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Posts posted by Tigara

  1. Jagaea Kazim - Fresh Kin turned to the Shadow

    Current Location - Ebou Dar, but will be mobile soon as a traveling dancer.


    I also have a Hunter of the Horn waiting in the bio email inbox. Plz and thnx! ;D

  2. 1. Have you even read the books?


    2. You did not go about this the right way. Your bio must be sent into the biochecker of the Div you are with, and he/she must approve it, then they put it on this board. You do not post your own.


    3. A ninja will likely not be approved. An assasin, perhaps, but not a ninja.

  3. The sun rose over the mountain to reveal a young girl in her tent, brushing her hair. Heather was very persnickety over her appearance when appearing in public - public being anyone she was not closely related to. She braided her brownish-blonde hair tighly, as she always did when doing archery. It kept runaway strands of hair out of her face when she was shooting. Her hair was long enough that it reached her waist when braided. Her hair had been cut once.


    She noticed the position of the sun, and knew she was running out of time. She quickly threw her adapted uniform over her head. She hadn't known what to wear to join an army, so she had altered her red festival dress to fit the cause while travelling. The sleeves were shortened to just below the shoulder, for maximum freedom. The sides of the dress had been cut up the sides to mid thigh for good mobility. It was higher up than a riding dress. The hem, the slits up the sides, the collar, and the sleeves had been decorated with a strip of dark yellow cloth. The last touch was a white hand embroidered on the left breast of it. The man who signed her up said it was alright. And she liked it.


    She grabbed her custom built longbow from the side of her cot and her quiver of arrows that was beside it. Her bow was bigger than a child's bow or a woman's bow, but not near as big as a man's. But it was almost as good - rangewise. It was a good type of yew. She was also running short on arrows. Down to the last half-dozen. Too many had broken while hunting. But it would do for today.


    She bashed off as fast as her feet could take her. She hadgood, soft leather boots, ankle high. Great for mobility. She saw a man at the archery range already. He was alone. This must be her teacher. She slowed as she got closer, and then stopped five feet away. She saluted. "Private Heather al'Morris, reporting for duty, sir!"


    Heather al'Morris

    Archer Private

  4. Jasmyne almost died. The woman was trying to meet her on eye level! It was incredibly amusing to see her bending down a bit to match her stare. Priceless. This would be more fun than she thought. But her amusement was abruptly driven to a halt when the Novice was blabbering on about Aes Sedai not being Darkfriends. Something about Andor and the Fools of the Light.


    "Listen, girl. I do not have any proof that any Aes Sedai are Darkfriends, or Black Ajah, or whatever they might call themselves. About Larindhra being a Darkfriend, that is me trying to torment her with rumor, like saying that she eats Novices for breakfast or that her undergarments are woven from the hair of Accepted. I have no proof for her. I do not think there are any Aes Sedai serving the Shadow, but..." she paused for dramatic effect. "...they swear no Oath on the Oath Rod saying that they must serve the Light."


    Jasmyne motioned the girl to enter the room. "Now any other questions before you make me late?"


    Jasmyne Ceres

    Tormenter of Larindhra

  5. Because it has no relevance to the Dragonmount RP. I don't even think there is ninjas in the Wheel of Time Books. We RP along the storyline of the books, to a point. You have to follow the rules of the books, or else it just won't work.

  6. OOC: Hehehehehehehehehehe ;D




    Mentor? That vile Red wanted her to guide a young, fresh, and unbiased mind through life in the Tower? There were only three possible options. The first was that this was a horrible, vile child that was going to torment her for eternity. The second was that Larindhra was desperate and needed someone to mentor so badly that Jasmyne was the only choice. The third was that Larindhra was as dumb as Jasmyne wanted her to be. She sure hoped it was the third option!


    Jasmyne pondered over the name. Traemane? It was familiar. In fact, it was a noble house in Andor. Yes, there was a minor Demodred that was married off to a Traemane. A strong house, then. Well, if that girl thought she was going to be all high and mighty on her, she had another thing coming.


    "Oh wonderful! I can't wait to show her to her rooms. Let's get started!" She said in her sickeningly sweet voice.  She motioned the girl to stand up and follow, and almost glared when she noted the height difference. She should really stop that. If she didn't, she would glare at almost everyone on contact. The Traemane girl followed her out of the office as Jasmyne started to list all the things they were going to do. "We're going to have so much fun together! We can braid each other's hair and have tea parties. We can study together and eat together and we'll have so much fun."


    She rattled off a few more things until she was sure she was out of earshot of Mistress Paddle-Bottom. She turned her head around slowly and started slurring words together. She quickly turned away and set a brisker pace. There was nota touch of honey in her voice now. More like nails. "Now we can get down to business. Firstly, you are no longer a noble. This is not your daddy's manor house where you sit around eating sweets and getting fat. This is the White Tower, where they make you scrub pots until your fingers fall off. Who directs that? It's that vile woman in that office you were just in. I'm even thinking that she's a Darkfriend. How else could she be so cruel and vile?"


    They turned down the hall and degan descending the stairs. "Now, the Aes Sedai expect you to be as meek as milk and to jump when they say toad, but that's ridiculous. They are just women like you, so feel free to take some liberties. Especially if you have great potential. I'm not a great judge of that, so I can't tell you if you have it or not. But, anyways, ignore that rule as much as you like. The second rule, don't be quick to ignore. You are not to channel while unsupervised. It is dangerous to yourself and others. You could burn yourself out, which is losing the ability to channel, or you could kill yourself and anyone around you. Don't ignore that rule! Other than that, you have classes that will want ot attend. those are the best part of the Tower. Just remember to channel with supervision and attend classes, and you'll be fine. Others may say that there are other rules, but you should ignore them."


    Jasmyne opened a door at the bottom of the stairs and swung it wide. Empty. Perfect! "Here is your room. Have fun with it! Any other questions before I go off to do something useful?" Jasmyne started plotting things for this girl. Let the corruption begin!


    Jasmyne Ceres

    Corrupter of Young Minds


    OOC: Don't worry about Jas. She has authority issues. ;D



  7. She was back quick! She must have been right behind them! "Ah, you must be Kiyissalle. My name is Melianna and this is your roommate, Esther," Kyisalle looked nervous. Odd. She had never seen anyone nervous in the Tower before. Scared, certianly, but never nervous. Kiyi introduced herself to Esther and explained the mess. She was new? Meli had been sure that Kiyi had been around for a while. One day always seemed the same as the next to her, so she wasn't surprised at her miscalculation. "Back to your questions, Esther. The Old Tongue is an aweful class because nothing makes sense and the teacher is intolerant of slow learners. If not for my best interests, I would not be in that class." That trailed off into some barely intelligable mutterings about manuscripts. Meli snapped back to reality with a start. "I can't really be more specific about the others. As a novice, things are rather general. And I'm not sure about specifics as an Accepted. I have never gone that way in my studies.  Sorry." She rose from the bed and walked over to Kiyi. She whispered in her ear. "About the mess. Normally, I would send you to Larindhra for this, but since you are so new, I'll let you off the hook. Just make sure you keep things tidy in the future." She winked at the small girl and smiled. She moved toward the door, stopped in the doorway, and turned briefly. "I must be going. Enjoy yourselves and don't be afraid to ask me any other questions. Good night." She was gone. Ter'angreal.Yes.


    Melianna Hollmen

    Proffesional Daydreamer

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