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Posts posted by Raeyn

  1. I've decided that I'm going to hold off on writing the rest of it out until I can get an OP score rolled.  I've already shot Jaydena a PM about it :)  But I thought about it, and how her score comes out is going to effect the end product of the bio; she's sort of a fragile individual thusfar, so I've got to take into mental consideration any possible knocks she could've taken in training when I finish writing it all out.


    Gesturing to her desk, Raeyn seated herself in her cushioned relining chair, “The notes are there, Ava... feel free to make use of the blank sheets for whatever notes you wish to make, as I'm afraid that I can't let you walk off with the lot while I'm  still using them.”


    Ava's eyes flashed sullenly, “Perhaps she thought she could dash off with them,” Raeyn mused to herself as she watched the Gray Sister start into her efforts,  “Perhaps some tea would calm her.”


    She rose silently and strode to the outer door.  Opening it, she leaned out and spoke quietly to the Novice, “Child, why don't you run down and fetch some tea and cakes for us.  I'll move her stack in here in the meantime, so it will be safe.”  The Novice curtsied, “Yes,  Aes Sedai,” and started to turn.  Raeyn stopped her with a firm hand on the shoulder, “I should add that I wouldn't be too cross if a little cake didn't make it all the way up here, if you understand what I mean... off with you, now!”


    Raeyn closed the door behind herself and made her way back to her recliner.  “I sent the Novice for tea and cakes,” the Brown Sister spoke.  She raised her hand to forestall Ava from speaking, and continued, “I've moved your things inside by the doorway, where they will be safe... and I also wanted to speak to you briefly on a matter.”


    “And what would that be, Raeyn?”


    “I couldn't help but notice the way you were acting towards that Novice girl,” she smiled apologetically, “but it's generally not wise to take your stress out on a Novice, or anyone for that matter.  Just because you are on an important task... for one of the Sitters, I'd guess?”


    Ava opened her mouth, but Raeyn once again gestured for silence, “Whatever the case – taking out bad feelings on Tower initiates is in poor taste -  we as Sisters have a standard of firmness and fairness to set.  This isn't just for their own good, but for yours and mine, too.”  Raeyn leaned forward and caught hold of Ava's gaze, “Because... 'lazy, slacking' Novice or not now – some of these children will be our future Sisters.


    Suddenly, someone knocked on the door.  “One moment!”  Raeyn called as she rose from her chair.  “Of course,” she started, turning once again to face Ava, “that is unless you want to find a lack of allies in future years due to thoughtlessly alienating people in petty ways... not that I condone coddling the children either, but there must be balance.”


    Raeyn stopped on that note and strode to the door.  Upon opening it, she found the Novice waiting.  “Come in, child!”  Raeyn spoke, and gestured to the table where Ava was sitting.  Smiling brightly, Raeyn shut the door behind herself and turned again to face Ava, “Well, the tea is here now.”

  3. I don't know, yet :D


    Is there actually anyone puttering around but the two of us?


    I do like the doctrine conflicts; at current I'd be slotting my character into the former and more popular one, as that is what I have in mind for her at current.  Once again  - got to get to re-writing/updating the biographyt, which might shift her t'other way.


    I also should go caffinate, and lunch is making me sleeepy.



  4. There's always room for new additions :D  Though I do prefer receiving them in set form; love all the Ajahs, and maybe spend a little extra effort on the one you love the most ;)


    If anyone does want to whip up a set, zip 'em up and mail them to raeynsedai@yahoo.com - no using models, or I won't put them up.  Seriously.    Hate the models, 'cause we're not all perfect and pretty (though most people here are quite attractive!), and they aren't you, so it's misrepresenting. ::nods firmly::  Historical art is okay, any range of fantasy art (minus Jonathan art - sick to death of it), anime, etc.


    And I think that reminds me that I might be short a Gray tag in the bucket; I'm going to have to check that when my brain isn't fried jellystew.


    the White Tower Tags site, in Photobucket format:




    Everything is sorted into subalbum for ease of finding exactly what you want.  If you do decide that you want to use an image - please download it to your machine and upload it somewhere else - IF YOU HOTLINK, I WILL EAT YOUR SOUL >:|


    For those of you that are newer - the White Tower Tags site project is something I took over from Sabine Sedai in... 2001?    One can think of it as an archive of White Tower related arty-bits from the past 7+ years that various individuals have contributed for general usage here at the Dragonmount White Tower.


    Which gets me to the next bit - you are NOT authorised to use these at any old Wheel of Time site without permission from either myself or the original artist.  You are not permitted to alter the actual artwork, as it's not your creative property to damage.  If you do want to use a tag at another site, please message me for permission.  I bring this up due to an issue we had several years ago with members here starting their own site, taking art from the Tags, and altering it.  Of course, it took a bit for them to understand we were asking them to take down things they didn't have permission for vice playing as Aes Sedai at their own site (they were N&As here; was funny for me after the air cleared!).


    And if you happen to be one of the original artists lurking around here still?  You rock my nuts <3 <3

  6. Oh right... you're the one with the almost-identical name to my White Sister (being Lillith... and not changing that, as I a) picked that name out some 4 years ago, and b) that is my main online name outside of the WoT world :D).  And I already have the basic idea of what she's to be like - cold, introverted, and limited on social skills/niceties...  though this is subject to slight change based on what I do with the rest of the bio, since I still need to fill in the bits to reflect her time in training.  If you want, I'll shoot you a pm of what I have of the bio as this point - it's basically up until she was recruited for the Tower, and sharing it might help me get off of my ass and fill in the gaps.

  7. Heh, Joram hates DM as a whole and seems to have a mild shine to me due to the fact I stormed off for a couple of years and return properly wary.  He generally approves of me, and more so due to the fact I'm not married to another DMer D:


    I am flattered, though, that he almost considered visiting me... only 4+ years after he knew I was living 1.5 hours south of him.  Bleh :)


    And I think that is the case with returnagegesges - I've noticed a lot of names popping out of the abyss (such as Master Lu aka Eggy of the Blues... SQUEE!)

  8. Heh, all of it, probably.  The main things I need to do is buckle down and taint myself with boring stupid Oaths (unless I can get away with a bare-bones cut and paste job; I am firm in that this is a waste of my fucking time), as well as update the bio.  I already have an idea in mind for the character development RP... if I can talk Taya into it ;) 


    I'm still trying to get my head wrapped around the rest of the requirements - stupid inability to lie and claim that it was an NSW/NPC that I'd written and used prior -__-



  9. Arette said it better than I, considering I'd normally just say, "You know if this character is to be Brown or not, and no amount of recruiting and wooing will bring you our way otherwise."


    I will add that the Brown Ajah is an EXTREMELY versatile Ajah; you can't pin us to one stereotype if you really wanted to for style of RPing.  We can be found hiding in the Library, or off and abroad doing who the heck knows what!  I know that in incarnation one (DM 5), Raeyn was going to actually work in art collection and preservation :)  Now that she's older, she's quite content to putter around the Tower doing scribe work and other on-site text preservation while the younger Sisters go gallavanting off researching whatever their little hearts desire <3

  10. I've already been giving group access here.  Whee!


    I do have a base bio that I need to tweak up to standards, but yeah... I will gladly take assistance from anyone when it comes to getting the crap together for a 2nd new Sister character ('cause I hate things that smack of training, like Oaths :/).


    Whee <3

  11. Raeyn Priya Saethyr


    Brown/Black Ajah

    I don't know if there is anything missing from my OP score; if there's been any revamps in the past two years, I guess I'm probably owed points.  Otherwise, eh.


    I guess I'll just repost once I have my other Sister sorted out.  She will be White though, and I have the base of the bio scribbled out.

  12. Raeyn blinked at the Sister in front of her before looking down.  Sure enough, the volume she had been copying from had wandered downstairs with her!


    “Light,” she muttered as she eased into a seat, “I meant to leave this up in my chambers, as I was in the process of rescribing it – boring stuff, really.”  Raeyn placed the book on the table in front of her and paused to muse aloud, “I still have a bit to go on this volume, and should take it back up with me... in addition to the fact that this volume is in need of rescribing both due to age and the fact the prior scribe did a very poor job – it's quite difficult to read.”  Her brows furrowed as she thought further before suddenly brightening, “However, I do have another Sister's notes in my chamber on this volume and those other two you have with you – I fetched them from the Library as a reference aid to make sure that I copied everything as correctly as possible... perhaps they would be of greater aid to your research than recreating it yourself?”


    Raeyn had to suppress a smile as the Sister in front of her's head jerked upwards, “Actually, yes!”, the Gray replied, “It could save me time that would otherwise be spent pouring through all these volumes myself.”  Raeyn nodded and spoke again, “Indeed!  If you would like to accompany me back to my chambers, you are more than welcome to read through them.”


    She did permit herself a small smile as the Gray Sister's body visibly relaxed as she nodded agreement.  “Poor dear,” Raeyn thought to herself, “she must be on a task for Phaedra or one of the Sitters.”


    Raeyn stood up and gestured to the Gray that should should as well.  As the rose, Raeyn suddenly gestured to the Novice  and spoke, “Before we leave, perhaps you should see what your young assistant has found, if anything.”

  13. OOC - Hope this is suitable :D 




    Rubbing her eyes, Raeyn blinked at the partially-scribed book before her, and wondered why it was so dim.  “Of course,” she muttered under her breath, “I've let the candles go out again.”


    She stood and stretched, enjoying the sensation.  “Important preservation work or not, I could do with a break!” Raeyn thought to herself as she eyeballed the text upon her desk.  It was some treatise or another on Cairhien ambassadorship; it was not a tome that was of particular interest to her, it was just another one of the endless books that needed rescribing after years of existence.


    Stifling a yawn, Raeyn stretched a bit more before stepping over to her mirror.  She studied her image – a slightly plump woman clad in dark violet with faint circles under her eyes, and unmussed dark hair sensibly pulled away from her face.  She nodded in satisfaction, and headed for the door.


    Raeyn glided down the hall with no particular destination in mind.  For once, her brain was a peaceful blank to match the serene exterior as she progressed downward.  Before she knew it, Raeyn found herself within the welcoming warmth of the Library.


    “It shouldn't surprise you,” Raeyn thought ruefully to herself as she nodded a greeting to the Sisters on duty, “You DO spend more time in your quarters over the Library than you ever did in your chambers within the Tower!”


    She panned her eyes around the room.  Suddenly, her gazed locked onto a frustrated young woman sitting next to a nervous-looking Novice.  Permitting herself a small smile, Raeyn approached their table.


    “Hello... Eva, is it?” Raeyn queried, “You look frustrated... do you wish assistance in anything?”

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