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Posts posted by Raeyn

  1. That is true, Shan - As much as Raeyn loves her little Brownies, it does irk her that they're off having adventures like they were Greens!  And actually, I had an idea for a possible correspondence RP, since you're sort of not at the Tower (if I recalled correctly) due to the Watchers stuff (??)... something along the lines of "twhap, I told you so! ... finish your sprouts <.<".

  2. Erm... see what I can do; I'm not good at those summary things.


    ::watch this space for it::

    ::quit watching this space; look below::


    The end is near, but for whom?  Kathana Sedai (The Amyrlin Seat) is suspected of having knowledge pertaining to the Dragon Reborn, and the Black Ajah wants it.  Using her position as a Sitter and as a former Sister  to the Amrylin, Raeyn Sedai tricks the Amrylin into believing she has captured a Sister of the Black Ajah and has her held for Kathana's inspection and prosecution.  Trusting Raeyn to be telling the truth, Kathana followd her down to the basements, where Siofra Sedai lies in wait to find out everything Kathana could know....


    (and if you don't want it in teaser style, continue below)


    Kathana admits to nothing, in spite of torture ((this is where I boiled her blood; woots!)).  Furious, Siofra finishes her, and has the body taken back up to the Amrylin's chambers, where it is discovered the next day without a mark on it.  The Tower assumes she has died in her sleep, and prepares both the funeral, and to raise a new Amyrlin.

  3. We might have to work out something, either retro or current timeline.  I don't really want to think on it right now, as we're going out of town this week for a week (be gone Wednesday-Wednesday), and if all goes well, we should FINALLY be moving into our house shortly after that :)  I'll have internet/email access while gone, but I won't want to be thinking about anything DM-related while gone :)

  4. I wish I could take credit for the actual kill - the idea for the RP was mine, as was asking Kathana if she wanted to do it, but Siofra actually stole the kill due to being Ajah Head at the time.. so I was just the "trick her to the basement pawn".


    Still >:D


    Everything else looks fine for now; if I can think of anything, yadda yadda <3

  5. I don't have a particular issue with the Sitters being the ones that put her forward - deffo just blanking on whether it would be proper for them to put someone forward and then be able to stand for them or not.  That's the main point of discussion that might need resolving.  I guess it's sort of a moot point, since 15 or 18 - there still has to be unity on the choice ;D

  6. Oh, you already know you'll be washing at least once ;)  I appreciate the fleshing out on the character's relationship stance with the Greens - that will make it possible for me to stand for Annais... after I walk through some mud for her ;)


    (well, not literally the last part)


    It should actually make for an interesting character relationship if Annais is semi-intimidated by the average run-of-the-mill Brown... Raeyn would probably make her wet herself  :D  Is good to be old and cranky!  And don't worry - not likely to try anything skeeery against Annie ;)


  7. I hope you guys have kept Kathana's death as it should've been - mysteriously dead in bed ::snickersnorts::.  That, of course, being the Blacks tricking her into the basements for interrogation over the Dragon being reborn, and killing her for her lack of information.... squee <3


    (my fondest moment; gotta love it when you ask someone if you can kill them, and they say yessh! <3)

  8. Maybe make her a Yellow over a Blue?


    And it's not like they're both in there for us to yay or neh; it would just be suspected that someone was going to put the Blue gally forward (or whatever Ajah we decide she can be from), so people pushed Annais through quickly.


    That was a question I had - why are her Sitters putting her forward?  I would've thought it would've possibly been other people, instead of ((possibly)) costing the Grays their three Sitters/Ajah Head via exile.  Plus, that is sort of with the not quite right -them putting her up AND then being able to stand for her. 


    Just my two cents.

  9. They will - they'll just be parchment thin.... it's pretty creepy neat to see it.  I honestly just recommend filing nails, drinking your dairy (or dairy equivalent), using clear coat over top to prevent breakage, etc.  you can buy nail food that's supposed to help strengthen them as well.  It takes a goodly while, but the results are worth it ::smiles at her talons::


    I mean... erm... I know nothing about girly stuff!  ::hides::


    Character name: Mariasha Valnar

    Bondmate: Taeadra Sedai of the White Ajah

    Additional notes: Taeadra's player (Chrissy) has been MIA from Dragonmount for a couple of years now, and the Whites are just now figuring out how to justify her absence... considering that I wrote this character to bond with her specifically, I'd don't want to have to rewrite or write her out of my bio.... so sort of out to lunch while that gets sorted :/

  11. I believe I remember you, and was thinking of you just the other day, Coran - I believe we trained together at some point or another... something about walking on logs and hiding clothing bit up trees or some such.


    And Shoar - you could always make him go insane and evil; I think I need a replacement Warder with Mat having fled to the wilds (unless there's still a character of hers that is technically my replacement Bonded; I need to obviously spend more time on ICQ and figure this out :D)

  12. Chocolate anything is good ::wiggles suggestively::


    Erm... I'm not supposed to wear my shawl over here, am I? ::grins::


    And I guess some men enjoy insane women - my husband seems happy enough with me ;D


    Right-o ladies, we've got a new Amyrlin, and though yes - she's going to get picked, what is everyone's stance going to be?


    I am still waiting for Arette to post her thoughts on how Annais would related to the Greens, which will honestly make one of the main influencing points on how Raeyn relates to her - even if they're fun to chat to OOC, we're all quite aware that my character hates Greens, and thinks little of you adventuresome wandering sorts ;)


    Thoughts, opinions, standing or not?  I plan on keeping Raeyn's bum in a chair, especially coupled with the fact that the proposed other possible character is a Blue (who we traditionally support).

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