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Posts posted by Nargbert

  1. What? We cant take over shinear? It has to be Kandor? Or are we just gonna fight in Kandor? WE NEED TO TAKE SOMETHING OVER! GO SHADOW!



    and I must say... I am a fan of tinker killing and hoomahn army training. *nod nod nod*




    Foot of the Dark

  2. *breaks out into song to the chorus line of copa cabana!*


    They call me Nargbert...

    Nargbert of SG....

    And when I drink to much I have to go pee!


    Come and Join me!

    Be one big Party!

    Throwing those poor lightfools up into trees!


    Because I want to...

    In the borderlands...

    And if we are lucky

    we wille at all their sheep... and! (needed a rhyme!)


    Ok.... narg is done for now

  3. Nynaeve shifted her eyes and then directed them back to Damian. "If something happens to me, that might shatter your sanity. That worries me." Nynaeve shook her head after a moment. "But it'll never come to that, because I will have the best protector an Aes Sedai can ask for." She said to him.


    "Well, of course I would be a great protector. And besides, even if we weren't bonded... if something happened to you... my sanity would be gone then as well. Soooooo... we will just have to make sure my sanity stays in check. That means you not doing anything crazy... and me making sure you don't do anything crazy! See, it wont be that hard... unless... trying to protect you drives me crazy... which, bonded... would drive you crazy... but hey! Problem solved! We would be crazy together!" Damian laughed at his own joke. When he looked back at Nyna he saw she wasn't quite so entertained by his musings. He sighed.


    "I understand what I am getting into darling. Don't worry yourself about that. I am willing to take the risks. Then I can stand by your side as we go out and do great things... like heal rabbits and stuff!"



  4. Well, narg is bored... and for some reason SG is dead. What the hell is wrong with you people. I step out for two or three minutes..... or years... depending on how you deal with time... and then BOOM! You all become a bunch of pansy ass little.... sorry... as I said... Narg is bored.


    So, narg is just gonna start an idea thread... because he is bored.... and he likes to brainstorm... because even though DM tries to stiffle creativity in the name of no one cheating... narg likes to cheat! Deal!


    So, without further ado.


    Idea #1: I still hate the fact that this plan once had a chance and never panned out due to... well... we wont discuss that. But the idea.... ladies and gentlemen. SG needs to play a more prominent role in DM. To do that SG must take its fate in its own hands. Yes, you may have incarns and other DL's telling you they don't like what we are doing... but what can they do?? WE ARE SG! Because of this, SG should go on the offensive. If the chosen won't help, so be it. Narg will collect an amry of trollocs and hoo-mahns... and we will begin conquering randland.


    Think about. What would the rest of the rp do if suddenly the shadow fell on the Borderlands and conquered it. What would DM do if suddenly the Chosen were in the open?? Full out warfare! Those that want to use their WS's can! Those that want to do scouting and killing missions can. Those that want to do love stories with the backdrop of a war can! There is so many more interesting things! It can open up everyones rping! We will have more rps... they will have more rps... something will ACTUALLY Happen with the main rp line... which leads to idea number 2.


    Idea #2: Ok, here is one from way out in left field. We do all this stuff here about not knowing the main chars.. .about them just being not played at all. I say we do something more intersting. We send out a call for applications for all those that want to be the dragon. Why do they want to... will they stay active... yadda yadda yadda.... Then pick, say, the best 20 applicants. Then... they rp...


    Make them start out with something like eye of the world... sort of... they are just lowly somebodies... man or woman. But say they are approached by someone with a story... or they suddenly find they can channel... they must escape. As the weeks go on, some are picked off. Kind of like a survivor type thing but with members of DM voting who to kick off. Some rise up to be false dragons.. others don't get that far. But in the end... one becomes the dragon. Think of the excitement... think of how much people will start watching what people are posting instead of just ignoring most of it since they could care less about billy bob and mary jane galavanting around the tower. It will finally be a real story line run by real people instead of this fantasy idea that someday we might have a real storyline.(As if this would ever happen)


    Idea #3: Ok.. I have several other less fleshed out ideas.... so I leave it to you to provide an idea #3. Why, because someone has to do SOMETHING to get people talking on this board again. And folks, I am serious about these things... lets see if we can make real changes... LETS GO PEOPLE LETS GO!


    The Nargster

    Fear me.... for no other reason then you have no clue who I am.... because those who do... left long ago... and now it is just narg... little... lonly... narg.. *snickers at the little*... ok.. don't fear me... laugh with me... because I think it is more fun to laugh rping than to right a literarily sound rp... too boring... more enjoyment... less choriness... YESH!

  5. "I am not saying that with time you'll forget. Because you won't. All I can promise is that I can help you put that part of your past to rest. If you let me." Nynaeve smiled as an afterthought and added. "Besides, it won't be just me dealing with what goes through your head. You have to deal with what goes through MY mind. Equally risky." Nynaeve laughed softly.


    "That is true!" He said. "I would finally be able to answer the question that everyone always has when they see you!" She gave him a puzzled look.


    "What question is that?"

    "Why, the question 'What was she thinking??'" And the blows began again. He couldn't help but laugh uncontrolably though. Trying to control his side splitting pain he mounted an offensive, pouncing on Nyna. She laughed then as well.


    "So, that is how you are going to protect me? By attacking me? Fine warder you will make. "


    "So then... does that mean you will accept the risks that I entail. I am willing to accept the risks you entail. No matter how many men I will have to kill because you think they are cute!"



    Or Damian

  6. "Scare me away? Why, I thought it might have been the other way, but a long time ago. Remember, I am the one with.... mental... issues..." He sighed. They needed to discuss this. He had lost it a little the night before, but not because he didn't want to think about it. He was just caught off guard and so much of his past had come up.


    "Nynaeve, I truly love you. I can only think of one reason not to be bonded. And this reason, you alone will have to decide whether it is reason enough to only love me and not completely have me." He took a deep breath. There was much to be said here, and not all of it was going to be fun.


    "You know I have a few issues. I am going to lay them out for you again. This way you know everything in this mind of mine. For if we bond, I don't want you to be shocked by my state of mind. I wasn't always a screwed up in the head tower guard. You know about my brother Vaerdeth. You also know I was gone for a time. It was when I came back that you were assigned to determine if I was completely crazy."


    "When I was gone, I traveled north. I made my way to the borderlands looking for my brother. They said he was dead, but I didn't believe it. I couldn't accept that he had killed himself over a woman. It was like Vaer. So I kept going. Soon I found myself in the blight." He closed his eyes against the images and smells that were coming to him. He had to stay focused. He needed to finish.


    "Nynaeve, I found him. But he wasn't my brother. He had changed. He had been taken... by the shadow. I couldn't believe it. I hated it. Because we were brothers he let me leave. However, I told myself that someday I would go back... I swore I had to kill him. That will never leave me. If we bond... I will always stay loyal to you. I will never let you be unprotected. But you will know that it is in the back of my mind. That is what you will have to accept that as part of me."


    "That was why I was crazy I just couldn't handle it at the time. I sometimes wonder if I still can. Who knows. But that is what you will have to accept in bonding me. You will always have all of my... always... but there will always be a peice sitting in the back of my mind..."



  7. Damian headed downstairs, whistling a tune to himself. He had to admit that it had been a rather good morning. He came down the stairs, not avoiding the creaking third step, for they were the only ones staying at the inn. He had even paid handsomely to keep it closed for the morning as well. He was holding back nothing to make this all right.


    His nose caught a womderful scent coming from the kitchen and he made his way that way. He pushed the kitchen door open and was greeted with a bustling of sights and sounds. The smile he had became even wider. The boy had done a good job, making sure all the cooks were there in the morning cooking up a wonderful feast. He could see sausage, eggs, fruit, potatos. His mouth was watering at the sites. With a hop in his step he made his way back to the common room to make sure the table was setup correctly.


    As he looked over the rest of the preperations he caught the soft sound of footsteps making its way to the stairs. He pulled himself up tall and straight, made sure his hair was still acceptable, and made his way to the foot of the stairs. He was not prepared for what he saw. There stood Nynaeve in a splendid red dress. There was a slit down to her naval, and he had to say, it kept his eyes preoccupied. Seeing that she was willing to wear something such as this he cursed himself for not buying her anything MORE revealing.


    "What? do I have something between my teeth? We yellows do have terrible oral hygiene. It is rather outragous."


    Damian let out a hearty laugh. He knew she could dish it just as well as him, and she was showing it. He offered his hand to her and she took it, letting him lead her the rest of the way down the stairs. Leading her to the common room he took some satisfaction in knowing she wasn't the only one who could get a jaw to drop.


    "It is beautiful Damian. How did you find all these flowers at this time??" She asked, taking in the smell of one of the yellow ones.


    "Lets just say, I have an uncle." He grinned and then clapped his hands dramatically twice. The cooks came streaming out of the kitchen will the food he had been sampling with his eyes before.


    "Sit darling! I had a small meal prepared for us."

    "Small? This is a feast for a queen!"

    "Well, yes, true. But when I took it out of her kitchen, she didn't complain."


    They dug in, enjoying everything the cooks gave them. But he knew the fun could not last. He knew he had something else to bring up. Now was the time. They both were in a good mood, and it wasn't a topic that would ruin breakfast.... he hoped.


    "So, Nynaeve Sedai... I believe we were having another discussion last night that did not get resolved. Do you remember this discussion?"



  8. Damian sighed a false sigh of hurt. He shook his head around in a groggy manner. "Just like a woman to make a man do back breaking work and then not let him get any rest." He kissed her good morning. "Whew! You would think you yellow sisters would pay more attention to things like oral hygine!" He cringed, already knowing the blows were coming. Small pinches fell all across his body, leaving small red marks. They wouldn't last the hour, yet still they did the job.




    The pinching stopped but she still had her own mock hurt on her face. "Men... insufferable" she muttered. He couldn't help but laugh as he pulled himself up and began to get dressed for the day. He didn't think he would have any problems convincing anyone he had already taken his training beating for the day, but they wouldn't know the half of it. He finished dressing and found his blade as she just stayed in bed and watched him. He wondered what was going through her mind. Was she wondering what the heck she was doing there with him? Was she happy? Was she afraid? So many things to worry about. Alas, he was determined to enjoy the moment, even though he knew they must turn to more serious talk very soon.


    "Well, are you going to get dressed?"

    "What, with you in the room? It wouldn't be proper!" He smirked at her. He hoped her humor meant she was happy.


    "Well then, let me take my leave and let you dress then!"

    "So, you are just going to leave now? When will I see you again." He sighed... women.


    "I am not sure my dear. Maybe not today... maybe not tommorow... but someday... we will meet again. Here..." He pulled a few crumbs of bread and some lint out of his pocket. "Hold on to this. Everytime you look at it, you will remember me, and the short time we have together..."


    He turned and then walked out the door, closing it behind him. He stood outside the door and slumped up against it. He counted to himself.... one... two... three... then he opened the door again.


    "Of course you could always come down for breakfast in a few. I am sure I will be there if you would like to dine with me." Another smack came out of nowhere as he giggled and slammed the door on his way downstairs.

  9. Damian kissed her. She tasted like truffles with a hint of vanilla mixed with cinnimon. That or he was just making things up because... well, because that is what he did. They broke their kiss as Damian stared intently at her.


    "Now, don't you go get started on this marrying stuff either! If I did that and my mother found out... she would die!"


    She grabbed him and kissed him again. For once he finally took a hint. He gathered her up in his arms and began his walk to the stairs, and then up them. He carried her to the sweet and gently dropped her to the bed.


    "Whew... we made it. That was a heck of a walk!" She gave him another dangerous look after that statement and he could only laugh. He knew that would get her. Grabbing her he kissed her again to let her know he was kidding......

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