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Occams whiskey bottle

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Posts posted by Occams whiskey bottle

  1. Rereading WoT for the 2nd time, or 1st depending on how you look at it. The first time I read it I was drinking a lot, so many pages that I read were under the influence. Nevertheless, I am doing a combination of listening to them and reading them. The Rhuidean parts are awesome! I love how RJ uses it to give us more info of the world instead of having 2 characters talk about it.

  2. You wouldn't be abridging the series for people who are already fans of the series. After all they would still have the unabridged series. You would be doing it for people who view it to be too long to even start especially since it was finished by another author. You'd also be abridging it for people who would love to reread the series, but don't want to go through the entire 14 books. 


    I an abridgment ever were to happen it would certainly be led by Harriet. In other words it isn't likely to happen, but I do believe that it would be awesome if they did. 

  3. Wheel of Time has long been on of my favorite series, but even with that I have always felt like it could be better if it could be edited down to a more focused story line. I am wondering what others would think about taking the series and re-editing it down to 6-7 books instead of the 14. In my opinion it would open the series up to a new group of fans who have been reluctant to dive into the series because of all the negative chatter about the slow middle books. New fans could breeze through the abridged books and then if they are interested in diving deeper into the world they could reread the unabridged books. 


    What do many of you think? I realize many traditionalist's will not like it, but try to be more specific than just answering "no" or "that sucks".


    I like the idea, and even though Team Jordan probably will never release an abridgment to the series it is something that I would love to read.

  4. What made the WoT such a great read was all the mysteries. That's why I loved the ending of AMoL. I read that book months ago, and here I am, on break from work, on Dragonmount discussing who the Aiel was in the final act. The pipe, Nakomi, all that stuff is intriguing to me. Personally, I believe Nakomi is an avatar of Tigraine passing between both worlds. Tigraine could be just a wise old soul who among other accomplishments sometimes gives birth to the Dragon Reborn.

  5. WoT was the first fantasy series I ever read and the Sword of Truth was the second. I was looking for something that was very similar to the WoT, and I have to say that I didn't like SoT at all. I thought the story itself was ok, but it was all I could do to finish the first book and overlook the horrible dialogue. That opinion was formed before I read any criticism of SoT.

  6. Could someone clarify something about Nakomi for me? As I understand it the old Aiel outside of Shayol Ghul in the Epilogue was written by RJ, but BS thought that would be too weird to introduce a mysterious character in the end, so he wrote the character Nakomi and inserted her in the other novels. Have I understood that correct, or did BS write the Aiel lady in the epilogue also?

  7. Why does the Dark One Refer to Rand as Lews Therin? It makes sense that the Chosen refer to Rand as Lews Therin because that is what they knew him as, but the Dark One has known Rand's incarnation ever since the beginning, and Lews Therin was not the first Dragon. 


    If the Dark One started calling him "Jimmeh Rubles," Rand would probably leave quickly thinking he was late for the Last Battle. which would have been a great nod to the White Rabbit of Alice in Wonderland...

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