spoiler tags so everyone can play ❤️

    and no google-fu ?


    Let's start with the first series


    1. Mother Gothel Phaedra

    2. Ming the Merciless James

    3. General GrievousAman

    4. Hans Gruber Cross

    5. Kenpachi Zaraki > Ichigo Kurosaki (in Bleach)



  3. new_siggies2.png


    Let's start light the Tower and our home with our own lanterns.


    Ready for some crafts ?  ?



    Easy model




    You only need thick paper, tape, something to punch holes and battery operating tea light ❤️



    Feeling more adventurous ?




    Add glue and translucent paper to craft these Diwali paper lantern. If you follow the link,

    you'll even find patterns. The translucent paper should be used to fill in the little rectangular windows.





    Have you tried one of these?

    Don't hesitate to post other DIY tips and tutorials


  4. Moderating note :

    I saw that this thread was victim of our daily cloudflare ?

    I'll keep this one and take away its twins :)


    Awesome thread, thanks for having thought of it ?


    I had another handle before, which had a special meaning. I won't comment on it except to say that I went through very bad times a couple of years ago. Part of the reconstruction process drove me to change my rl first name.


    I'm so happy and proud of that new first name "Hayley" that i'm using it as a handle.


    On some gaming plateforms i'm using "Nyxad3" which is connected to a kind of little pixie-like creature in Elder Scrolls Online (nixad) but also to the Greek goddess of the Night (Nyx).



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