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jack of shadows

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News item Comments posted by jack of shadows

  1. @timewalkerauthor-the problem is err....timeline.

    we already know that rand is going to issue a series of proclamations

    concerning everyone in randland:rulers,countries,future relations etc.

    assuming that he will convince everyone including egwene that breaking the remaining seals is the only way,his next move is to redeploy all the armies

    from the field of merrilor to different combat zones,caemlyn,tarwin's gap etc.

    on the same day(he said so himself) he will go to shayul ghul with his group.

    so if he is going to send perrin and his army let's say to caemlyn,and on the

    same time go to shayul ghul they cannot be together.

    and what about mat?he is not even there,the last we saw of him,he was planning to go

    to caemlyn.

  2. @metal head.

    i am not so sure about the alternatives to replace perrin's command.

    look,i am not a great admirer of perrin,far from it actually,but for that certain

    army he is the unifying factor.

    davram bashere leads part of rand's army,galad is a whitecloak and that army

    will never follow him,and tam is in the two rivers at the moment.

    the most important factor is that it is a very bad strategy to replace one general with another on the eve of an army's greatest battle.

    as i wrote before,i am still undecided about perrin's role in the last battle.

  3. a very interesting question,let me start with mat:

    mat is the perfect general for a conventional warfare,he is a brilliant strategist, brave(but not on point being suicidal) and lucky.

    so if we are talking about open warfare,army vs army with or without channelers,mat is our man,so i don't see him going with rand to shayol ghul,,the battle between the do and rand will be anything but conventional

    the role of perrin is more...problematic,i do believe(like mark)that part of battle

    with the do will take place in tar,and perrin is the perfect dreamwalker/warrior

    to assist rand there,but i have one big problem with that,perrin arrived with an

    army of 100000 (actually,its a coalition of armies)at the field of merrilor,and i don't see anyone but him leading them,so i am still undecided about perrin.

  4. @metal head.

    "i really really really hope that moiraine takes out lanfear".

    hahahaha,i dont believe this is going to happen lol.

    i know,i know, we differ greatly in our concept of lanfear,but please bear in

    mind that she is my absolute female favorite in randland(and i am talking

    about lanfear only,books 2-5)so part of what i am writing is wishful thinking.

    i do believe she is going to supply rand the missing data regarding the bore.

    cyndane does nothing to me,she is a two dimensional insignificat nobody.


    by the way,wonderful post on the true birthplace of the dragon.kudos!!!!

    our dragon was born twice on dragonmount,tai'shar rand al thor.

  5. @metal head.

    i always considered falme the true birthplace of the dragon,not tear when rand

    took callandor.

    i agree with you about the wheel,whether or not the wheel is neutral is immaterial,its all about self preservation.

    let's look at falme again:rand's company was trapped between two armies,

    with the banner and the horn,was it coincidence? it was more likely a manipulation from the wheel.

    the whitecloaks army was annihilated in seconds,no more than cannon fodder,well,it was more like damane fodder,and like mashiara said

    some of them were good men,misguided maybe,but good men,so does the wheel care?

    no it doesn't. it uses everything in its arsenal for its purposes.

    its more like huge game of chess,you lose some,you win more(hopefully),

    and the horn is just a powerful tool nothing more.

  6. orange7

    i checked the world of robert jordan again,and it clearly states(page 23)

    that women can initiate a link,men cannot,a little later(page 25) it says

    that when a circle contain just two channelers,a man and a woman,the

    man is always the leader,exactly what rand and nynaeve did in the cleansing,

    she initiated the link and he took control.

  7. @mashiara

    when perrin said that he fought on the same side as bornhald it was a complete distortion of the truth.

    everything started in falme because rand small company was trapped between

    the seanchan army and the whitecloaks so mat decided to call for help.

    perrin had no way of knowing the intentions of the whitecloaks in falme .

    when the battle actually started,it was rand vs ishamael and company+heroes

    vs seanchan.

    the whitecloaks were mere nuisance in falme,doing much of the dying,not much of the fighting!!!!.

  8. the wheel was not showing off,the main reason for the appearance in the sky

    was rand himself:

    for 18 years rand was a nobody,a solid and stubborn sheep herder,living in a

    small village.

    we all know what happened next,so i am not going to write about it,let me say

    that rand is in denial about who he really is until falme,because in falme,the

    wheel decided that rand needed a push,not just a small push mind you,a mega proportion push,so the battle was broadcast live for half randland to


    everything changed for rand after falme,exactly what the wheel wanted.

    in my opinion all the other reasons are secondary(false dragons,to boost

    morale etc)

  9. @mashiara.

    the white tower will save lan?really????don't hold your breath.

    if you recall egwene knows about the shadowspawn invasion in the north

    (tom,chapter 27),did she do something?she did nothing!!!!,did she save

    maradon?again a resounding no,rand did.

    egwene is too busy playing politics,she ordered many rulers and their armies

    to come to the field of merrilor for her own agenda i.e to intimidate rand.

    the white tower army is at the field of merrilor,like all the other armies,and like

    many other cities,tar valon is defenceless,and ripe for a seanchan surprise

    attack via gateways this time.

    so my best bet is still the armies of the north.

  10. let's examine lan situation from a different angle,so forget about min's viewings:

    the last we saw lan,he was charging light brigade style 12000 warriors strong

    without channelers vs a shadowspawn army of 150000,so the odds are very much against him.

    i am 100 percent sure that nynaeve will be one of the selected few to go with

    rand to shayol ghul after his proclamations,so she not going to be anywhere

    near tarwin's gap.

    so everything boils down to one question:will rand send help in time?the most

    obvious answer to this is the four armies of the north,but where are they?

    did rand left them in far madding?did they come with him to the field of merrilor?

    look,this gathering at the field of merrilor is sheer idiocy from a military point of

    view,why concentrate so many armies(20+) in one place and leave so many

    cities defenceless?and on top of it all,their best general,lord of luck himself is

    not even there.

  11. @metal head

    rand was not completely wrong about moiraine,she did manipulate him.

    look at the situation from rand pov: his advisor is always keeping her cards

    close to her chest,the only information he gets is on a need to know basis,

    in the first three books he basically was her puppet.

    the first real shift of power happened when rand took his entourage to the aiel

    waste instead of conquering illian.

    in the fires of heaven i was expecting a change in their relationship, a change for the better,maybe a more balanced one.

    the confrontation with lanfear took me completely by surprise!!!!

    so instead of a better rand-moiraine team,we got that...that dreadful grandmother from hell cadsuane baaaaahhhhhhhhhhh.

    to tell you the truth,if i was in rand shoes,i'll greet not only moiraine with

    open arms,but probably padan fain too,just to get rid of that woman.

  12. @mashiara.

    i like your theory.

    the only aes sedai who can pull it off is nynaeve,she is powerful,resourceful

    stubborn with never say die attitude.

    now,the relationship between nynaeve and rand is fascinating,in the earlier

    books she behaves like an annoying big sister,but something changed between them around winter heart(even before the cleansing).

    it started with baby steps,but now its a very strong friendship,sure nynaeve

    is still nynaeve with her grumpings etc,but she cares deeply for rand.

    counting out mat,perrin and his three lovers,nynaeve is his only friend.

  13. @gwenifer,

    you had mentioned parallels,so i have two more very intersting parallels for you:

    when rand met min for the first time after his epiphany he tells her:

    "all its eyes are fixed directly upon me,and will be until i blind them",vs

    "and then shall the lord of the evning come.and he shall take our eyes..."

    and a little later:

    "the confrontation is assured and the scream that begins the avalanche

    has been sounded." vs

    "let the screams begin,o followers of the shadow.beg for your destruction.

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