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  1. I never call TV show with any pejorative words. Yet when I made a work to express the essence of my disagreement with it. I met only answers, like this isn't relevant, this isn't important, story started with the fourth book nothing before maters. So yes, there is no reason to discus when one side decide to be deaf. The thing is, that all that "irrelevant" details caught up TV show at the end.
  2. I am well aware, that there are some biased critiques of WoT tv show. However I saw you specifically to discard discord constructive critique by your made rules. It isn't such problem, that constructive critique is banalised in this side. Problem is that it was ignored by tv show maker as well. I am getting more and more impression, than this tv show was never intended for WoT book fans.
  3. I didn't say the WoT book fanbase is small. I used the explanation, the team that made the TV show used to explain the changes.
  4. Approach of Fallout is: We will focus on what fan of Fallout love about games. There will be others who will love it too. Approach of WoT was: There are to few of fan of books. We need to focus on (another) tv show audience. I don't think that WoT can go in same path as Fallout do anymore.
  5. If I am doing specific scenes from book, than it should carry same messages and not tell entirely something else. Rand and Siuan meeting was dialog, internal monolog wasn't so important. Showing somebody, who hold composure through dialogue, that he was in distress actually isn't difficult. Show did it in other parts of story. Not kneeling is hardly sign of arrogance. Especially when Rand stand before already. Siuan went from "understanding that Dragon need to be free to grow" to "obsessed with control". Rand grow through story as grow obstacles on his path. Not-hostile Amyrlin is far from dificultis which await him. Zen Rand acknowledged that Rand who started the journey was important aspect of him. So comment that he need to grow enough to have backbone isnt correct, when his stubbornness was shown from beginning.
  6. It change core character. TV Show Rand wouldn't succeed if we respect character integrity. Book Rand didn't kneel in front of any challenge, his own death, torture. It was his character atribute. TV show Rand kneel easily. How will he stand against what await him? Book Rand was near to fill his pant with .... yet he stand tall still. It is about standing against stronger opponent. Being almighty when you challenge only weaker one, hardly test character.
  7. The first meeting of Dragon and Amyrlin seat: Book: Show stubborn dragon who don't kneel before stronger opponent. TV show: Dragon kneeling in front of Amrylin would kneel in front of far stronger Forsakens. Very bad for champion of light. And that is just the more impactful change of this scenes. It change other aspects of story too, like Siuan character.
  8. Civil war in Cairhien isn't necessary. Dragon feeding Cairhien didn't play big role in book. Saving Cairhien from Couladin would be enough. Much bigger problem is Tear, which played role in the most of Rand geopolitical actions. However, it looks like they flushed Rands whole arc down toilet so far. So they can do pretty much anything with him.
  9. If you ask for RECOMMENDATION, then read all books. I cannot recommend you anything else. To my not-RECOMMENDATION now: As you can see, as much as I wanted reduce books for you from all books to some books. It is only 1 out of 5 I cut out so read all books :).
  10. That would be story of mighty aes sedai and her warden. Story we didn't get. He didn't listen what she need. He did what he wanted. We know that wardens have occasionally disobeyed the orders of their aes sedai. But they had the best interest of their aes sedai in their mind. Gawyn followed his interests only.
  11. Morgase -Tallanvor, Egeanin -Domon, Greens and their wardens. I didn't aim to list all romances the books touch on. It is important to draw line somewhere to has comparable couples.
  12. R. Jordan isn't known for writing romances well. But how bad it was or was it bad for you at all? Let's stay with main characters only and sort them in ranking. Also which romances were good, which bad and which in between? My take on it: GOOD 1. Min-Rand; only one well done romance probably. I would sacrifice quartople in second for it. Min character is reduced to viewings only in TW show now however, no wit no independence, so I am quite afraid. 2. Nyn-Lan; I wrote that there is only one well done romance. It is because we don't get to see intimate moments between Nyn and Lan. It is probably good if we look at other romances. I feel that they has good chemistry together. So they deserve place her in good category. IN BEETWEN 3. Tuon-Mat; marriage established on prophecy is hardly romantic construct. However they started respect each other and so it could play well if it has more time to be build in the books. 4. Avi-Rand; although tsundere type can work well in romance building. Their relationship froze in some moment and didn't develop father. They still get to respecting each other so only time was missing. BAD 5. Elayne-Rand; they never get over crush on physical level. When I understand why Elayne teared down Rand`s banners, her renaming of Rand`s school show that she didn't understand Rand at all. His deepest fears and desires meant nothing to her. 6. Faile-Perrin; oil and water bad chemistry, they don't match at all. They were more like domestic violence then romance. Yet they are not last. 7. Egy-Gawyn; poor country girl and prince charming? Mighty aes sedai and her warden? No fairy tale like this. Self absorbed prick who made her fall and her greatest moment, but later wasn't his merit. What is your take on this? There were other couples, but I think that they shouldn't be compared with main characters. You can make separate comparison for them.
  13. Cadsuane beats Min to force her to reveal viewings about Rand. She is bully from the begining.
  14. Cadsuane wasn't only one power abuser in tWoT. But where others has some arcs of reformation or punishment, Cadsuane has nothing like that. She was near to break dragon and make him do what shadow wished, yet she never owned her mistake.
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