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Posts posted by Effete

  1. On 1/25/2020 at 2:40 PM, Denver Steve said:

    Victims of Spanking in WoT;









    Jolene (that one was funny ?)


    And of course,

    Egween....possibly the most spanked character in any story, ever.


    Thats’s 9 !

    Am I missing anyone?

    I don’t remember Min ever getting it, or Aviendha..

    maybe Colavere ?



    Faile gets spanked by Perrin when she won't stop slapping him. #mentoo


    As for the show, we don't need to see every instance of when someone gets spanked, but I hope the show stays true to the story and heavily implies it. Like having scenes where a Novice gingerly sits down and whinces... it'd take all of 2 seconds, but it'll get the point across.


    I want to see an accurate depiction of Jordan's novels, not something sterlized for overly-sensitive people who think all entertainment needs to be a sociopolitical statement.

  2. Are Warder's cloaks ter'angreal ? Are they some form of streith? Has this ever been explained?


    Cos if the secret to making ter'angreal had been lost during the Third Age, where are the Aes Sedai getting the cloaks from?

  3. One braid. Like how it's described in the book.


    When Nyneave and Elayne go to Tanchico, they put their hair in multiple braids, and it's used as source of comedy that Nyn can't get a firm grasp of them to tug.

  4. As of Crown of Swords (haven't finished the series yet):


    1) Egwene - She was fun when she was the innocent, naive, little girl just looking for adventure who suddenly learns she has this great power, but she plods through the later books like a cat without whiskers, perpetually stuck behind the refridgerator. I have trouble liking her past the second or third book. Can we get an arc yet? Hopefully she gets better.


    2) Any Whitecloak - These Light-blinded fools annoy me to no end. So self-righteous, so absolutely decluded... Geofram Bornhold was at least interesting in how coldly calculating he was, but Dain was a bloody pile of sheep dung. Valda, Byar... they're just as unlikable. 


    I liked Pedron Naille, though, and Carridan has an attraction as a "tragic character," but most Whitecloaks are just hypocrites.


    3) Faile - I was lukewarm when she was first introduced, and she grew on me during the Two Rivers chapters, but WTF happened to her later? First she gets pissy with Min for no reason, then gives Perrin the cold shoulder for reasons I have yet to figure out... obviously something to do with Berelain, but ole Goldeneyes made his intentions very clear on that front. I was honestly hoping Perrin would just boink her, then tell Faile to smell his fingers.


    (Dis)Honorable mentions:


    Galad - goody little two shoes. Reminds me of the narcs back in high school.


    Aviendha - "I hate you!" "I love you!" "I hate you!" "I love you!" GAHHH! Yeah, I get it, it's the whole ji'e'toh thing, but she handles it like such a baby.


    Elayne - This is less about her character and more about the inconsistent way Jordan wrote her. Sure, her character flaw is her haughtiness (being groomed to be queen would do that, I guess), but she flops between being intelligent and insightful to dumber than a bag of rocks. 


    Elaida - Okay, I don't find her annoying, per se, so she probably doesn't truly make the list, but I see her on others lists. She is certainly incompetent, but I see that as her ambition being greater than her actual skill. Even when she was standing tall in Andor, making a name for herself, it was clear Morgase was still calling the shots. She THINKS she will make a great Amyrlin, and that confidence caused others to raise her, but now she's cracking under the pressure. Consciously or unconsciously, she ignores the things that make her look bad, because she cannot face the possibility that she actually is terrible at her job.

  5. Psychopath?



    But Nyneave is often in the wrong and has trouble admitting it, so her own insecurities manifest as frustration and anger. And because, at their core, they are irrationally held, she cannot justify how she feels through words and resorts to physical violence (or at least the threat of it). I mean, of you look at all the times she shouts, or stomps, or tugs her braid, there is hardly ever a reason for her to truly get upset; most often it's because someone merely disagrees with her, or is doing something she doesn't like (i.e., Elayne sitting with her feet on the bed, or holding Thom's hand, or humming a tune).


    It's the ultimate irony... the character always calling everyone else a "child" is the one who throws temper tantrums when she doesn't get what she wants.

  6. Interesting topic.


    I must say, I have to agree with Greenfreq on this one. I didn't pay too much mind when I first read that chapter, but now that it's been pointed out, it does seem like an inconsistancy. The sisters should have definitely been linked, with the leader maintaining one powerful shield.


    We know from text elsewhere in the series that flows cannot be combined unless linked. Six separate shields would be six separate shields, each just as weak as the next. Rand might not have been able to break all six at once, but he would have taken them down one-by-one as easily as peeling an onion.



    It might be worth noting that channeler's seem to be able to take control of a weave that someone else creates: the flicker of light that was "all Egwene" in EotW; Egwene and Elayne playing catch with a ball of light; the Shaido Wise Ones' fireballs and lightning strikes either dissipating or getting diverted... all these suggest the flows of a weave are either shared, passed, or wrested away from (respectively) another channeler.


    The six Aes Sedai might be simultaneously grasping the same flows on Rand's shield, but this doesn't support the idea of them knotting their individual effort. That would suggest they are combining flows, which is impossible without a link.



    Sorry folks, but I don't think this one can be explained away so simply. I chalk it up to Jordan just testing new ideas. The concept of linking was not even fully introduced until LoC, and Jordan had previously amended principles of the One Power throughout the series. (Remember in EotW when Moiraine had to "remove" the last vestages of the OP after their first night in the Blight? Never again is it shown that characters can detect where the Power was used after its effects are gone. That little bit was retconned through ommision.)


    My point is that it seems Jordan was just beginning to explore the fundamentals of linking, and what we see at Dumai's Wells is just an early version of that. [Insert head-canon]



  7. Hey folks!

    New to the forum, so... Hi!


    So, I started reading WoT about 19 years ago and stopped after The Dragon Reborn for reasons I can't remember. I few months ago I found the books in storage and decided to finally take on the task of re-reading and finishing the series.


    I'm currently near the end of Crown of Swords and noticed what I think might be a typo, but I'm not entirely sure. There's a cruddy tavern in Ebou Dar called the Rose of the Elbar that Mat frequents for [plot reasons]. Later, after a very touching scene, a character vomits up "the River Elbar."


    Now I checked earlier books, and I'm not crazy... every mention of the river referred to it as the "Eldar." "Elbar," however, is the name of a Seanchan captain who makes an appearance earlier in CoS (p.549, Tor paperback), so it looks like Jordan may have gotten confused. Or perhaps this was a proofing error on the editor's part, I don't know. Point is... it's there.


    I scrubbed the net, and the various wikis and "WoT typo" blogs don't seem to mention this discrepancy. Please tell me I'm not the only one who noticed this!

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