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Posts posted by Raeyn

  1. Considering that Raeyn is such a Tower-bound sort in general and not a teaching sort, she probably wouldn't have more than a passing relationship.    More than likely I will have to say what Shan feels her relationship to Annais was to further decide what mine would've been, since Raeyn is motherly towards the younger Browns, and generally will listen to what they have to say about others.


    That is, unless Annais would've had need for a cranky old Brown at sometime in her younger days, but otherwise - passing and probably neutral-to-disliking, depending on how much time Annais would've spent associating with Greens in a social sense.

  2. No Izzy.  Seriously, Lillith is my other main alias on these intarwebs, and I will move myself elsewhere if people insist on that sort of indignity upon me :)  Like.. to the point people can't ever remember my real name 'cause they feel Lillith suits me better - it's as much my real name as Virginia is these days.  I will respond to Lil or Lillith as easily as my real name.


    ::puts foot down and keeps it there::

  3. Gah, I really don't.  I've gotten to use her for all of one post prior...and I still need to finish writing my second PC bio -__-


    I'll try to think about it on Friday when I actually have time to apply brains to things; I've got radio shows today and tomorrow to do (on air right now!), and that takes a lot of mental effort :)

  4. Which means we should keep her in the 150-180 range, so she's at least got a modicum of respect and position within the Ajah, and not just some "damned kid".


    Your suggested ideas sound sturdy enough; is there anything else we should try to include?  A Warder lost, perhaps?  Something to help teach/reinforce her caution, at least

  5. Yeah, definetly would be offering her up as a NSW... hence why we'll be changing the name - I am very uncomfortable with the idea of someone playing my other Rae character by name :)


    As for filling in the bio - I am sheer crap at that sort of thing, as I like things to be very general (since I don't usually concern myself with anything but PCs).  We could shift her age down 30-60 years, for starters, and then figure out good anchors.  It would probably be in her best interest in that manner, so that she's not completely alienated the entire Ajah by being the odd one out, or gotten herself mysteriously kicked out by the rest of the Ajah :D


    Still, it does provide the degree of flexibility, in that we've already got it established that she works on concealing her ways a touch from her Sisters to avoid massive confrontations, so..


    Anyways, what do you think would be some good anchor points?  Reflections about major events/RPs and how they affected her personality, or?


  6. ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~

    Name: Allriendrae Al'Thorin

    Position: Aes Sedai of the White Ajah

    Age: 210

    From: Saldaea

    Height: 5'7"


    Description: Slender and pale, Allriendrae has long, dark brown hair and eyes to match. Though not terribly striking in appearance, she can have a forceful presence when needed.  (I can add more here if needed)


    History: Allriendrae's father Trom was a merchant's guard from Andor who fell ill while on a trip to Saldaean town of Mehar. While under the care of a local Wise Woman, he fell in love with her apprentice Merise. He quit his work as a merchant's guard, and they settled down outside of the town on their own farmstead.


    Allriendrae was their only child, and spoiled quite rotten. Any time either of her parents had business outside of the farm, she would insist on following; she always wanted to see what experiences she could gain! Because of said precocious nature, she also thought it logical to talk to anyone she could.


    Shortly after her 16th naming day, she was visiting an inn with her mother to care for an ailing visitor. While waiting in the common room, she was approached by a woman. Even though she was often friendly and talked to strangers, it seemed odd to have someone come up to her table, and then sit down! The woman fixed her with a pointed gaze, and spoke, "Do you be aware that you are able to channel, child?"


    A shiver ran through Allriendrae - "Channel?! Me?" she asked increduolously, "I.. I.." she trailed off as her mother came down the stairs.


    "My darling daughter," Merise began, "though it would pain me to see my only child go, but this could be an opportunity of a lifetime for you."


    What choice would anyone make, faced with such a decision?


    Allriendrae rarely thought back on her decision after the first decade or so. Novice training was a rough period of her life, and her twice-over refusal of the Arches caused much comment. Still, she persevered and managed to reach the shawl in less time than had been expected (considering that it seemed very logical to her to take her time and learn as much as fully as possible!!). So, at the tender age of 33, she petitioned and was accepted into the White Ajah (though some still said behind her back that she was much too curious, and should've gone brown!).


    The years passed, and she managed to rein in her natural curiousness enough to better fit in within her Ajah. It was still logical to her to find out as much about a subject as possible before deciding a true consensus, though she made a point not to flaunt it in her fellow Sisters' faces.



    As you can see, she's a good age to be an influence, and is very inquisitive.  There is just the matter that I am lacking years of back-history on her.


    I would ask that we changed the name on it though, as Allriendrae is one of my three main names I used for Aes Sedai characters that I PC.  We can fill in that blank later - I'm on the air right now, and just wanted to get this shell up for people to pick at <3

  7. Hence I said Sitter-aged Sister; one who is old enough to be comfortable with being a Sister in her own right who might have her share of influence outwards (the N&As, relating to Sisters in other Ajahs, etc), but is sort of an outcast amongst her own Ajah.


    I actually have a bio that might fit the bill that I'm planning on using over at the off-site board, but I can always put it to use here for filling a history hole... only bad spot with that is she's 210, and doesn't have  much history as a Sister, and I'm toooo lazy to fill it in XD  But she is definetly more of a Diamond than a Blade.


    Still, it could be utilised as a base-form for us to all poke at and tweak to fill in the suggested role of influence.

  8. I like this idea - we could feasibly write up a few NSW/TPCs/Whatever the hell you guys call them these days to fill in the age gap and to strengthen the movement, as well as to further pad out the Ajah.  We could also perhaps have one of those bios be a youngish Sitter-aged Sister who could've mentored those of the "clique" to further reinforce their recruitment towards the Whites, as well as give further explanation as to why they've embraced that sort of take on philosophy.

  9. Is true - you guys are both full of good ideas :)  I think I was just given staff-ish positions 'cause I'm good at facilitating and getting better and orgamanizing.


    What did you have in mind, Perine?  ((so as to quit with all the thread-jacking))

  10. There's always in-fighting between the Ajahs... and I think that we can firmly say that Greens and Browns will never get on in the Tower ::grins::


    'Cept, y'know... in stuff like raising Amyrlins.


    I know know who else has any sort of particular rivalry, though.  Seems like a nice little semi guide-line to this would be useful... I think that Browns are usually with Blues and Grays (at least, that's how I've recalled playing it historically), will work with Whites, can put up with Reds, will tolerate Yellows for short periods of time, and want nothing to do with the Greens.

  11. Something like... could always out it as say... a little clique of sorts formed (2 or 3 girls who were N&As together and raised within a year or two of each other, perhaps), revitalizing the movement.


    I'll muse further when I'm caffeinated and warm.

  12. I'll help: pick a mission or 'life cause' first and then see what Ajah fits best. :)


    Did that help? Just a little? ;)


    What she said, honestly.  Perhaps tweak some things in the character's past, or perhaps go Portal Stone style and do a "what if?" on her - just pick some arbitrary point in her development that you'd consider significant, and flip it the other way around.... it might lead you down an interesting new road.

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