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jack of shadows

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News item Comments posted by jack of shadows

  1. @fikkie77,

    in my humble opinion lanfear is more aes sedai than egwene,elayne,moiraine

    and nynaeve put together,she just lost her way.

    in the towers of midnight,rand tells cadsuane that she can call him rand sedai,and like lanfear he hasn't been one for the same amount of time.

    i completely agree with mark that moiraine and lanfear are almost identical

    characters,and both of them guarded rand(lanfear saved rand's life at the

    end of the great hunt,an acounter that min never told anyone).

    true,their motives were vastly different...and again,the same.

    so back to michael whelan wonderful cover,i believe that the two women are moiraine and lanfear 2.0.

  2. personally for me,the wheel of time story was always rand's story.

    i made rand a promise around 1995,that i will follow his journey to the very

    end no matter how many years it will take.

    so for the last leg of this amazing journey i prefer the watch rand standing

    and fighting,not placed on a bier and covered with a burial shroud.

    seeing rand here,on a full heroic mode fighting the dark one,fills my heart

    with gladness-thank you michael whelan.

  3. @mark.

    you are wrong about mat,he is not an emperor,he is a prince concort,a member of the nobility,not royalty.

    prince concort is just a formal title nothing more.

    politically speaking he outranks perrin,who is a minor lord and a subject to andor throne.(like you said)

    now regarding rand,he outranks both of them easily,he is royalty by blood

    not merriage(from is mother's side tigraine mantear) not to mention of him

    being lews therin thelamon incarnate.....etc etc etc.

  4. @aidana willowraven.

    sad to hear that the publishing industry is infested with so

    much health problems,illnesses or unavailability.

    it will be prudent for tor to relocate their premises to the nearest hospital without a moment's delay.

    there's no telling what will happen between now and january

    2013 lolololololol.....tsk tsk tsk such a fragile industry..

    by the way,who is the sulking girl on the new picture?egwene?

  5. @mark.

    the last battle will be fought simultaneously in two places:

    the big one will be at the field of merrilor with the overall command of lord

    of luck(i like this title lol).

    the second battle will be at shayol ghul with rand,perrin,nynaeve,moiraine,

    aviendha and...and rand trump card...lanfear.

    so no,i dont think our three protagonists will be together in the last battle.

    i used to think of tarmon gaidon as one massive battle between forces of light

    and forces of dark,but i changed my mind.

  6. @mark.the foxhead does not affect actions of power which are not aimed directly

    at the bearer,e.g.you can throw a stone using the power and it will strike normally.

    so what stopping moridin from dropping 1000 rocks on mat's hat???actually nothing!!!!

    i read your posts all the time and i know that you are very knowledgeable about

    the wheel of time world,so you probably know about the foxhead limitations.

    as anudeep said,its all about favortisim,we want our beloved characters to win

    its simple as that.

    i voted for mat myself lol...

  7. dear mat

    let me remind you something you said a long time ago:

    one pretty woman means fun at the dance

    two pretty women mean trouble in the house

    three pretty women mean run for the hills

    so,luck or not,foxhead medallion or not,ashandarei or not,its time to run

    for the hills very fast!!!!or..or you can call rand for help,after all what's

    the point of having such a powerful friend?please call him.

    i will give you my vote because you are one of my favorites,but personally i

    think you're up to your hat in troubles.....

  8. @heavytabbs,you are absolutly right,i gave avi my vote because i adore her,

    its more like a wishful thinking,i know moridin is way too strong for her. it has nothing to do with her being on the side of light,e.g. i gave lanfear my

    vote because she is the hotest,coolest woman on wheel of time,and i really dont

    like(to put it mildly)that grandmother from hell cadsuane grrrrrrr!!!

  9. you are wrong about rand,he will survive tarmon gaidon.our legendary hero,and he

    is our hero(we the people called the wheel of time universe randland!!!!!) will

    be in a memory of light until the last word of the last sentence.

    rand's women will survive too,all three of them.

    now regarding lanfear,in the last year or so,i read many times that her call for

    help is a trap,i dont see it that way,and truly believe that it was a genuine cry for help,an s.o.s via dream world,and rand will save her,from her trap and from herself.

    so i agree with st rukos,she will survive the last battle,fighting with rand.

    after all,he has a soft spot for damsels in distress ha ha ha.....

  10. when rand told egwene to meet him on the field of merillor,i asked myself why?

    he doesn't need her approval,nor her permission to break the seals,and come hell

    or highwater he will do it,so why tell her?

    because he is not going to be there.he is using the forces of light as a decoy,

    rand knows that all the forces of light will attract the armies of dark,causing

    the inevitable battle,while he will go directly to shayol ghul with moiraine,lanfear,perrin,aviendha and maybe a few more.

  11. my money is on lanfear and moiraine,they both vanished in

    fires of heaven,now moiraine is back and hopefully so will lanfear.

    i strongly feel that rand can persuade lanfear to change sides for the last battle,the trio working together.

    it will be a fitting closure.

    i have a very soft spot for lanfear,she is after all the hottest girl in wheel

    of time lol(well,in my humble opinion anyway)

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