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Posts posted by Tigara

  1. Handle: Elgee


    Character Count (for this Division): 2


    Contact: lg_curepipe@hotmail.com




    Character Information


    Name: Larindhra Reyne


    Age: 172


    Nationality: Shienaran





    Hair: Long dark brown hair usually worn in a loose bun


    Eyes: Brown

    Skin: Pale olive

    Height: 5”6

    Voice: Alto

    Other: Slightly plump





    Skills: Very good at manipulation




    Knowledge Weakness: Though not brilliant, she is of above average intelligence

    Physical Weakness: Does not like “roughing it”

    Personality weakness: Has a temper that gets out of control when she finds a Darkfriend






    Iron willed, quietly stubborn, impatient with foolishness. She has a quirky sense of humour which she mostly hides, except with her few close friends.  Seemingly warm but actually coldly calculating, although she does have a nurturing streak. She is totally dedicated to the Light, the Tower, and her Ajah.  She joined the Red Ajah because she thought it would give her the best opportunity to hunt Darkfriends, a subject on which she is near rabid.






    Larindhra was born in Shienar, the youngest child of farmers.  Though not a beautiful girl, she was quite pretty and had a warm and sunny disposition.  Her life was a happy one, and she was content with the path laid out for her: to marry a nice young man and carry on as her parents had done. Sometimes Aes Sedai passed through the area, and even though she revered the women, as most Shienaran did, she avoided them since she had no ambition to become one herself.




    This changed one day, shortly after turning 16. Larindhra was in the local village to sell some eggs and buy a few supplies when by sheer chance she overheard a conversation by Darkfriends, discussing a raid on her farm. She rushed home to warn her family, but was too late: her parents and her older siblings were dead, killed by Darkfriends the dogs would have given no warning of. All Border Landers were trained to defend against Shadowspawn attack, farmers even more so than Villagers, but these were people they knew and would therefore not guard against.  One would have expected a girl of that age to collapse into a sobbing heap, but the only emotion Larindhra could feel was a burning fury. Taking only long enough to bury her family, dig up the strong box with its small contents of silver marks, and gather what little usable supplies there were, she headed back to the village. Hiding out until she spotted one of the people she had overheard, Larindhra followed the woman for hours until sheer luck brought her into a dark side street. Using all the stealth she had learnt from her father’s lessons on how to escape from Trollocs, Larindhra crept up behind the woman, and then slashed her throat. Fighting down the bile that rose in her throat, Larindhra’s hands shook as she cleaned the knife she had thus far only used to slaughter livestock with. She tried to find the man the woman had been talking to, but she had never gotten a good look at him, and of course she had killed her only source of information.  Furious at herself for not thinking before acting, she was at a loss for what to do next, till she remembered the Aes Sedai.  She was determined to hunt Darkfriends, and who better equipped to do that than one of those legendary women?




    The thought that she might not be able to channel never entered her mind, so focussed was she on her goal.  With very little money on her person, she was extremely lucky to come across a group of Green Sisters heading back towards the Tower after a taking their turn at patrolling the Blight Border.  Though still feeling in awe, she steeled herself to approach the women and ask to be taken to the Tower, who tested her and confirmed that she could learn to channel.


    Larindhra applied herself to her studies, forgoing most of the frivolities of other novices, although she did participate in the odd prank to relieve the stress of long years of studying. She briefly contemplated joining the Green Ajah, but upon being raised her mind had been made up – the Red Ajah would give her the best opportunity to hunt Darkfriends.




    Surprisingly, she proved to be quite adept at not only finding men who could channel, but in helping them through the trauma of gentling.  Of course, she had always liked men, and was not hesitant in using whatever means to her disposal.  The ageless look suited her, enhancing her natural prettiness to something more than it would otherwise have been, a tool she used with no qualms.


    Another surprise was her success with guiding Novices and Accepted, on those brief periods where she remained in the Tower for longer than a month or two.  Though known for being stern and brooking no nonsense, it gave her great pleasure to help realise the potential of a young woman, a feeling which must have come across to them and engendered a certain amount of trust in her.  When asked to take the position of Mistress of Novices, she gave up her roaming lifestyle with much regret, but no hesitation, for the betterment of the Tower

  2. "Tigara. My name is Tigara Kazim." he said brushing his long blonde hair out of his face. He was in black. Nothing but black. No reminders of his former affiliations. Black tunic, black trousers, black boots, and a black cloak. That was always his appearal.


    "So it's Godan. I've never been that far east before. This should be entertaining." he said embracing the Source. "Can you travel? I can only skim, if you can travel it'll make it a bit easier."


    "Why yes, I can indeed Travel. Shall we depart?"


    He dug deep into saidin and deftly wove a Gateway. A thin line of silver about 10 paces high formed in midair and opened into a shimmering Gateway. He could see the famed Tairen stock grazing in the fields. He stepped through and waited for Jodeen to pass through before closing it. He looked around the field and then around him. A horse lay on the ground with it's derier and back legs separated from the rest of it. It would die soon. He glanced over to the other horses in the pasture. "Can you ride?"


    Tigara Kazim

    Killer of Horse Butts

  3. The Twins walked a bit apart from the others while they walked down the street. The Light of Truth was the inn where they had gotten their interest in the Children. They knew the place. Zela saw two other girls smiling and winking as the men passing by. "Amateurs." she muttered. Zari looked at her and just shook his head. He knew that look. She was going to do something to show off and likely get her in trouble.


    They walked a bit further down the street and Zela saw a young man of about 20 walking in the opposite direction of the little menagerie she was in. She walked up to him and he said "Hello, miss." She din't respond. She just grabbed the back of his head and press her lips to his. It lasted about 5 seconds before she pulled away and resumed down the street. "I do be sorry about me sister. She can be...forward at times." Zari said to the man, who was utterly flaberghasted. He caught up with his other half. "Zela, that did be a foolish thing to do. What if he did scream 'rape'? That would no be fitting to a Child of the Light."


    "But he did no such thing. All is well, brother. Enjoy life." Zari just shook his head and walked on. She wouldn't have gotten away with it in uniform. Oh no.


    Zari and Zela

    Enjoying the field trip

  4. Tigara arrived in Ravinda with ease. Getting anywhere was easy with Gateways. His eyes searched the landscape with cold eyes. Kandor. It stood so long, but it fell, as they all would eventually. The Great Lord would have his reign. But he had a mission and so he opened the door to the inn, where he was to meet someone. Another Dreadlord. He hadn't been particularily friendly with the other Dreadlords. He wasn't supposed to be with them. The Great Lord told him to go to Moghedien, but he couldn't find the accursed woman! How could he follow orders when he was looking for the Spider!


    "Are you him?"  he heard a voice say as he opened the door. He stood there on a bench, appearantly had been for a while.


    "If by 'him' you mean your new 'partner', then yes. Who are you and where are we supposed to be going."He said with a chill to his voice. No love lost.

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